improbablegames Apps

Pixelmon mod for MCPE 1.0
Even though it’s currently released as abetaversion it has loads of features and many of them work quitewell.You can catch Pokémon, duel others and use items such asthePokedex to view detailed information about your Pokémon. Evenforthe fact it’s still being in beta it definitely is very fun touseand is most definitely worth testing out!
Pokecraft mod for MCPE 1.0
This version is an early beta andincludesfeatures such as 20+ Pokémon, catch and release system andrandomlygenerated structures. If you want to turn your Minecraftworld intothe universe of Pokémon then you need to give this one atry.
Tornado mod for MCPE 1.0
This mod makes it possible to spawn atornado.It’s very dangerous as it will destroy parts of the terrainbut itcan also severely hurt you if you get too close.
HeroBrine Mod for MCPE 1.0
Even though it has been proven thatHerobrinedoesn’t actually exist anywhere in the code of the gamethere arestill conspiracy theorists who insist on his existence.TheHerobrine Mod lets you experience what it would be likeifHerobrine was real.
Desnoguns mod for MCPE 1.0
DesnoGuns comes with a custom userinterfacefor each weapon and an advanced weapon system includingthings likeammunitions and unique crafting recipes for eachweapon.More than 40 weapons are included in the mod. Everythingfromhandguns to massive rocket launchers and handheld throwableitemslike grenades and molotovs.
Portal 2 mod for MCPE 1.0
The gameplay elements include features likethePortalGuns to place portals, a GravityGun which can be used forbothblocks and mobs and lots of other nifty tools.
Portal Gun 2 mod for MCPE 1.0
With these guns you can create twodifferentportal for different parts of the world and navigatebetween theseopen portals without any hurdles and efforts.
Shulker boxes mod for MCPE 1.0
However, Pocket Edition is still alittlebehind and doesn’t have this feature yet. But if you can’twait andwant shulker boxes in your game right now then give thismod a try.They are not completely the same. For example, they don’thave anyanimation and there are also some bugs.
Super chair sitter mod 1.0
Currently it’s only possible to sit onstairsand slabs but in the future it will be possible to detect awiderrange of chair structures and sit on them too. It makes use ofthesame animation which is used when sitting on a minecart.
Blokkit Mod for MCPE 1.0
If you find one you should try to tame itasthey can be very helpful. For example, if you ever getattackedthen your Blokkit will be quick there to defend you. Thisadd-on isvery simple and I really hope that the creator will try toevolveit into something more similar to the PC mod which itbasedon.
Project superhero mod for MCPE 1.0
By becoming each superhero you get accesstoall their superhuman abilities as well as some specialitemsspecifically designed for each character. Some of theincludedsuperheroes are Deadpool, Spiderman and Superman. You willlovethis if you are into superheroes!
Overboards Mod for MCPE 1.0
The vehicle has many names like mini segwayandself-balancing scooter. Some people even insist on callingthemhoverboards but since they’ve got wheels that doesn’t reallymakeany sense. If you like the idea then go ahead and give it a tryinMinecraft!
Dayz Mod for MCPE 1.0
It’s a great addon to use if you wanttoexperience Minecraft in a post-apocalyptic styled worldwithzombies and modern weapons. It’s probably the most enjoyabletoplay on a multiplayer server but it can also be played byyourselfalone.
Advance Morphings for MCPE 1.0
After installation, modification on thegameinterface, a new button will appear, it is in the lowerleftcorner. Clicking on it brings you to the menu mode, where youcanturn invisible for hunting mobs and see a full list ofavailabletransformation options.Then get the mob to which you want to turn and kill him. Thisisbest done with enabled stealth feature, which is present inthismodification, because then you will not attack otvet.Dlyaexample,let's turn into residents to take this egg spawn andencourage him,and then we should just kill him and we will be ableto turn tohim.
Mech Mod for MCPE 1.0
It adds 21 vehicles to the game.Everythingfrom a fast yellow sports car to a British fighteraircraft whichcan drop bombs. The vehicle models are breathtakingand the userexperience is fantastic.
Pocket Heroes mod for MCPE 1.0
It also adds loads of villains like TheJokerand the Winter Soldier which you need to fight in order tounlockmore superhero armor sets. Some of the available superherosetsinclude Ant-Man, Spiderman, Batman and Wonder Woman. Most ofthemhave special abilities and tools which only they can use.
Mini map Mod for MCPE 1.0
It’s the first beta of the mod so it’sstillquite limited in terms of functionality. It will detect onlytheclosest range of blocks. It definitely proves useful,especiallywhen you are down mining, as it will detect most ores ontheminimap.
Swords mod for MCPE 1.0
Each new weapon has a unique power.Forexample, the Dawn Star, will set the enemy on fire and theVampiricBlade will drain the enemy of its blood and regenerate someof yourhealth. The powers of each weapon is nicely balanced andit’sdefinitely a nice addition to the game.
Pocket Creatures mod for MCPE 1.0
Everything from rideable mammoths,ostrichesand elephants to vicious sea creatures like the whiteshark. Allanimals got amazing textures and look stunningly similarto howthey look in real life. But of course, with a touch ofMinecraft‘sblocky design.
Guns Mod for MCPE 1.0
Sniper rifle, which will also attack thelaser,and the main thing – that it will be a sight. Improveduserinterface, new texture and an unforgettable experience – allthiswill be modified! GUN MODS For MCPE with a custom userinterfacefor each weapon gun mods and an advanced weapon systemincludingthings like ammunations and unique crafting recipes foreachweapon. AK47s, rocket launchers, grenades and glocks are justfewof the existing guns in what today is the mostcomprehensiveweapons mod for Minecraft Pocket Edition These gunsallow you todestroy blocks, blow up the landscape and more withawesomeweapons!Every mod has title, description , screenshot and downloadbutton.Search any mods for mcpe you want just browse favourite modandpress DOWNLOAD ... Done!This GUN MODS For MCPE can only be applied withBlockLauncherapplication and you need install the full version ofMCPE andBlockLauncher in your smartphone or tablet.This is an unofficial application for Minecraft Pocket Edition.Thisapplication is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.TheMinecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner. Allrightsreserved. In accordancewith
Nerd Craft Mod for MCPE 1.0
Two of the machines are used forobtainingdusts and ingots which are required to craft the newenergy tools.And the third machine can be used for charging thetools. Eventhough it’s a quite complex idea it’s incredibly easy togetstarted.
Jurassic Pocket Mod for MCPE 1.0
This map is based on the original moviewhichwas released back in ’93. The map includes some places youarelikely to recognize such as the Visitors’ Center, the JurassicParkGate, a Velociraptors Paddock and much more.