ilicitapp Apps

CurlyScan: Encuentra productos del metodo curly 2.1.1
CurlyScan es una app sencilla que te ayudará a detectar productosaptos para el metodo curly y asi hacerte más facil recuper y cuidartus rizos. En ella encontrarás 4 apartados: - Escaner: Escanea elcodigo de barras del producto para el pelo para saber al instantesi es apto o no. Además, te indica que ingredientes sonperjudiciales. - Productos aptos: Lista de productos aptos para elmotodo curly. Puedes filtrar por marcas y en un futuro por champu,mascarilla, acondicionader, etc. - Mis productos: Listado de losproductos que hayas guardado como favoritos. - Manualmente: Si elproducto aun no esta en la base de datos o no tienes conexión ainternet, puedes escribir los ingredientes que creas que sonperjudiciales para tus rizos y conoceras al momente si esosingredientes son aptos para el metodo. Además, en cada productopodrás opinar o preguntar la opinión del resto de usuari@s, paraasi ayudarnos entre tod@s las chicas y chicos de pelo rizado. Labase de datos la vamos ampliando diariamente, pero si ves quetardamos en subir algun producto, no dudes en comunicarnoslo alemail: [email protected]
Random Generator: Number, Name and Yes or No 1.0.3
Random Generator is a simple app with which you can get datarandomly, be it names, numbers or decisions between yes or not. ►WHAT SECTIONS DOES IT HAVE? The app is very simple and can be usedby everyone. To use it, you will only have to choose which randomvalue you want to achieve, the options are the following: - RandomNumber: With this function you can get a random number. To do this,you just have to say the range of numbers between which you wantthe number you want to achieve to be included. The generatednumbers are stored in a list at the top of the screen, thuscreating a history. - Yes or No: In this section only by pressingthe "Generate result" button you will get the answer of Yes or Noto help you make a decision. You can press the button as many timesas you want, each time you will get a random decision between Yesor No. - Random name: This section is the most customizable, sinceyou can add names of whatever you want (names of people, animals,actions, team names, players, etc.) and after pressing the"Generate result" a random result will be displayed out of all thevalues ​​you have added to the list. This last option is the mostpowerful since you can add up to a maximum of 20 names to the listof random elements. ► WHAT CAN YOU DO? The random generator is asimple app, but at the same time very useful, since you can use itfor many things, such as: - Carry out small raffles betweenfriends. - Conduct larger draws to create soccer, tennis,basketball, chess, etc. tournaments - Simulate sports draws,television draws, etc. - Substitute dice in board games (using theRandom Numbers function). - Perform probability statistics. -Choose between several plans. - Choose the numbers of lotterydraws. - Etc. As you have seen, with imagination and this app anyrandom decision can be generated. Therefore, we hope it is usefulto you.