iNassar Apps

Red Carpet 1.0.1
No ads in this application at all This application allows you todiscover the most popular movies playing now and it presents:- - Agrid arrangement of movie posters upon launch. - Allow the user tochange sort order via a setting: - The sort order can be by mostpopular or by highest-rated - Allow the user to tap on a movieposter and transition to a details screen with additionalinformation such as: • original title. • movie poster imagethumbnail. • A plot synopsis. • user rating. • release date.
فاتورة الكهرباء 1.1
هذا التطبيق يساعدك على حساب فاتورة الكهرباء الخاصة بالعداد المنزلي،ما عليك الا ادخال قراءة العداد وبعدها يتم حساب الفاتورة على حسبنظام الشرائح
My Portfolio 1.2
Welcome to my portfolio, I've listed some of my skills and works tothis application, if you need to see my full online portfoliokindly pay me a visit to my linked-in account. This application was createdusing a responsive HTML5 template with a web-view, to see theArabic version of the application please switch your devicelanguage into Arabic and re-open the App.
Master Password 1.0.3
Do you have many accounts like Facebook, twitter, bank account oreven your master card pin code? Tired of remembering differentpasswords for different accounts? Do you want to manage all thesepasswords from one place? Then you are in the right place to do so,Master Password offers you the best way to manage all thesepasswords from one secure, easy to use and good designedapplication.
DXC Seats Booking 1.0.3
This Mobile application will help employees and visitors bookthereseats at DXC technology offices, as they can book on seat perdayfor 7 days, also they can manage there reservations and cancelthemif not needed.