
GPS tracker super-lite 2.0.3
GPS tracker super-liteWidget program shows the location of GSM cells in the zone ofaction which is the phone that allows you to determine theapproximate location of the owner.Click on the program icon for activates or deactivates a signalSOS.The program operates as a lighthouse, from installation todeinstallation.GPS module is used only as the tracker or special teams.ID program it is a unique ID that created, when you first start theprogram. By changing the ID in settings widget, you can monitor anytelephone, where installed app LBS trail.To send the coordinates to the Live GPS Tracks, in the fieldServer set to monitor any object from the site, youneed to enter the code in the device ID
Caller car alarm 1.1.0
The program can make a call to theconfiguredphone number when connecting or disconnecting theexternal powersupply.Settings dialog opens widget program.
Family online 2.2.6
Family onlineFamily online is able to determine the approximate coordinates ofthe phone and share them with family and friends, so you willalways know who is where.The approximate coordinates are determined without the use of GPS,so the program does not affect the battery discharge. But if youneed the exact coordinates, you can request a GPS fix, although itmay be necessary only in the case of phone search.When you activate SOS signal, determined by the exact GPScoordinates and sent to you in an SMSWidget program shows the location of GSM cells in the zone ofaction which is the phone that allows you to determine theapproximate location of the owner.