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YOURART 藝游網 1.0
YOURART藝游網是一套自由公開的藝文行銷網絡平台,服務包含:大宗聯合團購、行動APP即時好康與售後服務、藝企媒合服務、企業包場選位系統、邀您一起來體驗,開啟您的雲端藝術生活。一般會員:在YOURART您可享有【專屬藝文行事曆】、透過【留言轉載分享】【參加網路活動】累積虛擬點數兌換折價券或商品;為繁忙的生活增添藝文氣息。藝文會員:在YOURART您可自由刊登【藝文情報】、【聯合團購】、【藝企媒合】訊息;這裡是互助互利的藝文資訊流通平台,我們將協助您找尋企業知音人。企業會員:在YOURART您可享有【早鳥優惠折扣】、【大宗團購優惠】、【藝企聯合公益宣傳】服務,讓同仁一起體驗藝文生活,朝幸福企業的目標逐步邁進。藝言堂創意股份有限公司榮譽出品服務信箱:[email protected]客服電話:02-878646960office Hour:AM9:00~PM6:00公司地址:11075台北市信義區松德路100號2樓官方網站:http://www.yourart.asiaYOURART Artists Networkis a free and open arts marketing network platform servicesinclude: the joint buy in bulk, mobile APP instant savings on andafter-sales service, the arts and business matching services,corporate private use election system, invites you to come togetherexperience, open your cloud artistic life.General Member: in YOURART you can enjoy [exclusive artscalendar] share through comments reproduced】 【participate innetwork activity] cumulative virtual Redeem coupons or merchandise;to add artistic atmosphere for a busy life.Arts Member: YOURART, you can be free to exhibit the [artsintelligence], United Deal], [] message of arts and businessmatching; mutual benefit arts and culture flow of informationplatform, and we will help you find bosom friend.Member Companies: YOURART you can enjoy [Early Bird discount][bulk buy discount】, arts and business joint public serviceannouncement] services, together with my colleagues to experiencethe arts and cultural life, gradually moving toward the goal ofhappiness enterprises.Arts-forum Produced by Creative Co., Ltd.The services mail: [email protected] Service Tel :02 -878,646,960office Hour: AM9: 00 ~ PM6: 00Address: 11075 Songde Road, Xinyi District, Taipei 100, 2ndFloorOfficial website:
hiRadio 2.3
收集中華電信 HiChannel 提供的網路廣播。可依照區域、頻率、內容來搜尋頻道,是台灣人不可獲缺的好幫手。支援背景執行,讓你可以一邊聽廣播,一邊做其它的事。關鍵字:Hinet,HiChannel,hiRadio,廣播,網路廣播,線上廣播To collect of ChunghwaTelecom HiChannel provided Internet broadcast.You can search for channels in accordance with the area, frequency,content, Taiwanese indispensable good helper.Support background, so you can while listening to the radio whiledoing other things.Keywords: HINET HiChannel hiRadio, radio, webcasts, onlineradio
不動產實價查詢 - 非官方 1.2.1
資料已更新至 2013年05月資料來源為 內政部:::不動產交易實價查詢服務網。提供即時的實價查詢服務,如果在資料或是畫面顯示的部份有疑問,或是您對我們的 APP 有任何寶貴的意見。請與 [email protected] 聯絡,我們會盡力為您服務。網站關鍵字:實價登錄,實價查詢,實價,不動產,實價登入,房地產,房價,實搜網提供的功能如下1. 一般搜尋1.1 依縣市區域過濾資料1.2 依建物型態過濾資料1.3 依街道名稱過濾資料1.4 依交易總價過濾資料一般搜尋可選擇地圖模式與列表模式瀏覽2. 附近行情2.1 過濾條件:500公尺、1公里、2公里、3公里、4公里以 GPS 或 AGPS 得到的定位點,搜尋半徑範圍內的交易資料