felisbag.com Apps

felisbag - Mal Fashion Wanita 1.1
Aplikasi webview www.felisbag.com.Belanja online tas dan sepatu untuk wanita.Kenapa felisbag?1. Belanja mudah langsung di aplikasi.2. Katalog diperbarui setiap hari.3. Fokus di kategori tas dan sepatu wanita. Ribuan katalog.4. Katalog bisa didownload hanya dengan 1 klik akan menyimpan semuagambar produk yang ada di aplikasi dan website.5. Fitur live chat terhubung langsung ke customer service.6. Tersedia program reseller dropship dengan kupon diskon Rp.30.000 per barang. Barang dikirim langsung ke customer kamu dengannama pengirim nama toko online kamu.7. Tersedia kupon diskon untuk pembelian pertama kali untukpelanggan newsletter.7. Kupon belanja yang bisa digunakan langsung saat checkoutorder.8. Poin belanja yang bisa ditukarkan dengan produk-produk yang adadi aplikasi dan website.Download sekarang!Aktifitas kami di sosial media :https://plus.google.com/+felisbaghttps://www.facebook.com/felisbaghttps://twitter.com/felisbaghttps://www.pinterest.com/felisbaghttps://www.instagram.com/felisbag/Www.felisbag.com webviewapplication.Online shopping bags and shoes for women.Why felisbag?1. Shopping is directly in the application.2. The catalog is updated daily.3. Focus on the category of handbags and women's shoes. Thousandscatalog.4. The catalog can be downloaded in just 1 click will store allproduct images in applications and websites.5. The live chat feature is directly connected to customerservice.6. There dropship reseller program with discount coupons as Rp.30,000 per item. Goods are sent directly to your customer with thename of the sender name of your online store.7. There are discount coupons for first-time purchase for customernewsletters.7. Coupons expenditure that can be used instantly at checkoutorder.8. Points shopping can be exchanged with existing products inapplications and websites.Download now!Our activities in social media:https://plus.google.com/+felisbaghttps://www.facebook.com/felisbaghttps://twitter.com/felisbaghttps://www.pinterest.com/felisbaghttps://www.instagram.com/felisbag/