dino Apps

Ora puoi fare bellisimi scherzi ai tuoi amici,invitali a fare un selfie assieme a te.Dopo lo scatto lo smartphone ripeterà la frase che haiimpostato.Puoi scrivere quello che vuoi, spiritosaggini, commenti,complimenti, frasi divertenti anche lunghe per momenti di ilaritàcon amici, parenti, colleghi di lavoro. Impostata in linguaitaliana supporta praticamente tutti i devices.Semplice, occupa poco spazio di memoria, ma capace di infiniti modidi creare imbarazzo, simpatia, risate e altro ancora.Se avete dubbi, richieste o suggerimenti non esitate a contattarmi,BUON DIVERTIMENTO A TUTTI!!!!!Nel play store c'è anche la versione free di questa app, uguale,ma con pubblicità, per chi fosse interessato:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=appinventor.ai_berardinon121077.ScherzoSelfieNow you can admirebeautiful make jokes to your friends, invite them to do a selfiewith you.After shooting the smartphone will repeat the phrase you'veset.You can write whatever you like, jokes, comments, compliments,funny phrases too long for moments of laughter with friends,relatives, co-workers. Set in Italian supports virtually alldevices.Simple, takes up little storage space, but capable of endless waysto create embarrassment, sympathy, laughter and more.If you have questions, requests or suggestions, please contact me,FUN AT ALL !!!!!In the play store there is also the free version of this app,the same, but with advertising, for those interested:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=appinventor.ai_berardinon121077.ScherzoSelfie
Selfie Prank 2.0
Now you can make fantastic jokes to your friends, invite them to doa selfie with you. After shooting the picture, the smartphone willrepeat the phrase you've set. You can write whatever you want,jokes, comments, compliments, funny phrases too long for moments oflaughter with friends, family, work colleagues, etc. Supportsalmost devices and tablet. Simple app, takes up little storagespace , but capable of endless ways to create embarrassment,sympathy, lot of laugh and more. If you have questions, requests orsuggestions , please contact me , FUN AT ALL !!!!!
camera vocale con suoni lite 4.0
Stupisci i tuoi amici con frasidivertenti,effetti sonori esilaranti o voce + effetti insieme !!Fai una foto e dopo lo scatto lo smartphone ripeterà la fraseol'effetto sonoro da te scelto !!Camera vocale con suoni ti permette di creare situazionibelle,creative, simpatiche.Usala con i tuoi amici, i tuoi familiari, i tuoi colleghi dilavoro,effetti a sorpresa che creeranno risate, imbarazzo, stuporeedinvidia.Ppuoi scegliere se utlizzare solo gli effetti sonori, solovoceche deciderai tu cosa deve dire (impostata in lingua italiana)otutti e due insieme.Per ogni dubbio, richiesta o suggerimento, non esitateacontattarmi.Versione lite uguale all versione pro ma con pubblicità, perchidesideri la versione pro:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=appinventor.ai_berardinon121077.cameravocaleconsuoniproBUON DIVERTIMENTO A TUTTI !!!!gli effetti sonori utilizzati in questa app sono royalty free,dipubblico dominio.Amaze your friendswithfunny phrases, hilarious sound effects or voice + effectstogether!!Take a picture and after shooting the smartphone will repeatthephrase or sound effect you chose !!Room with voice sounds allows you to create situationsbeautiful,creative, funny.Use it with your friends, your family, your businessassociates,surprise effects that will create laughter,embarrassment, awe andenvy.Ppuoi choose to utilize only the sound effects, voice-onlyyoudecide what you should say (set in the Italian language) orbothtogether.For any questions, requests or suggestions, pleasecontactme.Lite version equal to the pro version but with advertisingforthose who want the pro version: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=appinventor.ai_berardinon121077.cameravocaleconsuoniproHAVE FUN AT ALL !!!!the sound effects used in this app are royalty free,publicdomain.
camera vocale con suoni pro 1.0
Stupisci i tuoi amici con frasidivertenti,effetti sonori esilaranti o voce + effetti insieme !!Fai una foto e dopo lo scatto lo smartphone ripeterà la fraseol'effetto sonoro da te scelto !!Camera vocale con suoni ti permette di creare situazionibelle,creative, simpatiche.Usala con i tuoi amici, i tuoi familiari, i tuoi colleghi dilavoro,effetti a sorpresa che creeranno risate, imbarazzo, stuporeedinvidia.Puoi scegliere se utlizzare solo gli effetti sonori, solovoceche deciderai tu cosa deve dire (impostata in lingua italiana)otutti e due insieme.Versione pro senza pubblicitàPer ogni dubbio, richiesta o suggerimento, non esitateacontattarmi.BUON DIVERTIMENTO A TUTTI !!!!gli effetti sonori utilizzati in questa app sono royalty free,dipubblico dominio.Amaze your friendswithfunny phrases, hilarious sound effects or voice + effectstogether!!Take a picture and after shooting the smartphone will repeatthephrase or sound effect you chose !!Room with voice sounds allows you to create situationsbeautiful,creative, funny.Use it with your friends, your family, your businessassociates,surprise effects that will create laughter,embarrassment, awe andenvy.You can choose to utilize only the sound effects, voice-onlyyoudecide what you should say (set in the Italian language) orbothtogether.Pro version without adsFor any questions, requests or suggestions, pleasecontactme.HAVE FUN AT ALL !!!!the sound effects used in this app are royalty free,publicdomain.
My Voice Translate 1.0
Translate phrases or words indifferentlanguages ​​has become essential in this globalizedworld,and with My Voice Translate you just need to be connectedforinstant and accurate translations.You have access to 30 different languages ​​, and you caneitherwrite or speak textsyou also have text to speech to listen to translationsand you can also listen again slowlyand of course you can share the text translated by youtranslate are instantaneous, text to speech sometimes needs afewsecondsno banner, no ads, no surprise , you can stay calmeasy and cheapFor the moment supported languages ​​are (translatetotranslate):albanian, arabian, chinese, czech, danish, dutch, englishUK& USA, finnish, french, german, greek, hebrew,hungarian,icelandic, indonesian, italian, japanese, korean,norvegian,polish, portuguese and brasilian, romanian, russian,spanish,swedish, thai, turkish, vietnamesebut I promise you that I will add other languages very soonFor now, text to speech don't work with arabian, greek,hebrew,thai, turkish, vietnamesebut also on this , we are working for you!I hope you enjoy itFor any advice , suggestions or requests , please contact meTranslate words orphrasesin different languages ​​Has become essential in thisglobalizedworld,and with My Voice Translate you just need to be connectedforinstant and accurate translations.You have access to 30 different languages, and you caneitherwrite or speak textsyou also have text to speech to listen to translationsand you can listen again slowly ancheand of course you can share the text translated by youtranslate are instantaneous, text to speech sometimes needs afewsecondsno banners, no ads, no surprise, you can stay calmeasy and cheapFor the moment are supported languages ​​(translatetotranslate):albanian, arabian, chinese, czech, danish, dutch, IngleseUK& USA, finnish, french, german, greek, hebrew,hungarian,icelandic, indonesian, italian, japanese, korean,norvegian,polish, portuguese and brasilian, romanian, russian ,spanish,swedish, thai, turkish, vietnamesebut I promise you That I will add other languages ​​verysoonFor now, text to speech do not work with arabian, greek,hebrew,thai, turkish, vietnameseanche but on this, we are working for you!I hope you enjoy itFor any advice, suggestions or requests, please contact me
Scherzo effetto sonoro pro 2.0
Questa app ti permette di usare una seriedisuoni divertenti per fare scherzi ad amici, parenti e colleghidilavoro. Oltretutto puoi far dire allo smartphone quello chevuoiassieme all'effetto sonoro oppure puoi impostare una parola ofrasechiave che, dopo averla pronunciata, attiverà il suono datescelto.Possibilità di svariati modi per scherzare, divertirsi ecrearesituazioni strane, ambigue, comiche.Primo release, ad ogni aggiornamento aggiungerò nuovi suoni.Per ogni dubbio, domanda, suggerimento o richiesta non esitateacontattarmi.Scherzo effetto sonoro pro non vi deluderà! BUON DIVERTIMENTOATUTTI !!!!!This app allows you tousea series of funny sounds to make jokes to friends, relativesandbusiness associates. Besides, you can do what you want to sayto thesmartphone along with the sound effect, or you can set akeyword orkeyword phrase that, after having pronounced, activatethe sound ofyour choice.Possibility of many ways to fool around, have fun and createstrangesituations, ambiguous, comic.First release, each update will add new sounds.For any doubts, questions, suggestions or inquiries please feelfreeto contact me.Scherzo sound effect pro will not disappoint! HAVE FUN ATALL!!!!!