developercroesus Apps

Access Ride 1.0
What happens when you go to a new cityandthere is little support for transportation using yourpowerwheelchair. You get stuck, this project aims to fix thatproblem byhelping you identify local resources that can enable youto obtainan accessible(wheelchair) ride.This app is in the beginning stages and we welcomeyourfeedback.
Domino Score Sheet 2.2
For keeping score of your dominoes games.
Club Talk 1.1
The idea came to me when I was trying totalkto some people in a club. The music was so loud that I couldnothear what my friends were saying most of the time and whenIresponded I needed to shout for them to be able to hear me.Ishowed some of my friend's messages on a text app, but thewritingwas tiny and black text on a white background was garish ina darknight club. So, this app was created for club communication,it'svery simple, however, I may update it in the future.