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Traveller: City Edition
Do you love travelling? Do you thinkyourtravel knowledge of world cities is pretty good? If yes,thistravel trivia and quiz game is for you. If your knowledge isnot asgood as it should be then this game will provide a fun waytolearn.Traveller: City Edition, is a travel trivia and quiz gamewhereyou answer questions related to different cities of theworld.The objective of each game is to travel to all citydestinationsand return to your starting/home city destinationcollecting asmany points, gold and souvenirs as you can along theway.Frequent Flyer Points are earnt every question and can be usedinexchange for Powerups or to add extra questions to a destinationtohelp boost your gold and points totals.You earn both gold and points by correctly answeringquestionsrelated to each city destination. However just like in therealworld, departing a destination incurs a travel cost andthereforeonly when you have enough gold can you depart adestination tocontinue your travels.Collect souvenirs as you visit each destination just as youwouldin the real world and earn bonus points to help maximum yourgamescore.