compasspub Apps

Reading Oceans+ 2.1.1
Component: 1,000 Readers, 70 PhonicsAnimations, 50 Nursery Rhymes AnimationTarget User: Kindergarten, Elementary StudentsAnytime! Anywhere! Joyful Reading Habit!The Reading Oceans provides leveled online e-books accompaniedwith individual tutoring which motivate students to learn Englishthrough story books, phonics and nursery rhymes. With ReadingOceans, your children will have more fun in learning English whilethey broaden their knowledge in variety subjects that our contentscover.The users can use not only their personal computer but alsomobile phones and table PCs in anywhere, anytime. This app ismobile version of the service.With this app, you can view all our contents. Joiningmembership, applying for the service are only available on PCs.
SmartVocab 1.9.8
스마트 보캡앱 하나면 단어 학습 올킬!스마트한 사람이면 누구나 설치한 단어학습앱, 수능용, 토익용, 토플용 각각 구매하셨나요? 이제 스마트 보캡앱을통해서 내게 필요한 모든 단어를 나의 수준에 맞추어 학습할 수 있습니다.혹시 아는 단어도 반복하는 앱으로 학습하세요? 스마트 보캡앱은 모르는 단어만 쏙쏙 골라서 암기하는 오직 나만을 위한단어 학습앱입니다.★ 단어량을 통해 알아보는 영어 실력1,000개 초등 교과서2,000개 중등 교과서3,500개 고등 교과서4,000개 수능5,500개 TOEIC7,000개 TOFLE8,000개 영미일반소설영어 단어를 몇 개나 알고 있나요? 5,000 단어를 알면 수능에 완벽하게 대비할 수 있고 8,000 단어를 알면영어 소설을 자유롭게 읽을 수 있어요. 스마트 보캡으로 수능을 마스터함은 물론 영어 소설을 읽을 수 있는 8,000 단어암기에 도전해보세요!특징 I.스마트 보캡앱을 통해서 기본 단어량을 높일 수 있습니다. 일반 교과과정부터 토익, 토플을 넘는수준의 단어를 레벨별 500단어, 총 18레벨로 구성하여 단계별로 단어량을 늘일 수 있도록 구성했습니다.- 8,000개의 head words 암기- Head words에서 파생되는 family words 연계 학습특징 II컴퍼스미디어의 교재로 공부하고 있으세요? 교재에 나오는 단어는 스마트 보캡앱으로 공부할 수 있습니다. 교재별, 단원별로단어를 쉽게 학습할 수 있도록 구성했습니다.- 교재의 단원 별로 새 단어 정리- 단원 별로 단어의 학습 정도 표시특징 IIIToday’s Vocab을 통해 매일 매일 더 많은 단어에 노출 됩니다. 매번 접속할때마다 이미 암기를 했거나 앞으로배울 단어들을 화면에서 만나며 각인시키는 효과가 있습니다. 모르는 단어가 있다면 나의 단어장에 추가해서 암기할 수도있습니다.특징 IV단어 찾기 기능을 통해서 사전처럼 스마트 보캡앱을 사용하세요. 단어의 다양한 쓰임이나 예문등 여러분이 필요한 모든 자료가제공됩니다.학습기능- 내 단어장에 단어 추가하여 학습 가능- 아는 단어와 모르는 단어 분류하여 학습 가능- 깜박이 기능을 통한 반복학습으로 완벽한 암기- 모든 단어 오디오 청취 가능- 예문과 함께 단어의 활용도 학습- 직관적이고 간편한 사용- 게임을 통해 단어 장기 기억 저장- 오답노트 기능을 통해 반복학습----개발자 연락처 :서울시 서초구 서초2동 1360-31 정진빌딩 5층TEL) 02-3471-0096If one word learningolkil smart security kaepaep!Anyone smart word learning app installed, for SAT, TOEFL forTOEFL purchased for each client? Now all I need through smartsecurity kaepaep level according to my word, you can learn.Do you know that your word is repeated learning app? Jerk, butdo not know the word smart security kaepaep only pick just formemorizing word learning app.★ Learn to see the amount of English words1,000 elementary school textbooks2,000 secondary school textbooks3,500 high school textbooksSAT 4000TOEIC 5,5007,000 TOFLE8,000 British and American General FictionHow many English words you know? 5000 words to know and preparefor a perfect 8000 SAT words I know the English novel can be readfreely. Bokaep as smart, as well as to master the SAT can readEnglish novels 8000 challenge to memorize the words out!I. FeaturesThrough smart security kaepaep can increase the amount of basicwords. From the general curriculum TOEIC, TOEFL word level by levelexceeding 500 words, a total of 18 levels, so that the step-by-stephas been configured to extend the amount of words.- 8,000 head words to memorize- Head words derived from the linkage study family wordsFeatures IIDo you have a compass and the media as a textbook study? Kaepaepwords, textbooks can study smart security. By teaching, learningdanwonbyeol words so that you can easily configure it.- Clean up a new word each section of the textbook-Sections show the degree of learning-by-wordFeature IIIVia Today's Vocab is exposed to more words every day. Alreadymemorized each time each time you connect to, meet, or in thefuture to learn the words engraved on the screen effect. If you donot know the words in my vocabulary to memorize, you can add.IV characteristicsSmart like a dictionary word search functions, a security kaepaepuse. A variety of words and examples including sseuim all necessarydata are available for you.Learning function- Add words in my vocabulary to study possible- Do you know the words and unknown words can be classified intolearning- Flashing perfect capabilities of iterative learning throughmemorization- Every word audible audio- Example usage of the word with learning- Intuitive and easy to use- Long-term memory storage through the game word- Incorrect notes iterative learning capabilities
Reading the World 1.3
Study Smart with Compass Vocab Checker!This app is for readers who study English with Compass books.All the words from the books are listed up by chapter which helpsreaders to study and memorize them.You don’t have to carry your vocabulary notebooks anymore. Put themin your smart phone and study anywhere, any time with fun.Three steps on how to use our appStudy : Study new words with their meanings and examplesentences.Quiz: Check how well you studied by taking blank fillingquiz.Game: Review the words learned by playing word game.FeaturesAudio files for all the wordsAccomplishment check viewPrivate and Global Game RankingAbout the bookThematically organized paired readings covering a broad range offields of students’ interestComprehension activities focused on recalling facts and detailsfrom passage along with making inferences of implied informationand writers’ purposesVocabulary development activities specifically targetingmid-frequency and academic wordsLanguage reinforcement and extension activities developed aroundword-form and grammar-based practice
Reading Pass 2/e 2 2.1.2
Reading Pass2nd Edition 은 Book Intro ~ Book 3로구성된 초등 고급- 중등 중급 학습자를 위한 읽기 교재 입니다. 건강, 환경, 경제, 과학 등의 최신의 다양한 주제를가진 지문을 읽으며, 그와 관련된 이슈를 듣고, 말하는 학습도 함께 진행할 수 있습니다. 학습자의 흥미를 극대화 시켜영어에 대한 빠른 이해와 학습능력의 향상을 도모하고, 주제와 관련된 연습문제를 통해 지문의 이해도를 높일 수 있습니다.전체적으로 읽기 이외에 단어, 문법, 듣기, 말하기까지 전 영역에 걸친 포괄적인 학습이 가능하도록 구성되어 있고, 다양한온라인 자료와 무료 애플리케이션을 통해 학습자의 편의와 심화 학습을 돕고 있습니다.----개발자 연락처 :서울시 서초구 서초2동 1360-31 정진빌딩 5층TEL) 02-3471-0096Reading Pass2nd EditionBook Intro ~ Book 3 is configured with primary advanced - Readtextbooks for secondary intermediate learners. Read health,environmental, economic and fingerprints with a wide range oftopics, including the latest science, and to hear the issuesassociated with it, you can continue learning even speak with.Maximizes the interest of the learner to understand and improve thequick learning ability in English, and can be related to the topicthrough the exercises better understanding of the fingerprint. Inaddition to whole word reading, grammar, listening and speaking areconfigured to enable a comprehensive learning across all areas tohave, and a variety of online resources to help with theconvenience and enrichment of the learner through a freeapplication.
Smart Vocab English 1.9.8
Smart Vocab EnglishPractice and broaden your vocabulary with Compass Media’s SmartVocab App! Our application is a great supplement to learn andreinforce the target vocabulary from any of our books!
Reading Lamp 1 2.0
Class Booster복잡하고 지루한 온라인 영어 학습은 이제 그만!학생들은 재밌게 모바일로 학습하고, 선생님은 간편하게 이메일로 학습결과를 확인 하세요!1. PC 뿐 아니라 모바일 기기에서도 사용 가능교재에 포함된 Hybrid CD를 이용해 PC에 설치하고, 학생의 스마트폰이나 테블릿 PC에도 무료앱을 설치해 언제어디서나 학습이 가능합니다.2. 영어 학습을 즐겁게 하는 게임화된 액티비티학습 동기를 유발 시키도록 재미있게 설계된 다양한 액티비티들을 하다 보면 포인트가 쌓이고, 포인트가 쌓이면서 내 캐릭터와영어 실력이 동시에 성장하게 됩니다.3. 복잡한 LMS없이 선생님 이메일 주소만 있으면 학생 학습 확인 가능학생 등록, 반 배정, 학습 할당 등의 복잡한 절차 없이, 학생들은 앱 설치 후 학습만 하면 됩니다. 지정된 선생님이메일로 학습 결과가 전송 되면, 선생님은 로그인만 하면 바로 학습 결과를 확인 하실 수 있습니다.Reading LampReading Lamp는 총 3권으로 구성된 리딩 교재로서, 초등초급 수준의 학습자들을 위해 고안된 교재이다.다양한 주제와 흥미로운 Fiction/Nonfiction 지문을 읽고, 다양한 문제 풀이를 통해 학습 내용을 확인 할 수있다. 책 속의 책으로 제공된 워크북에서는 추가 활동을 통해 듣기, 문법, 어휘 실력을 강화할 수 있다.Reading Lamp is a three-level series designed to introduce youngstudents to reading English. As beginning readers work their waythrough the series, they will continually reinforce high-frequencysight words while focusing on learning a limited number of newvocabulary items in each unit. This allows beginning readers todevelop reading fluency as they broaden their understanding ofEnglish word forms, structures, and sentence patterns.----개발자 연락처 :서울시 서초구 서초2동 1360-31 정진빌딩 5층TEL) 02-3471-0096Class BoosterComplex and tedious learning English online now stop!Students will have fun learning to mobile, easy to check thelearning teachers by email!1. PC as well as mobile devices can be used inInstalled on the PC using the Hybrid CD contains the textbook, andeven a smartphone or tablet PC for students install a free appavailable anywhere, anytime learning.2. gamification activities to entertain the EnglishlearningIt is a variety of fun activities designed to induce motivationlook at the points piling up, the point ssatyimyeonseo will grow incharacter and English language skills at the same time.3. If only the teacher e-mail addresses can be checked withoutcomplex LMS StudentStudent Enrollment, without complicated procedures such asplacement, learning assignments, students are just learning appafter installation. When given teacher learning results will besent to you, teachers can check the results of your study justsimply login.Reading LampReading Lamp is a leading materials consisting of a total ofthree, it is a textbook designed for entry-level elementarystudents. Read a variety of interesting topics and Fiction /Nonfiction fingerprint, you can check the learning content througha variety of problem-solving. In the workbook that came to hear thebook inside the book through additional activities can reinforcegrammar and vocabulary skills.Reading Lamp is a three-level series designed to introduce youngstudents to reading English. As beginning readers work their waythrough the series, they will continually reinforce high-frequencysight words while focusing on learning a limited number of newvocabulary items in each unit. This allows beginning readers todevelop reading fluency as they broaden their understanding ofEnglish word forms, structures, and sentence patterns.
Very Easy Reading 3/e 1 5.0.2
Class Booster복잡하고 지루한 온라인 영어 학습은 이제 그만!학생들은 재밌게 모바일로 학습하고, 선생님은 간편하게 이메일로 학습결과를 확인 하세요!1. PC 뿐 아니라 모바일 기기에서도 사용 가능교재에 포함된 Hybrid CD를 이용해 PC에 설치하고, 학생의 스마트폰이나 테블릿 PC에도 무료앱을 설치해 언제어디서나 학습이 가능합니다.2. 영어 학습을 즐겁게 하는 게임화된 액티비티학습 동기를 유발 시키도록 재미있게 설계된 다양한 액티비티들을 하다 보면 포인트가 쌓이고, 포인트가 쌓이면서 내 캐릭터와영어 실력이 동시에 성장하게 됩니다.3. 복잡한 LMS없이 선생님 이메일 주소만 있으면 학생 학습 확인 가능학생 등록, 반 배정, 학습 할당 등의 복잡한 절차 없이, 학생들은 앱 설치 후 학습만 하면 됩니다. 지정된 선생님이메일로 학습 결과가 전송 되면, 선생님은 로그인만 하면 바로 학습 결과를 확인 하실 수 있습니다.Very Easy Reading Third EditionVery Easy Reading Third Edition은 네 권으로 구성된 초급 학습자를 위한 리딩 교재이다.일상생활에서 쉽게 접할 수 있는 친근하고 쉬운 주제 또는 아이들이 좋아할 만한 재미있는 이야기를 활용하여 지문을구성하였다. 개정판에 새로 추가된 하이브리드 CD에는 멀티미디어 활용 수업을 위한 리딩&챈트 애니메이션이 수록되어초급 레벨의 학습자가 부담 없이 독해에 입문하고 즐겁게 공부할 수 있도록 구성되어 있다.Very Easy Reading Third Edition is a four-level reading seriesadapted from Compass’s original best-selling series, designed toassist young learners of English in improving their English readingcomprehension. Each unit contains activities to consolidatestudents’ literacy skills through reading comprehension, basiclistening, speaking, and writing activities related to the topicsof each unit. In addition, this new edition features fun chants forfluency and pronunciation practice. Most of the chants can bepersonalized, providing a relaxed environment for students topractice using new words from the unit, together with other wordsthey may already know.----개발자 연락처 :서울시 서초구 서초2동 1360-31 정진빌딩 5층TEL) 02-3471-0096Class BoosterComplex and tedious learning English online now stop!Students will have fun learning to mobile, easy to check thelearning teachers by email!1. PC as well as mobile devices can be used inInstalled on the PC using the Hybrid CD contains the textbook, andeven a smartphone or tablet PC for students install a free appavailable anywhere, anytime learning.2. gamification activities to entertain the EnglishlearningIt is a variety of fun activities designed to induce motivationlook at the points piling up, the point ssatyimyeonseo will grow incharacter and English language skills at the same time.3. If only the teacher e-mail addresses can be checked withoutcomplex LMS StudentStudent Enrollment, without complicated procedures such asplacement, learning assignments, students are just learning appafter installation. When given teacher learning results will besent to you, teachers can check the results of your study justsimply login.Very Easy Reading Third EditionVery Easy Reading Third Edition is the leading textbook forbeginning learners comprised of four. Friendly, easy-to-access andeasy to use in everyday life topics or children to like to takeadvantage of an interesting story was constructed fingerprints.Hybrid CD edition has been newly added to the more animatedreadings and chants for Multimedia Assisted Instruction consists offun to study and enrolled in a casual reading of the beginner levellearners.Very Easy Reading Third Edition is a four-level reading seriesadapted from Compass's original best-selling series, designed toassist young learners of English in improving their English readingcomprehension. Each unit contains activities to consolidatestudents' literacy skills through reading comprehension, basiclistening, speaking, and writing activities related to the topicsof each unit. In addition, this new edition features fun chants forfluency and pronunciation practice. Most of the chants can bepersonalized, providing a relaxed environment for students topractice using new words from the unit, together with other wordsthey may already know.
Very Easy Reading 2/e 3 2.0.1
Class Booster복잡하고 지루한 온라인 영어 학습은 이제 그만!학생들은 재밌게 모바일로 학습하고, 선생님은 간편하게 이메일로 학습결과를 확인 하세요!1. PC 뿐 아니라 모바일 기기에서도 사용 가능교재에 포함된 Hybrid CD를 이용해 PC에 설치하고, 학생의 스마트폰이나 테블릿 PC에도 무료앱을 설치해 언제어디서나 학습이 가능합니다.2. 영어 학습을 즐겁게 하는 게임화된 액티비티학습 동기를 유발 시키도록 재미있게 설계된 다양한 액티비티들을 하다 보면 포인트가 쌓이고, 포인트가 쌓이면서 내 캐릭터와영어 실력이 동시에 성장하게 됩니다.3. 복잡한 LMS없이 선생님 이메일 주소만 있으면 학생 학습 확인 가능학생 등록, 반 배정, 학습 할당 등의 복잡한 절차 없이, 학생들은 앱 설치 후 학습만 하면 됩니다. 지정된 선생님이메일로 학습 결과가 전송 되면, 선생님은 로그인만 하면 바로 학습 결과를 확인 하실 수 있습니다.Very Easy Reading Second Edition- 각 권 20개 Unit은 기존의 읽고 끝나는 파닉스와 스토리 교재로 차별화되어 학습 전 주제를 생각해 보고 필수어휘를 익히며 Warm up- 쉬운 문장의 반복으로 구성된 지문과 난이도별 어휘 구성은 Reading의 자연스런 학습 유도- 주요 어휘의 의미를 문맥에서 파악하여 시각적 이미지로 확인하는 연습 문제로 어휘력 향상에 도움- 기초 레벨부터 다지는 지문의 핵심 주제 찾기 및 핵심 내용 확인, 연습문제 풀이를 통하여 이해력 평가- 본문의 내용을 보며 틀린 부분을 직접 고쳐 써봄으로써 글의 내용을 정확하게 파악하는 연습과 알맞은 표현 쓰기연습- 본문에서의 주요 핵심을 듣기문제를 통하여 다시 한번 다지기Very Easy Reading Second Edition is a four-level reading coursedesigned for the young beginning reader.Through this series students are exposed to new vocalbulary andstructures in a controlled manner, making each reading veryaccessible and enjoyable to the new reader. Very Easy ReadingSecond Edition also features new activities to practice basicspeaeking, listening, and writing skills.Feature- Pre-reading, speaking, and vocabulary activities- Fun full-color photos and illustrations- Comprehension and mind mapping activities- Repeated recycling of vocabulary- Listening /Pronunciation activities with audio support- Writing activities as wrap-up in each unit----개발자 연락처 :서울시 서초구 서초2동 1360-31 정진빌딩 5층TEL) 02-3471-0096Class BoosterComplex and tedious learning English online now stop!Students will have fun learning to mobile, easy to check thelearning teachers by email!1. PC as well as mobile devices can be used inInstalled on the PC using the Hybrid CD contains the textbook, andeven a smartphone or tablet PC for students install a free appavailable anywhere, anytime learning.2. gamification activities to entertain the EnglishlearningIt is a variety of fun activities designed to induce motivationlook at the points piling up, the point ssatyimyeonseo will grow incharacter and English language skills at the same time.3. If only the teacher e-mail addresses can be checked withoutcomplex LMS StudentStudent Enrollment, without complicated procedures such asplacement, learning assignments, students are just learning appafter installation. When given teacher learning results will besent to you, teachers can check the results of your study justsimply login.Very Easy Reading Second EditionEach Unit is volume 20 ikhimyeo essential vocabulary to thinkthe former is distinguished by learning phonics and reading storybooks ends with an existing theme Warm upRepeat composed by fingerprints and vocabulary difficulty Easyconfiguration of the sentence is derived natural learningReading- Main help enhance the meaning of the words in the vocabulary asan exercise to determine the visual image to identify incontext- Find the key themes from the ground level of the Dodgefingerprint and verify critical information, comprehensiveevaluation through an exercise pool- Looking at the wrong part of the contents of the body heal bywriting directly sseobom appropriate representations and exercisesto pinpoint the content of the article Practice- Listen through the main core of the problem in the body of thechopper againVery Easy Reading Second Edition is a four-level reading coursedesigned for the young beginning reader.Through this series students are exposed to new vocalbulary andstructures in a controlled manner, making each reading veryaccessible and enjoyable to the new reader. Very Easy ReadingSecond Edition also features new activities to practice basicspeaeking, listening, and writing skills.Feature- Pre-reading, speaking, and vocabulary activities- Fun full-color photos and illustrations- Comprehension and mind mapping activities- Repeated recycling of vocabulary- Listening / Pronunciation activities with audio support- Writing activities as wrap-up in each unit
Reading Pass 2/e 1 2.1.2
Reading Pass2nd Edition 은 Book Intro ~ Book 3로구성된 초등 고급- 중등 중급 학습자를 위한 읽기 교재 입니다. 건강, 환경, 경제, 과학 등의 최신의 다양한 주제를가진 지문을 읽으며, 그와 관련된 이슈를 듣고, 말하는 학습도 함께 진행할 수 있습니다. 학습자의 흥미를 극대화 시켜영어에 대한 빠른 이해와 학습능력의 향상을 도모하고, 주제와 관련된 연습문제를 통해 지문의 이해도를 높일 수 있습니다.전체적으로 읽기 이외에 단어, 문법, 듣기, 말하기까지 전 영역에 걸친 포괄적인 학습이 가능하도록 구성되어 있고, 다양한온라인 자료와 무료 애플리케이션을 통해 학습자의 편의와 심화 학습을 돕고 있습니다.----개발자 연락처 :서울시 서초구 서초2동 1360-31 정진빌딩 5층TEL) 02-3471-0096Reading Pass2nd EditionBook Intro ~ Book 3 is configured with primary advanced - Readtextbooks for secondary intermediate learners. Read health,environmental, economic and fingerprints with a wide range oftopics, including the latest science, and to hear the issuesassociated with it, you can continue learning even speak with.Maximizes the interest of the learner to understand and improve thequick learning ability in English, and can be related to the topicthrough the exercises better understanding of the fingerprint. Inaddition to whole word reading, grammar, listening and speaking areconfigured to enable a comprehensive learning across all areas tohave, and a variety of online resources to help with theconvenience and enrichment of the learner through a freeapplication.
Reading Pass 2/e 3 2.1.2
Reading Pass2nd Edition 은 Book Intro ~ Book 3로구성된 초등 고급- 중등 중급 학습자를 위한 읽기 교재 입니다. 건강, 환경, 경제, 과학 등의 최신의 다양한 주제를가진 지문을 읽으며, 그와 관련된 이슈를 듣고, 말하는 학습도 함께 진행할 수 있습니다. 학습자의 흥미를 극대화 시켜영어에 대한 빠른 이해와 학습능력의 향상을 도모하고, 주제와 관련된 연습문제를 통해 지문의 이해도를 높일 수 있습니다.전체적으로 읽기 이외에 단어, 문법, 듣기, 말하기까지 전 영역에 걸친 포괄적인 학습이 가능하도록 구성되어 있고, 다양한온라인 자료와 무료 애플리케이션을 통해 학습자의 편의와 심화 학습을 돕고 있습니다.----개발자 연락처 :서울시 서초구 서초2동 1360-31 정진빌딩 5층TEL) 02-3471-0096Reading Pass2nd EditionBook Intro ~ Book 3 is configured with primary advanced - Readtextbooks for secondary intermediate learners. Read health,environmental, economic and fingerprints with a wide range oftopics, including the latest science, and to hear the issuesassociated with it, you can continue learning even speak with.Maximizes the interest of the learner to understand and improve thequick learning ability in English, and can be related to the topicthrough the exercises better understanding of the fingerprint. Inaddition to whole word reading, grammar, listening and speaking areconfigured to enable a comprehensive learning across all areas tohave, and a variety of online resources to help with theconvenience and enrichment of the learner through a freeapplication.
Very Easy Reading 2/e 1 2.0.1
Class Booster복잡하고 지루한 온라인 영어 학습은 이제 그만!학생들은 재밌게 모바일로 학습하고, 선생님은 간편하게 이메일로 학습결과를 확인 하세요!1. PC 뿐 아니라 모바일 기기에서도 사용 가능교재에 포함된 Hybrid CD를 이용해 PC에 설치하고, 학생의 스마트폰이나 테블릿 PC에도 무료앱을 설치해 언제어디서나 학습이 가능합니다.2. 영어 학습을 즐겁게 하는 게임화된 액티비티학습 동기를 유발 시키도록 재미있게 설계된 다양한 액티비티들을 하다 보면 포인트가 쌓이고, 포인트가 쌓이면서 내 캐릭터와영어 실력이 동시에 성장하게 됩니다.3. 복잡한 LMS없이 선생님 이메일 주소만 있으면 학생 학습 확인 가능학생 등록, 반 배정, 학습 할당 등의 복잡한 절차 없이, 학생들은 앱 설치 후 학습만 하면 됩니다. 지정된 선생님이메일로 학습 결과가 전송 되면, 선생님은 로그인만 하면 바로 학습 결과를 확인 하실 수 있습니다.Very Easy Reading Second Edition- 각 권 20개 Unit은 기존의 읽고 끝나는 파닉스와 스토리 교재로 차별화되어 학습 전 주제를 생각해 보고 필수어휘를 익히며 Warm up- 쉬운 문장의 반복으로 구성된 지문과 난이도별 어휘 구성은 Reading의 자연스런 학습 유도- 주요 어휘의 의미를 문맥에서 파악하여 시각적 이미지로 확인하는 연습 문제로 어휘력 향상에 도움- 기초 레벨부터 다지는 지문의 핵심 주제 찾기 및 핵심 내용 확인, 연습문제 풀이를 통하여 이해력 평가- 본문의 내용을 보며 틀린 부분을 직접 고쳐 써봄으로써 글의 내용을 정확하게 파악하는 연습과 알맞은 표현 쓰기연습- 본문에서의 주요 핵심을 듣기문제를 통하여 다시 한번 다지기Very Easy Reading Second Edition is a four-level reading coursedesigned for the young beginning reader.Through this series students are exposed to new vocalbulary andstructures in a controlled manner, making each reading veryaccessible and enjoyable to the new reader. Very Easy ReadingSecond Edition also features new activities to practice basicspeaeking, listening, and writing skills.Feature- Pre-reading, speaking, and vocabulary activities- Fun full-color photos and illustrations- Comprehension and mind mapping activities- Repeated recycling of vocabulary- Listening /Pronunciation activities with audio support- Writing activities as wrap-up in each unit----개발자 연락처 :서울시 서초구 서초2동 1360-31 정진빌딩 5층TEL) 02-3471-0096Class BoosterComplex and tedious learning English online now stop!Students will have fun learning to mobile, easy to check thelearning teachers by email!1. PC as well as mobile devices can be used inInstalled on the PC using the Hybrid CD contains the textbook, andeven a smartphone or tablet PC for students install a free appavailable anywhere, anytime learning.2. gamification activities to entertain the EnglishlearningIt is a variety of fun activities designed to induce motivationlook at the points piling up, the point ssatyimyeonseo will grow incharacter and English language skills at the same time.3. If only the teacher e-mail addresses can be checked withoutcomplex LMS StudentStudent Enrollment, without complicated procedures such asplacement, learning assignments, students are just learning appafter installation. When given teacher learning results will besent to you, teachers can check the results of your study justsimply login.Very Easy Reading Second EditionEach Unit is volume 20 ikhimyeo essential vocabulary to thinkthe former is distinguished by learning phonics and reading storybooks ends with an existing theme Warm upRepeat composed by fingerprints and vocabulary difficulty Easyconfiguration of the sentence is derived natural learningReading- Main help enhance the meaning of the words in the vocabulary asan exercise to determine the visual image to identify incontext- Find the key themes from the ground level of the Dodgefingerprint and verify critical information, comprehensiveevaluation through an exercise pool- Looking at the wrong part of the contents of the body heal bywriting directly sseobom appropriate representations and exercisesto pinpoint the content of the article Practice- Listen through the main core of the problem in the body of thechopper againVery Easy Reading Second Edition is a four-level reading coursedesigned for the young beginning reader.Through this series students are exposed to new vocalbulary andstructures in a controlled manner, making each reading veryaccessible and enjoyable to the new reader. Very Easy ReadingSecond Edition also features new activities to practice basicspeaeking, listening, and writing skills.Feature- Pre-reading, speaking, and vocabulary activities- Fun full-color photos and illustrations- Comprehension and mind mapping activities- Repeated recycling of vocabulary- Listening / Pronunciation activities with audio support- Writing activities as wrap-up in each unit
Reading Starter 3/e 1 2.0.1
Class Booster복잡하고 지루한 온라인 영어 학습은 이제 그만!학생들은 재밌게 모바일로 학습하고, 선생님은 간편하게 이메일로 학습결과를 확인 하세요!1. PC 뿐 아니라 모바일 기기에서도 사용 가능교재에 포함된 Hybrid CD를 이용해 PC에 설치하고, 학생의 스마트폰이나 테블릿 PC에도 무료앱을 설치해 언제어디서나 학습이 가능합니다.2. 영어 학습을 즐겁게 하는 게임화된 액티비티학습 동기를 유발 시키도록 재미있게 설계된 다양한 액티비티들을 하다 보면 포인트가 쌓이고, 포인트가 쌓이면서 내 캐릭터와영어 실력이 동시에 성장하게 됩니다.3. 복잡한 LMS없이 선생님 이메일 주소만 있으면 학생 학습 확인 가능학생 등록, 반 배정, 학습 할당 등의 복잡한 절차 없이, 학생들은 앱 설치 후 학습만 하면 됩니다. 지정된 선생님이메일로 학습 결과가 전송 되면, 선생님은 로그인만 하면 바로 학습 결과를 확인 하실 수 있습니다.Reading Starter Third EditionReading Starter Third Edition은 세 권으로 구성된 초등 중고급 및 중등 초급 학습자를 위한리딩 교재이다. 교과부 초등 필수 어휘를 기초로 기본기를 다지고, 표현 학습을 통해 중등 내신에 대비하고자 했다.학습자들은 일기, 공고문 등 다양한 형태의 실용 지문을 읽으며 독해력을 향상 시킬 수 있다.----개발자 연락처 :서울시 서초구 서초2동 1360-31 정진빌딩 5층TEL) 02-3471-0096Class BoosterComplex and tedious learning English online now stop!Students will have fun learning to mobile, easy to check thelearning teachers by email!1. PC as well as mobile devices can be used inInstalled on the PC using the Hybrid CD contains the textbook, andeven a smartphone or tablet PC for students install a free appavailable anywhere, anytime learning.2. gamification activities to entertain the EnglishlearningIt is a variety of fun activities designed to induce motivationlook at the points piling up, the point ssatyimyeonseo will grow incharacter and English language skills at the same time.3. If only the teacher e-mail addresses can be checked withoutcomplex LMS StudentStudent Enrollment, without complicated procedures such asplacement, learning assignments, students are just learning appafter installation. When given teacher learning results will besent to you, teachers can check the results of your study justsimply login.Reading Starter Third EditionReading Starter Third Edition is the leading textbook forelementary and secondary Beginner Advanced Chinese learnersconsisting of three. Mince the basics on the basis of the MESTmandatory elementary vocabulary, and to prepare for secondaryschool GPA expressed through learning. Learners can improve readingcomprehension and practical fingerprint of various types, such asdiaries, notice.
Reading Starter New Edition 1 2.0.1
Class Booster복잡하고 지루한 온라인 영어 학습은 이제 그만!학생들은 재밌게 모바일로 학습하고, 선생님은 간편하게 이메일로 학습결과를 확인 하세요!1. PC 뿐 아니라 모바일 기기에서도 사용 가능교재에 포함된 Hybrid CD를 이용해 PC에 설치하고, 학생의 스마트폰이나 테블릿 PC에도 무료앱을 설치해 언제어디서나 학습이 가능합니다.2. 영어 학습을 즐겁게 하는 게임화된 액티비티학습 동기를 유발 시키도록 재미있게 설계된 다양한 액티비티들을 하다 보면 포인트가 쌓이고, 포인트가 쌓이면서 내 캐릭터와영어 실력이 동시에 성장하게 됩니다.3. 복잡한 LMS없이 선생님 이메일 주소만 있으면 학생 학습 확인 가능학생 등록, 반 배정, 학습 할당 등의 복잡한 절차 없이, 학생들은 앱 설치 후 학습만 하면 됩니다. 지정된 선생님이메일로 학습 결과가 전송 되면, 선생님은 로그인만 하면 바로 학습 결과를 확인 하실 수 있습니다.Reading Starter New▶ 책 소개픽션•논픽션 다 모았다! – 읽기, 듣기, 쓰기, 말하기 통합 프로그램( 기존의 Reading Starter와는 전혀 다른 내용으로 구성되었습니다. )▶ 특징- 읽기, 듣기, 쓰기, 말하기 훈련을 고르게 할 수 있다.- 픽션, 논픽션, 신문기사, 편지, 그래프 분석 등 다양하게 구성되었다.- 화려한 색상의 삽화와 실감사진으로 학생들의 흥미를 유발시킬 수 있다.- 원어민의 목소리로 녹음된 본문과 Listening을 통해 듣기실력이 향상될 수 있다.Reading Starter New Edition is a three-book reading seriesdesigned for young, beginner EFL students. To capture and maintainthe interest of young learners, each book in the series contains avariety of reading forms including fictional stories, letters,diary entries, charts and graphs, newspaper articles, and more. Inaddition, each reading passage is accompanied by a variety ofexercises designed to practice all four language skills. Each unitincludes comprehension and vocabulary questions to enhance readingskills, a thematically-related dialog to practive listeningcomprehension, a guided dialog for speaking practice, and questionprompts to help students write about their own experiences relatedto each unit`s topic.----개발자 연락처 :서울시 서초구 서초2동 1360-31 정진빌딩 5층TEL) 02-3471-0096Class BoosterComplex and tedious learning English online now stop!Students will have fun learning to mobile, easy to check thelearning teachers by email!1. PC as well as mobile devices can be used inInstalled on the PC using the Hybrid CD contains the textbook, andeven a smartphone or tablet PC for students install a free appavailable anywhere, anytime learning.2. gamification activities to entertain the EnglishlearningIt is a variety of fun activities designed to induce motivationlook at the points piling up, the point ssatyimyeonseo will grow incharacter and English language skills at the same time.3. If only the teacher e-mail addresses can be checked withoutcomplex LMS StudentStudent Enrollment, without complicated procedures such asplacement, learning assignments, students are just learning appafter installation. When given teacher learning results will besent to you, teachers can check the results of your study justsimply login.Reading Starter New▶ About the book• The collected fiction, non-fiction! - Reading, listening,writing, speaking integrated program(Reading Starter configuration was different from all otherexisting content.)▶ Features- Reading, listening, writing and speaking training canevenly.- Fiction, non-fiction, newspaper articles, letters, graphanalysis, was composed in various ways.- It can cause the students' interest in the artwork of brightcolors and realistic picture.- Listening through the Body and recorded with native speakervoices Listening skills can be improved.Reading Starter New Edition is a three-book reading seriesdesigned for young, beginner EFL students. To capture and maintainthe interest of young learners, each book in the series contains avariety of reading forms including fictional stories, letters,diary entries, charts and graphs, newspaper articles, and more. Inaddition, each reading passage is accompanied by a variety ofexercises designed to practice all four language skills. Each unitincludes comprehension and vocabulary questions to enhance readingskills, a thematically-related dialog to practive listeningcomprehension, a guided dialog for speaking practice, and questionprompts to help students write about their own experiences relatedto each unit`s topic.
SAR Comprehension 3 2.0
Class Booster복잡하고 지루한 온라인 영어 학습은 이제 그만!학생들은 재밌게 모바일로 학습하고, 선생님은 간편하게 이메일로 학습결과를 확인 하세요!1. PC 뿐 아니라 모바일 기기에서도 사용 가능교재에 포함된 Hybrid CD를 이용해 PC에 설치하고, 학생의 스마트폰이나 테블릿 PC에도 무료앱을 설치해언제어디서나 학습이 가능합니다.2. 영어 학습을 즐겁게 하는 게임화된 액티비티학습 동기를 유발 시키도록 재미있게 설계된 다양한 액티비티들을 하다 보면 포인트가 쌓이고, 포인트가 쌓이면서 내캐릭터와영어 실력이 동시에 성장하게 됩니다.3. 복잡한 LMS없이 선생님 이메일 주소만 있으면 학생 학습 확인 가능학생 등록, 반 배정, 학습 할당 등의 복잡한 절차 없이, 학생들은 앱 설치 후 학습만 하면 됩니다. 지정된선생님이메일로 학습 결과가 전송 되면, 선생님은 로그인만 하면 바로 학습 결과를 확인 하실 수 있습니다.Short Articles for Reading Comprehension 3다양한 Non-Fiction 으로 배경 지식도 쌓고, 어휘력 신장에도 도움이 되는 필독서Short Articles for Reading Comprehension is a three-levelreadingcourse intended forupper-intermediate to advanced students learning to readEnglish.The non-fictionpassages found throughout this series present students with awiderange of informativearticles that will help transition students from alearning-to-readstage to areading-to-learn stage of language development.----개발자 연락처 :서울시 서초구 서초2동 1360-31 정진빌딩 5층TEL) 02-3471-0096Class BoosterComplex and tedious learning English online now stop!Students will have fun learning to mobile, easy to checkthelearning teachers by email!1. PC as well as mobile devices can be used inInstalled on the PC using the Hybrid CD contains the textbook,andeven a smartphone or tablet PC for students install a freeappavailable anywhere, anytime learning.2. gamification activities to entertain theEnglishLearningIt is a variety of fun activities designed to induce motivationlookat the points piling up, the point ssatyimyeonseo will growincharacter and English language skills at the same time.3. If only the teacher e-mail addresses can be checkedwithoutcomplex LMS StudentStudent Enrollment, without complicated procedures suchasplacement, learning assignments, students are just learningappafter installation. When given teacher learning results willbesent to you, teachers can check the results of your studyjustsimply login.Short Articles for Reading Comprehension 3Non-Fiction with a variety of background knowledge isbuilt,which is essential reading vocabulary also help kidneyShort Articles for Reading Comprehension is a three-levelreadingcourse intended forupper-intermediate to advanced students learning to readEnglish.The non-fictionpassages found throughout this series present students with awiderange of informativearticles that will help transition students from alearning-to-readstage to areading-to-learn stage of language development.
Reading Challenge 2nd 1 2.0
Class Booster복잡하고 지루한 온라인 영어 학습은 이제 그만!학생들은 재밌게 모바일로 학습하고, 선생님은 간편하게 이메일로 학습결과를 확인 하세요!1. PC 뿐 아니라 모바일 기기에서도 사용 가능교재에 포함된 Hybrid CD를 이용해 PC에 설치하고, 학생의 스마트폰이나 테블릿 PC에도 무료앱을 설치해언제어디서나 학습이 가능합니다.2. 영어 학습을 즐겁게 하는 게임화된 액티비티학습 동기를 유발 시키도록 재미있게 설계된 다양한 액티비티들을 하다 보면 포인트가 쌓이고, 포인트가 쌓이면서 내캐릭터와영어 실력이 동시에 성장하게 됩니다.3. 복잡한 LMS없이 선생님 이메일 주소만 있으면 학생 학습 확인 가능학생 등록, 반 배정, 학습 할당 등의 복잡한 절차 없이, 학생들은 앱 설치 후 학습만 하면 됩니다. 지정된선생님이메일로 학습 결과가 전송 되면, 선생님은 로그인만 하면 바로 학습 결과를 확인 하실 수 있습니다.Reading Challenge Second EditionReading Challenge, Second Edition은 고등학생 및 대학생 수준의 학습자들을 위한논픽션독해교재로서 총 3권으로 구성되었다.이 시리즈는 독해에 중점을 둔 교재이지만, 독해뿐 아니라, 말하기, 듣기,문법, 쓰기, 단어 학습까지 충분히 학습할수있도록 다양하고 풍부한 연습문제를 담았다. 단계가 올라감에 따라서 쉽게 이해할 수 있는 지문에서 자주 반복되는논픽션언어구조와 어휘를 통해서 점점 어렵지만 도전할만한 지문들로 구성이 되어있다.Reading Challenge 2nd Edition is a three-book,non-fiction,reading series designed for intermediate to advancedEnglishlanguage learners. The series presents a wide range oftopicsthrough controlled language aimed to engage the interest ofreaderswhile ensuring that the content remains accessible. Thegraduatedreading passages found in the three books of the ReadingChallengeseries allow learners to comfortably progress fromeasilyaccessible readings to more challenging ones throughrepeatedexposure to frequently encountered non-fiction languagestructuresand vocabulary. In addition to developing students’reading skills,the exercises in the Reading Challenge seriesprovide learners theopportunity to practice listening, speaking,and writing throughactivities specifically targeting each of theseskills.----개발자 연락처 :서울시 서초구 서초2동 1360-31 정진빌딩 5층TEL) 02-3471-0096Class BoosterComplex and tedious learning English online now stop!Students will have fun learning to mobile, easy to checkthelearning teachers by email!1. PC as well as mobile devices can be used inInstalled on the PC using the Hybrid CD contains the textbook,andeven a smartphone or tablet PC for students install a freeappavailable anywhere, anytime learning.2. gamification activities to entertain theEnglishlearningIt is a variety of fun activities designed to induce motivationlookat the points piling up, the point ssatyimyeonseo will growincharacter and English language skills at the same time.3. If only the teacher e-mail addresses can be checkedwithoutcomplex LMS StudentStudent Enrollment, without complicated procedures suchasplacement, learning assignments, students are just learningappafter installation. When given teacher learning results willbesent to you, teachers can check the results of your studyjustsimply login.Reading Challenge Second EditionReading Challenge, Second Edition consisted of a total ofthreenon-fiction reading materials for high school and collegelevelstudents.Although the series focused on teaching readingcomprehension,reading comprehension as well as speaking, listening,grammar,writing, diverse enough to help learn words and captured arichlearning exercises. Getting through a difficult phasenonfictionlanguage structures and vocabulary are often repeated inprint thatcan be easily understood in accordance with this ascendis composedof fingerprints remarkable challenge.Reading Challenge 2nd Edition is a three-book,non-fiction,reading series designed for intermediate to advancedEnglishlanguage learners. The series presents a wide range oftopicsthrough controlled language aimed to engage the interest ofreaderswhile ensuring that the content remains accessible. Thegraduatedreading passages found in the three books of the ReadingChallengeseries allow learners to comfortably progress fromeasilyaccessible readings to more challenging ones throughrepeatedexposure to frequently encountered non-fiction languagestructuresand vocabulary. In addition to developing students'reading skills,the exercises in the Reading Challenge seriesprovide learners theopportunity to practice listening, speaking,and writing throughactivities specifically targeting each of theseskills.
Reading Challenge 2nd 2 2.0
Class Booster복잡하고 지루한 온라인 영어 학습은 이제 그만!학생들은 재밌게 모바일로 학습하고, 선생님은 간편하게 이메일로 학습결과를 확인 하세요!1. PC 뿐 아니라 모바일 기기에서도 사용 가능교재에 포함된 Hybrid CD를 이용해 PC에 설치하고, 학생의 스마트폰이나 테블릿 PC에도 무료앱을 설치해언제어디서나 학습이 가능합니다.2. 영어 학습을 즐겁게 하는 게임화된 액티비티학습 동기를 유발 시키도록 재미있게 설계된 다양한 액티비티들을 하다 보면 포인트가 쌓이고, 포인트가 쌓이면서 내캐릭터와영어 실력이 동시에 성장하게 됩니다.3. 복잡한 LMS없이 선생님 이메일 주소만 있으면 학생 학습 확인 가능학생 등록, 반 배정, 학습 할당 등의 복잡한 절차 없이, 학생들은 앱 설치 후 학습만 하면 됩니다. 지정된선생님이메일로 학습 결과가 전송 되면, 선생님은 로그인만 하면 바로 학습 결과를 확인 하실 수 있습니다.Reading Challenge Second EditionReading Challenge, Second Edition은 고등학생 및 대학생 수준의 학습자들을 위한논픽션독해교재로서 총 3권으로 구성되었다.이 시리즈는 독해에 중점을 둔 교재이지만, 독해뿐 아니라, 말하기, 듣기,문법, 쓰기, 단어 학습까지 충분히 학습할수있도록 다양하고 풍부한 연습문제를 담았다. 단계가 올라감에 따라서 쉽게 이해할 수 있는 지문에서 자주 반복되는논픽션언어구조와 어휘를 통해서 점점 어렵지만 도전할만한 지문들로 구성이 되어있다.Reading Challenge 2nd Edition is a three-book,non-fiction,reading series designed for intermediate to advancedEnglishlanguage learners. The series presents a wide range oftopicsthrough controlled language aimed to engage the interest ofreaderswhile ensuring that the content remains accessible. Thegraduatedreading passages found in the three books of the ReadingChallengeseries allow learners to comfortably progress fromeasilyaccessible readings to more challenging ones throughrepeatedexposure to frequently encountered non-fiction languagestructuresand vocabulary. In addition to developing students’reading skills,the exercises in the Reading Challenge seriesprovide learners theopportunity to practice listening, speaking,and writing throughactivities specifically targeting each of theseskills.----개발자 연락처 :서울시 서초구 서초2동 1360-31 정진빌딩 5층TEL) 02-3471-0096Class BoosterComplex and tedious learning English online now stop!Students will have fun learning to mobile, easy to checkthelearning teachers by email!1. PC as well as mobile devices can be used inInstalled on the PC using the Hybrid CD contains the textbook,andeven a smartphone or tablet PC for students install a freeappavailable anywhere, anytime learning.2. gamification activities to entertain theEnglishlearningIt is a variety of fun activities designed to induce motivationlookat the points piling up, the point ssatyimyeonseo will growincharacter and English language skills at the same time.3. If only the teacher e-mail addresses can be checkedwithoutcomplex LMS StudentStudent Enrollment, without complicated procedures suchasplacement, learning assignments, students are just learningappafter installation. When given teacher learning results willbesent to you, teachers can check the results of your studyjustsimply login.Reading Challenge Second EditionReading Challenge, Second Edition consisted of a total ofthreenon-fiction reading materials for high school and collegelevelstudents.Although the series focused on teaching readingcomprehension,reading comprehension as well as speaking, listening,grammar,writing, diverse enough to help learn words and captured arichlearning exercises. Getting through a difficult phasenonfictionlanguage structures and vocabulary are often repeated inprint thatcan be easily understood in accordance with this ascendis composedof fingerprints remarkable challenge.Reading Challenge 2nd Edition is a three-book,non-fiction,reading series designed for intermediate to advancedEnglishlanguage learners. The series presents a wide range oftopicsthrough controlled language aimed to engage the interest ofreaderswhile ensuring that the content remains accessible. Thegraduatedreading passages found in the three books of the ReadingChallengeseries allow learners to comfortably progress fromeasilyaccessible readings to more challenging ones throughrepeatedexposure to frequently encountered non-fiction languagestructuresand vocabulary. In addition to developing students'reading skills,the exercises in the Reading Challenge seriesprovide learners theopportunity to practice listening, speaking,and writing throughactivities specifically targeting each of theseskills.
SmartBooks Reader 1.1
교실에서 수업 시간에 활용하는 교수자와 학습자용 스마트교재 리더로 교재뿐아니라수업진행에 필요한 수업 도구 및 수업후 Homework Activities를 제공합니다.----개발자 연락처 :서울시 서초구 서초2동 1360-31 정진빌딩 5층TEL) 02-3471-0096Take advantage of thetimein the classroom instructor and learners, as well as materialsforsmart materials as a leader in the educational processnecessaryclasses to provide tools and lessons in theHomeworkActivities.
Reading Drive 1 2.0
Class Booster복잡하고 지루한 온라인 영어 학습은 이제 그만!학생들은 재밌게 모바일로 학습하고, 선생님은 간편하게 이메일로 학습결과를 확인 하세요!1. PC 뿐 아니라 모바일 기기에서도 사용 가능교재에 포함된 Hybrid CD를 이용해 PC에 설치하고, 학생의 스마트폰이나 테블릿 PC에도 무료앱을 설치해언제어디서나 학습이 가능합니다.2. 영어 학습을 즐겁게 하는 게임화된 액티비티학습 동기를 유발 시키도록 재미있게 설계된 다양한 액티비티들을 하다 보면 포인트가 쌓이고, 포인트가 쌓이면서 내캐릭터와영어 실력이 동시에 성장하게 됩니다.3. 복잡한 LMS없이 선생님 이메일 주소만 있으면 학생 학습 확인 가능학생 등록, 반 배정, 학습 할당 등의 복잡한 절차 없이, 학생들은 앱 설치 후 학습만 하면 됩니다. 지정된선생님이메일로 학습 결과가 전송 되면, 선생님은 로그인만 하면 바로 학습 결과를 확인 하실 수 있습니다.Reading Drive* 개정 교과서 어휘, 소재, 표현 및 문장 구조 활용* 초. 중등 빈출 필수 어휘 2,000 단어 학습 효과* 영어 수행평가의 대표적인 유형의 연습문제 수록* 영역별 집중 학습을 위한 Review Test와 모의고사 제공* 영역별 동일한 주제와 문법을 제공하여 4 skills 통합 학습 효과Reading Drive 4 is part of a four-level series of books designedforelementary and middle school students aiming to developtheirability in all four skill areas: reading, listening, speaking,andwriting.Each book in the series focuses on a separate skill. Thisallowsstudents to concentrate on the necessary techniques andstrategiestypically related to developing that skill area andimprovingskill-related scores on standardized tests of English forthatparticular skill. Each level of the series targets 500differentheadwords so that students completing all four levels willbe ableto study 2,000 different headwords. Used together, thebooksprovide a complete learning experience for developingstudents’English language abilities across the four fundamentalskillareas.Features:- Themed units with graded topic-based vocabulary- Wide variety of activities to build English language skills- Review units and sample practice tests included foreachskill- Accompanying workbooks- Additional vocabulary practice through free applicationaccessiblewith QR code----개발자 연락처 :서울시 서초구 서초2동 1360-31 정진빌딩 5층TEL) 02-3471-0096Class BoosterComplex and tedious learning English online now stop!Students will have fun learning to mobile, easy to checkthelearning teachers by email!1. PC as well as mobile devices can be used inInstalled on the PC using the Hybrid CD contains the textbook,andeven a smartphone or tablet PC for students install a freeappavailable anywhere, anytime learning.2. gamification activities to entertain theEnglishlearningIt is a variety of fun activities designed to induce motivationlookat the points piling up, the point ssatyimyeonseo will growincharacter and English language skills at the same time.3. If only the teacher e-mail addresses can be checkedwithoutcomplex LMS StudentStudent Enrollment, without complicated procedures suchasplacement, learning assignments, students are just learningappafter installation. When given teacher learning results willbesent to you, teachers can check the results of your studyjustsimply login.Reading Drive* Revised textbook vocabulary, material, utilizing expressionandsentence structure * second. Mandatory secondary high frequency vocabulary of2,000words learning * The exercise of representative types of EnglishPerformanceAssessment Review Test practice test and provide for focused study *byregion * Each region to provide the same topics and grammar 4skillsintegrated learningReading Drive 4 is part of a four-level series of books designedforelementary and middle school students aiming to developtheirability in all four skill areas: reading, listening, speaking,andwriting.Each book in the series focuses on a separate skill. Thisallowsstudents to concentrate on the necessary techniques andstrategiestypically related to developing that skill area andimprovingskill-related scores on standardized tests of English forthatparticular skill. Each level of the series targets 500differentheadwords so that students completing all four levels willbe ableto study 2,000 different headwords. Used together, thebooksprovide a complete learning experience for developingstudents'English language abilities across the four fundamentalskillareas.Features:- Themed units with graded topic-based vocabulary- Wide variety of activities to build English language skills- Review units and sample practice tests included foreachskill- Accompanying workbooks- Additional vocabulary practice through free applicationaccessiblewith QR code