beeings Apps

Colored Wallpaper 1.0
One simple color - Your wallpaperSet one simple color as your wallpaper.Choose from default colors or choose your own one with a handycolor picker dialog.All your colors are stored in a sorted history.
Extract Apks 1.1
Get *.apk files from all your applications.All Apks are extracted to:sdcard/ExtractApks/apks/Use them to install on devices without Google Play oder androidemulator for example.NO root required! You do NOT need root use to thisapplication.
Extract Fonts 1.6.1
Extract all the fonts from all yourapplications.They are copied to your SD Card:sdcard/ExtractFonts/fontsUse them on your PC or Mac for example.
Extract Icons 1.1.2
Extract icons from all installed applications.Use them to customize home screen icons with GO Launcher Ex forexample.Take a look at the video how to do!