ZHOD001 Apps

Visual Home Inventory 1.3
This app provides quick and easy way tofindout the exact location where yourinventories are placed by record them in a managed way. Peopleoftenneed to spend a lot of time to search for specific inventoryamongdifferent storage boxes or cabinets. Things become even worseif theitem was placed several years before.By recording the detail storage locations with pictures innatualway, all theinventory items can be managed in your mobile phone ortabletdevice. When you need to locate specific inventory, all youneed todo is just enter the keyword and search.Key features:*)Record inventory with picture, name, type, purchase place,supportphone number, important dates and serial number*) Search inventories by keywords*) Quick access to items inside specific inventory*) Move inventory once the physical location is changed*) Delete inventory as needed*) Quick browse to purchase locations with Maps*) Quick call to support phone number