XeliteXirish Apps

Scammer Bingo 1.7
This was designed based on 'Scammer Bingo' for windows byJoeTheHuman. If a scammer calls you on your phone or you decide tocall them, try get them to complete all of the options, its a greatway to waste their time! For even more fun, get your friend to calla different scammer and play bingo with them! See who can completeall of the options first! Don't have any scammer details? There isa directory of known scammer details just for your pleasure! Justbe careful to never actually hand over any details or give themaccess to your PC or anything! -Changeable app theme! Change thecolours to what ever you want. -Change the texts on buttons to whatever you want. -Button sounds. -Link to the Scammer Sub Loungediscord server. P.S. Anyone in the mood to make better assets, feelfree and I'll give you a shout out!
BitCoin Status 1.0
This app displays the current value oftheBitCoin currency in your local currency. It allows you to pickanamount of BitCoins to convert in a simple to use UI.* Over 50 different currencies supported with up to dateconversionrates!