Worth-Keeping.com Apps

4D scan
Scan to explore 4D postcards, printed mattersand objects become alive.Explore objects brought to life on the screen of your device,simply point the device towards a 4Dscan prepared object to watchthe video clip.You can scan all 3D postcards from Worth Keeping and lots ofprinted matters or objects prepared for 4Dscan.You can also take a photo during scanning and share it on Facebookand Instagram. The camera icon in the bottom menu appears when thescanning is activated with the video.Keep an eye for objects, that can be scanned with 4Dscan. Look forthe 4Dscan logo as well as information on social media andcampaigns related to the specific item or brand. The app will tryto scan anything, but works only on items prepared for the 4Dscanapp.You can also try the 4Dscan features online at www.4dscan.dkTroubleshooting:If you do have the 4Dscan object, but do not receive any response,like a video or an animation, hold your device at a differentdistance to the object. You can also slowly move or flip eitheryour mobile device or the item from side to side. If your cameradoes not focus scanning, move it to focus elsewhere and scanagain.If 4Dscan does not start up correctly or stop operationg, restartthe app - if necessary repeat.Please also make sure that:- your device is connected to the internet- there is enough light to scan (click the bulb icon to enableextra light)- avoid strong reflections and shadows- your camera lens on your device is clean- you are scanning a 4Dscan prepared object- there is enough power and memory on your deviceFor tablets find 4Dscan app in the Mobile App Store.This app works on androd 4.0 and up, but it works on many olderphones too.PCT PAT. Pending - all rights reserved WORTH KEEPING ApSDon't hesitate to contact us if any questions, or if you would likeuse 4Dcan on your own product:[email protected]+45 8639 1664
Folkekirken App 1.01
Hold telefonen over kortet og scan bagsidenmedteksten, hvorefter teksten bliver læst op.Hvis din telefon har svært ved at stille skarpt, anbefales detatprøve med forskellige afstande.Denne version virker på mobiltelefoner medandroidstyresystem.Spørg din lokale præst om 3D kortene, hvis du ikke alleredeharfået dem.Udbyder og producent af 3D kortene:Worth Keeping ApSwww.worth-keeping.comtlf. +45 8639 1664Hold the phone overthemap and scan the back with the text and the text is read aloud.If your phone has difficulty to focus, it is recommended totrydifferent distances.This version works on mobile phones with androidoperatingsystem.Ask your local priest on 3D cards if you do not alreadyhavethem.Host and producer of 3D cards:Worth Keeping ApSwww.worth-keeping.comtel. +45 8639 1664