'FARET TACHIKAWA ART', the official app for the 109 of art inTachikawa City.
Oyama Meguri Guide 1.1.0
" Oyama Meguri Guide" is a sightseeing app for Mt. Oyama, developedjointly by the three cities of Isehara, Hadano, and Atsugi. Thisapp not only introduces the Mt. Oyama area, but also providesnavigation services along with information on tourist facilities. This app not only introduces the Mt. Oyama area, but also providesnavigation services along with information on tourist facilities.With this app being available in Japanese, English, Chinese(traditional and simplified), and Korean, and furthermore, comingwith an automatic voice playback function, we provide a detailedservice that envisions use by foreigners, and use for long periodsof time while walking around the city. ■サービス対象地域 ・Isehara, Hadano,Atsugi Android 【Device models confirmed supported】 ・Google Nexus 5[OS4.4.2] ・Google Nexus 6 [OS5.1.1] ・Google Nexus 9 [OS5.0.1] ・NTTdocomo Xperia A (SO-04E)[OS4.2.2] ・AU AQUOS PHONE (SHL23)[OS4.2.2]・AU AQUOS PHONE (SHV33)[OS5.1.1] ・NTT docomo Galaxy S4(SC-04E)[OS4.2] ・NTT docomo Galaxy S III (SC-06D)[OS4.0(4.1)]【Supported Android OS version】 ・Ver 4.1以上 【Supported resolution】・480x480以上
Yamanouchi Navi 1.0.2
This is the official app for Yamanouchi Town. Learn about thesightseeing spots spread around Yamanouchi Town, and find themeasily with the detailed navigation service. The Experience featureallows you to look up and get information on a wide range ofsightseeing spots. The Recommended route feature suggests walkingroutes based on the time required and your goal, guiding you alongthe way on the Map screen and AR Camera screen. In addition, youcan tap on one of the icons that pops up on the screen to see thedetails of that facility, or pick a Recommended route from the mapof a specific area, such as Shiga Kogen, Yudanaka Shibu Onsenkyoand Kita-Shiga Kogen. Prepare yourself for an emergency by checkingout the location of Emergency shelter. This app supports Japanese,English, Chinese (simplified and traditional) and Korean, making iteasy to use for people coming from abroad. 【How to use theapplication】 ◆ Explanation of each of the buttons on the mainscreen * Experience ・・・You can search for places from Experience(TODO). * Places to visit ・・・Search for facilities under variousthemes, such as "See", "Buy" and "Art Culture". * Recommendedroute・・・You can find different walking routes that allow you to goaround and visit various places on the same theme. * Hotspring・meal・・・Search for facilities under categories such as "Stay・Hot springs" and "Taste". ◆ Explanation of each of the buttonsin the side menu The first item on the side menu will appear whenyou tap "≡" at the top right of the screen. * Categories ・・・ Jumpsto the categories screen. * AR Camera screen ・・・ Jumps to the ARCamera screen. * Map screen ・・・ Jumps to the Map screen (MAP) forthe surrounding area. * Transport information ・・・ Opens an externalwebsite. * Official site of Yamanouchi Town (TOP)・・・ Opens anexternal website. * Official site of Yamanouchi Town (Sightseeing)・・・ Opens an external website. * Official Facebook page(Sightseeing)・・・ Opens an external website. * Event information ・・・Opens an external website. * Shiga-highland Biosphere Reserve ・・・Opens an external website. * Choose language ・・・ Jumps to thelanguage selection screen. * Help ・・・ Jumps to the help screen. *Volume settings ・・・ Jumps to the volume settings screen. * Returnto main screen ・・・ Returns to the main screen. (Not displayed ifyou access the side menu from the main screen.) ■Service area・Yamanouchi Town 【Device models confirmed supported】 ・Google Nexus5 [OS4.4.2] ・Google Nexus 6 [OS5.1.1] ・Google Nexus 9 [OS5.0.1]・NTT docomo Xperia A (SO-04E)[OS4.2.2] ・AU AQUOS PHONE(SHL23)[OS4.2.2] ・NTT docomo Galaxy S4 (SC-04E)[OS4.2] ・NTT docomoGalaxy S III (SC-06D)[OS4.0(4.1)] ・NTT docomo XperiaTM AX(SO-01E)[OS4.0] ・NTT docomo Optimus it (L-05D)[OS4.0] ・NTT docomoMEDIAS X (N-07D)[OS4.0] ・NTT docomo REGZA Phone (T-02D) [OS4.0]・NTT docomo Galaxy Nexus (SC-04D)[OS4.0] 【Supported OS version】・Ver. 4.0 & later 【Supported resolution】 ・480x480 and above
EXOffice 1.0.20
EXOffice is an application to provide various services fortheoffice workers to cope with new normal of the office life.Usingbeacon tag or smartphone, it measures the location of theofficeworker and provides services such as attendancemanagement,hoteling, telework support and office diagnosis. [Majorcontentsand features] - Attendance management displays the currentseatinglocation of the worker on the indoor map. It is possible tolocatethe worker and display the only selected members thatareregistered in advance. - Hoteling is a new service for theofficeuse by reserving the desirable seat. Reservation can be madeby thedate, the building and the seat, and reservation changeorcancellation are also available. - Telework support makestheeffective work management available; using this APP, the workercanmake check-in/out for the work to share the work status withthecolleagues, especially effective for the duty outside office.-Office diagnosis analyzes the vast data collected throughtheservices explained above and displays the result on thedashboardin comprehensive way. - APP is currently available onlyinJapanese, but in the future it will be available inmulti-languageformat (English, Simplified Chinese and TraditionalChinese).EXOfficepage:https://where123.jp/solutions/office/exoffice/