Twly Apps

Twly for Twitter Instagram 2.3
Twly make it easy what you want to see aboutyour social accounts (Twitter & Instagram). Comes with awesomehandy tools which are unique. It's a one stop solution to manageyour multiple twitter and Instagram accounts at a single place& find interesting insights.★ Who to follow: helps your to decide who to unfollow usingawesome filters i.e inactive users etc★ Unique dashboard: gives you snapshot stats about your last 30days account activity at one place.★ Push notifications when someone follow/unfollow, retweet ormention you.★ Growth tracking - Twly automatically tracks and generates graphsfor your several social account metrics, so you can easily see yoursocial account performance and audience growth.★ Schedule : Twly makes it easy to schedule tweets (support forTwitter) in advance to go out at an exact date and time.★ Smart Copy : Follow people who are following/followers of aTwitter/Instagram handle★ Recent unfollowers and followers: Ever wondered who unfollowedyou on Twitter/Instagram? Now, You can find who unfollowed/followedyou recently.★ Followers: See people who follow you, but you aren't followingthem back.★ All Following: See everybody you are following on Twitter.★ Timeline: access your twitter/instagram timeline★ Support same TWLY account on multiple devices.★ No follow/unfollow limits★ No background servicesOfficial Twitter account won't send any tweets without your permission.Note: Some features won't be supported for users with more than60,000 followers/followings due to Twitter/Instagram API ratelimits, but you can still access to social insightsTags : Who to unfollow, Social insights