TokyInc Apps

Dyslexia - Find Help 4.0
Are you looking for an app giving you all theinformation you need to know about Dyslexia and its treatments?Then you have definitely stopped at the right place.The present app gives you tips with professional articles,videos and links all over the web.If you have been suffering from dyslexia and tried differentcures and tips, searching for the best remedy online, you can nowstop searching.You’ll find astonishing tips and surprising facts in one app –for free.Get to know about alternative treatments that can easily be doneby yourself.Watch professional exercises and share your experiences with theweb community.And a lot more…Are you looking for anapp giving you all the information you need to know about Dyslexiaand its treatments? Then you have definitely stopped at the rightplace.The present app gives you tips with professional articles,videos and links all over the web.If you have been suffering from dyslexia and tried differentcures and tips, searching for the best remedy online, you can nowstop searching.You'll find astonishing tips and surprising facts in one app -for free.Get to know about alternative treatments did Easily can be doneby yourself.Watch professional exercises and share your experiences with theweb community.And a lot more ...
Depression - Things To Know 3.0
At the age of 17 I was involved in a car crashas a passenger...After that crash I was suffering from apost-traumatic stress disorder.Daily panic attacks where normal since that point. I wasconsulting several doctors and prescribed different medications toease the symptoms. As long as I was not in a stressing situation,everything was fine. But in certain situations, the panic attackscame bock with its full power.In these situations it is important to have tips and tricks howto avoid and ease panic attacks. Sharing my experiences andproviding an app to help peolpe suffering from panic attacks led tothe idea of Panic Free.This app is created for people who suffer from panic attacks anddepression from time to time, as well as people who suffer fromconstant panick attacks and depression. For sure, if you sufferfrom heavy panick attacks it is always important to consult adoctor.This app will provide you with useful articles, videos,experiences and links in the web, to give you fast tips, how tocope with panick attacks and your depression.You have all this in one free app, plus a game, which challengesyour coordination and mind to ease symptoms of accute panicattacks.
Juice Juicing Recipes 3.0
This is an app designed for juice lovers.Everything you need to know about juice making, you can find indifferent articles, videos and links all over the web.This app is for free and you will also find a free game.
Panic Free 3.0
At the age of 17 I was involved in a car crashas a passenger...After that crash I was suffering from apost-traumatic stress disorder.Daily panic attacks where normal since that point. I wasconsulting several doctors and prescribed different medications toease the symptoms. As long as I was not in a stressing situation,everything was fine. But in certain situations, the panic attackscame bock with its full power.In these situations it is important to have tips and tricks howto avoid and ease panic attacks. Sharing my experiences andproviding an app to help peolpe suffering from panic attacks led tothe idea of Panic Free.This app is created for people who suffer from panic attacksfrom time to time, as well as people who suffer from constantpanick attacks. For sure, if you suffer from heavy panick attacksit is always important to consult a doctor.This app will provide you with useful articles, videos,experiences and links in the web, to give you fast tips, how tocope with panick attacks.You have all this in one free app, plus a game, which challengesyour coordination and mind to ease symptoms of accute panicattacks.
Wood Working - Things To Know 3.0
Are you looking for an app giving you all theinformation you need to know about Wood Working and itspractices?Then you have definitely stopped at the right place.The present app provides you with professional articles, videosand links all over the web.You’ll find astonishing tips and surprising facts in one app – forfree.Find out about Wood Working and its history.Get to know about different Wood Working methods.Watch professional exercises and share your experiences with theweb community.And a lot more…
Disorder Facts 2.0
At the age of 17 I was involved in a car crashas a passenger...After that crash I was suffering from apost-traumatic stress disorder.Daily panic attacks where normal since that point. I wasconsulting several doctors and prescribed different medications toease the symptoms. As long as I was not in a stressing situation,everything was fine. But in certain situations, the panic attackscame bock with its full power.In these situations it is important to have tips and tricks howto avoid and ease panic attacks. Sharing my experiences andproviding an app to help peolpe suffering from panic attacks led tothe idea of Panic Free.This app is created for people who suffer from panic attacksfrom time to time, as well as people who suffer from constantpanick attacks. For sure, if you suffer from heavy panick attacksit is always important to consult a doctor.This app will provide you with useful articles, videos,experiences and links in the web, to give you fast tips, how tocope with panick attacks.You have all this in one free app, plus a game, which challengesyour coordination and mind to ease symptoms of accute panicattacks.
Accupuncture 3.0
Are you looking for an app giving you all theinformation you need to know about Accupuncture and its practices?Then you have definitely stopped at the right place.The present app provides you with professional articles, videosand links all over the web.If you have been unsure of using Accupuncture or not and werelooking for information about the practice, you can now stopsearching. The supported information in the app gives you all youneed to make a decision of whether using Accupuncture or not.You’ll find astonishing tips and surprising facts in one app –for free. You will even get a challenging game.Find out the truth about Accupuncture and its history.Get to know about different usages and treatments ofAccuouncture.Watch professional exercises and share your experiences with theweb community.And a lot more…Are you looking for anapp giving you all the information you need to know aboutAccupuncture and its practices? Then you have definitely stopped atthe right place.The present app Provides you with professional articles, videosand links all over the web.If you have been unsure of using Accupuncture or not and werelooking for information about the practice, you can now stopsearching. The supported information in the app gives you all youneed to make a decision of Whether using Accupuncture or not.You'll find astonishing tips and surprising facts in one app -for free. You will even get a challenging game.Find out the truth about Accupuncture and its history.Get to know about different usages and treatments ofAccuouncture.Watch professional exercises and share your experiences with theweb community.And a lot more ...
Save Money - Tips 1.0
Are you tired of beeing short of money attheend of the month?You do not want to look after every penny all the time?Then you have definiteley stopped at the right place. Theappgives you usefull tips and information how to save moneyondifferent occasions.Find interesting videos and links, that give youadditionalinformation about money saving.The provided app will help you to find little things that haveaimmense impact on your money.Have fun with these interesting tips and get more out ofyourmoney today.
Fight Cellulite - Treatments 2.0
Are you looking for an app giving you alltheinformation you need to know about cellulite and itstreatments?Then you have definitely stopped at the right place.The present app gives you tips how to finally get ridofcellulite on your legs, thighs, butt and hips withprofessionalarticles, videos and links all over the web.If you have been suffering from cellulite and trieddifferentcures and tips, searching for the best remedy online, youcan nowstop searching. The supported information in the app givesyousolutions how to eliminate the cellulites all over yourbody.You’ll find astonishing tips and surprising facts in one app–for free.Find out the truth about different cures for cellulites andtheiractual effect on your skin.Get to know about alternative treatments that can easily be donebyyourself.Watch professional exercises and share your experiences with thewebcommunity.And a lot more…
Bacterial Vaginosis Treatments 4.0
Bacterial vaginosis (BV) or veryuncommonlyvaginal bacteriosis is a disease of the vagina caused bybacteria.According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control andPrevention(CDC), risk factors for BV include douching and havingnew ormultiple sex partners, although it is unclear what rolesexualactivity plays in the development of BV. BV is caused byanimbalance of naturally occurring bacterial flora and isoftenconfused with yeast infection (candidiasis) or infectionwithTrichomonas vaginalis (trichomoniasis), which are not causedbybacteria.The present app provides you with professional articles,videosand links all over the web.
Tea Time - Beautiful Varieties 3.0
This is an app designed for tea lovers.Everything you need to know about tea, you can find indifferentarticles, videos and links all over the web.This app is for free and you will also find a free game.
Cheese Facts 3.0
This is an app designed for cheese lovers.Everything you need to know about cheese, you can findindifferent articles, videos and links all over the web.This app is for free and you will also find a free game.
Personal Finance - Save Today 1.0
Are you tired of beeing short of money attheend of the month?You do not want to look after every penny all the time?Then you have definiteley stopped at the right place. Theappgives you usefull tips and information how to save moneyondifferent occasions.Find interesting videos and links, that give youadditionalinformation about money saving.The provided app will help you to find little things that haveaimmense impact on your money.Have fun with these interesting tips and get more out ofyourmoney today.
Money Saving - Effective Tips 2.0
Are you tired of beeing short of money attheend of the month?You do not want to look after every penny all the time?Then you have definiteley stopped at the right place. Theappgives you usefull tips and information how to save moneyondifferent occasions.Find interesting videos and links, that give youadditionalinformation about money saving.The provided app will help you to find little things that haveaimmense impact on your money.Have fun with these interesting tips and get more out ofyourmoney today.
Stop Snoring - Treatments 3.0
You love your partner but you cannotstandhis/her snoring during the night. Snoring is one big reasonwhycouples argue and have problems in their relationship.Find astonishing tips, excercises and videos, how you canstopsnoring today.
Christian Children Stories 3.0
The biblical teachings of Jesus:Love of God: "You shall love the Lord your God with all ofyourheart, and with all your soul, and with all your might."(anexcerpt from the Shema), -Matthew 22:37Fidelity in marriage: "Whom God has joined together let nomanput asunder"Renunciation of worldly goods: "Gather not your riches upuponthis earth, for there your heart will be also",Renunciation of violence: "If a man strikes you on onecheek,turn the other cheek",Forgiveness of sins: "Forgive us our trespasses, as weforgivethose who trespass against us",Unconditional love: "Love your enemies and pray for thosewhopersecute you".These values, stated by Jesus are getting less attention inourworld today. The provided App takes on these values and putstheminto funny, interesting and educational stories forchildren.Read the stories to your children and give them moral, ethicsandvalues in their everyday lifes.You will find all this in one app - for free.Start bringing values to your children's lifes today.The biblical teachingsofJesus:Love of God: "You shall love the Lord your God with all ofyourheart, and with all your soul, and with all your might also."(Inexcerpt from the Shema), Matthew 22:37Fidelity in marriage: "Whom God has joined together let nomanput asunder"Renunciation of worldly goods, "Gather not your riches upuponthis earth, for there your heart will be so",Renunciation of violence: "If a man strikes you on onecheek,turn the other cheek",Forgiveness of sins: "Forgive us our trespasses, as weforgiveThose who trespass against us",Unconditional love: "Love your enemies and pray For ThoseWhopersecute you".These values, stated by Jesus are getting less attention inourworld today. The App Provided takes on synthesis values ​​andputsthem into funny, interesting and educational storiesforchildren.Read the stories to your children and give them morals,ethicsand values ​​in Their everyday lifes.You will find all this in one app - for free.Start bringing values ​​to your children's lifes today.