Telik Apps

Telik 1.9
Communication from TelikTo contact the person who is for hundreds of thousands of milestoday is quite simple, if you select the right application forcommunication. The most popular are, of course, mobile phones andthe Internet. But these tools do not give 100% guarantee ofsecurity. If you are a business person, the ability to talk withoutinformation leakage is the main goal and objective means ofcommunication. What can we choose? Telik offers a new means ofcommunication.What it isA worldwide network makes it possible to call and talk, and evensee the person who is on the other side of the Earth. To do thistoday can be expensive, you just have to pay for your Internet. Buta new app from Telik is the link, which opens up new possibilitiesto users.By purchasing this app and installing it on your gadget, youget:- Secure connection, which is basically impossible to listen to.It is ideal for business people, from the safety of the informationwhich the success and profit of their business;- The ability to replace a number during a call, so you couldsimply calculate (this helps you find anyone trying to hide fromyou);- Communication, which is in any point of the Earth. Even in thefar North you can easily call family or partners to inform themabout their progress;- The opportunity to make as many calls as you need for unlimited –say what you want and from anywhere in the World;- No listening to your conversation.ServiceThe creators of this application have developed a system thatallows you to travel and not to break away from the talks,discussions of your cases, decision-making, which is impossiblewithout your participation.More opportunities with Telik. An important application is thatthe technical support works round the clock. 24 hours a day you cancontact for any need.The company's specialists will answer any question, solve yourproblem, so you can continue secure communication with partners orcustomers.Who wants such a relationshipTelik app is designed for all users, but there are the mostsuitable audience for this service. They are businessmen who arelooking for the most secure connection on the Internet.This app helps not only to contact at any point of the Earth,but to talk to him without interruption the right amount of time,and not be afraid of what tomorrow of your business Affairs willsay the whole company or it will become known to competitors.Payment for the application are available for business peopleand businessmen. To pay for the installation costs, so that theleakage of information is sometimes much more expensive than theprice for secure communications at Telik. Symbolic price should notbe an obstacle to security and unlimited communication withoutinterference.To install the application easily. To do this, everyone canindependently, without the involvement of computer masters.Privileges used by the application on the device:"Personal information. Data read contacts - display phone numberand name if possible, when displaying the call history."Phone calls" - required for the provision of a program as a dialerby default."Network data exchange" - used when ordering the call, generating asecurity key, and to determine the availability of the internetaccess on the phone.