T8Media Apps

Ring Of Fire 1.0
A simple Ring of Fire drinking game that allows custom rules
Seafarer Tax Calculator 1.12
Seafarer Tax Calculator lets you keep track of days you wereoutsideof the UK and confirm whether your trips are eligible forclaimingSeafarer Earnings Deduction or not (or if you are on trackforqualifying). The app displays a tick or cross beside eachtripdepending on if it qualifies and the "Stats" section displaysdataabout your trips in a table that matches the one provided bytheHMRC, which is required to claim your tax back. You data canalsobe exported as a CSV file for you to save for your records oremailto an accountant. This app is free with no ads and onlyneedspermission to write to external storage for exporting CSVfiles.Update 2019: This app is not currently under development, norhasit been for many years, I'm leaving it up as it appears manyarefinding it useful. That said, no feature requests will beworkedon. Thanks guys