SmarTechYard Apps

Smart Blood Donation 4.5
This application give you the capability tobroadcast your or your family need for blood to nearby donors whohas blood group compatible for your requirements.It also publish your request on a dedicated facebook page for thispurpose in your country for more audience and accordingly moreblood donors.You will also receive blood donation requests from nearby people ifyou or any member of your family can meet the patient needs.The application will provide the following features:1. Enter your personal, contact, residence info2. Add family members3. You can send a donation request and your request will bebroadcasted to everybody4. To get more audience for your request, You can publish yourrequest, through the application, on a dedicated facebook page foryour country.5. Show list of nearby people requests6. Show list of your requests with frequent updates on the requeststatus7. For each request, application shows the list of family memberswho can meet the requirement8. Application will show a system notification in case any updateon your requests is received9. Historical reports for your requests and for yourdonations10. The application supports more than 700 hospital and more than35 countryThis is the application that everybody must have because "TheBlood Donor of today may be recipient of tomorrow".Install and register now to send and receive blood donationrequests
Smart Grocery 5.5
Smart Groceries is a simple shopping listappthat allows you to create shopping lists for your home, work,tripand party, and you can share them with your facebook friendsUsers share the same shopping list can add/deleteproducts,increase/decrease the quantity and mark them as bought.Users canleave a shopping list if they are not interested to bepart ofit.Smart Grocery helps you to control the expenses by providingthefollowing reports: Items bought today, Last ShoppingSessionDetails, Last 24 Sessions and Monthly expenses chart.Smart Grocery works as shopping calculator as well,whileshopping, input quantities and prices, and you'll have arunningtotal as you continue shopping.Smart Grocery built on the idea of sharing the best pricebetweenthe users by providing a powerful engine to collect thepricessubmitted by users in the same area, analyze them, selectthe bestprice in area and share it with everybody else.In order to get the maximum benefit of Smart Grocery, youshouldstart a new shopping session every time you go forshopping.Starting new session allows you to select the market andbranch youare currently shopping from. The prices submitted throughthissession are logged for this market/branch and based on thesedata,the best price will be determined and shared with allusersresiding in the same area.At the end of the shopping session, user will get adetailedreport with the number of products and number of itemspurchased aswell as the total amount.Please note that the only permission required for Applicationtowork is the location. Location is used to filterthemarkets/branches according to your current location.The application supports more than 35 country, more than850city, more than 400 market and more than 6000 branch.The application includes more than 4,000 brands and morethan300,000 products grouped under 6 categories:"Food - Beverage - Tobacco""Beauty - Personal Care - Hygiene""Healthcare""Cleaning - Hygiene Products""Baby Care""Personal Accessories"