Scientia Apps

TeakMedcon 1.1
App For TeakMedcon- 58th AnnualStateConference of Indian Medical Association,Kerala State Branch.Youcan use this app to get all details about the eventincludingprograms , speakers and location info etc...
Jamia Salafiya PharmacyCollege 2.3
ParentEye is a platform to streamline the communication betweenteachers and parents at Jamia Salafiya college. This helps parentto get a clear view about their wards academic performance .ParentEye enables teacher to quickly find any information about astudent at their fingertip using the smartphone. ParentEye open upa two way communication channel between teacher and parent. This isa real time communication as all these achieved through thesmartphone that you carry always!!!
Peevees Public School 6.1
Pevees mobile application is to streamline the communicationbetween teachers and parents of Peevee public school.. This helpsparent to get a clear view about their wards performance inscholastic and non-scholastic area. The app helps the teacher andparents to quickly find any information about a student at theirfingertip using the smartphone. Functionalities offered For ParentsThrough parent mobile app parents can get a continuous view oftheir wards performance in scholastic and non-scholastic area.Performance charts/graphs provide a progressive view of ward’sperformance. This help parent to understand any improvements neededat the early stage and avoid last minute surprises. App enablesparents to view any specific comments from teachers about theward’s performance. This also enable them to receive anynotifications from the school at real time, so no more missed ordelayed communications. Diary feature open up a two waycommunication channel to reduce the communication gap betweenparent and teacher Parent Eye helps parent to quickly find thetransport information pertaining to their ward and track the sameFor Teachers Progress report view available within the app enableteachers to quickly find out performance report of any student Theprogressive and tentative graphs helps teacher to quickly findperformance improvements required at early stage and notify theparent the same. Diary help teachers to send any notes to theparent and get a acknowledgment of the same. This helps to removeany communication gaps. ParentEye transport information helpteacher to quickly find transport information of any student.
YKROK's Junior ParentEye 1.8
ParentEyeJr ,ParentEye for Day care andPre-schoolsWorried about your child, while you are busy at work?? Notanymore....ParentEye brings to you an efficient way of connecting with yourday care. We are transforming the way you communicate with yourchild's care taker using your smartphones with simple taps.Through ParentEye you will get instant update from your day carecentre through your smart phone.FeaturesReceive instant updates from the centerDigital diaryEvent and activity updatesDaily diet updateProfile editingSharing documentsProgress CardTeachers observationFee remindersPhoto galleryMonthly news letter
Rajah School Chavakkad 7.6
Rajah School Mobile App is a platform to streamline thecommunication between teachers and parents at the secondary andhigher secondary education levels. This helps parent to get a clearview about their wards performance in scholastic and non-scholasticarea. Rajah School Mobile App enables teacher to quickly find anyinformation about a student at their fingertip using thesmartphone. Rajah School Mobile App open up a two way communicationchannel between teacher and parent. This is a real timecommunication as all these achieved through the smartphone that youcarry always!!! Functionalities offered by Rajah School Mobile AppFor Parents Rajah School Mobile App helps parents to get acontinuous view of their wards performance in scholastic andnon-scholastic area. Rajah School Mobile App’s performancecharts/graphs provide a progressive view of ward’s performance.This help parent to understand any improvements needed at the earlystage and avoid last minute surprises. Rajah School Mobile Appenables parents to view any specific comments from teachers aboutthe ward’s performance. This also enable them to receive anynotifications from the school at real time, so no more missed ordelayed communications. Rajah School Mobile App’s diary open up atwo way communication channel to reduce the communication gapbetween parent and teacher Rajah School Mobile App helps parent toquickly find the transport information pertaining to their ward andtrack the same For Teachers Rajah School Mobile App progress reportview enable teachers to quicky find out performance report of anystudent The progressive and tentative graphs helps teacher toquickly find performance improvements required at early stage andnotify the parent the same. Rajah School Mobile App diary helpteachers to send any notes to the parent and get a acknowledgmentof the same. This helps to remove any communication gaps. RajahSchool Mobile App transport information help teacher to quicklyfind transport information of any student.
Vidya Council 6.4
Vidya Council Mobile App is a platform to streamline thecommunication between teachers and parents. This helps parent toget a clear view about their wards performance in scholastic andnon-scholastic area. Vidya Council Mobile App enables teacher toquickly find any information about a student at their fingertipusing the smartphone. The Mobile App open up a two waycommunication channel between teacher and parent. This is a realtime communication as all these achieved through the smartphonethat you carry always!!! Functionalities offered by Vidya CouncilMobile App For Parents Mobile App helps parents to get a continuousview of their wards performance in scholastic and non-scholasticarea. App’s performance charts/graphs provide a progressive view ofward’s performance. This help parent to understand any improvementsneeded at the early stage and avoid last minute surprises. VidyaCouncil Mobile App enables parents to view any specific commentsfrom teachers about the ward’s performance. This also enable themto receive any notifications from the school at real time, so nomore missed or delayed communications. Vidya Council Mobile App’sdiary open up a two way communication channel to reduce thecommunication gap between parent and teacher Vidya Council MobileApp helps parent to quickly find the transport informationpertaining to their ward and track the same For Teachers VidyaCouncil Mobile App progress report view enable teachers to quicklyfind out performance report of any student The progressive andtentative graphs helps teacher to quickly find performanceimprovements required at early stage and notify the parent thesame. Vidya Council Mobile App diary help teachers to send anynotes to the parent and get a acknowledgment of the same. Thishelps to remove any communication gaps. Vidya Council Mobile Apptransport information help teacher to quickly find transportinformation of any student.
Sree Maharshi Vidyalaya 6.0
Sree Maharshi Vidyalaya Mobile App is a platform to streamlinethecommunication between teachers and parents. This helps parenttoget a clear view about their wards performance in scholasticandnon-scholastic area. Sree Maharshi Vidyalaya Mobile Appenablesteacher to quickly find any information about a student attheirfingertip using the smartphone. The Mobile App open up a twowaycommunication channel between teacher and parent. This is arealtime communication as all these achieved through thesmartphonethat you carry always!!! Functionalities offered by SreeMaharshiVidyalaya Mobile App For Parents Mobile App helps parentsto get acontinuous view of their wards performance in scholasticandnon-scholastic area. App’s performance charts/graphs provideaprogressive view of ward’s performance. This help parenttounderstand any improvements needed at the early stage andavoidlast minute surprises. Sree Maharshi Vidyalaya Mobile Appenablesparents to view any specific comments from teachers abouttheward’s performance. This also enable them to receiveanynotifications from the school at real time, so no more missedordelayed communications. Sree Maharshi Vidyalaya Mobile App’sdiaryopen up a two way communication channel to reduce thecommunicationgap between parent and teacher Sree Maharshi VidyalayaMobile Apphelps parent to quickly find the transport informationpertainingto their ward and track the same For Teachers SreeMaharshiVidyalaya Mobile App progress report view enable teachersto quickyfind out performance report of any student The progressiveandtentative graphs helps teacher to quickly findperformanceimprovements required at early stage and notify theparent thesame. Sree Maharshi Vidyalaya Mobile App diary helpteachers tosend any notes to the parent and get a acknowledgment ofthe same.This helps to remove any communication gaps. SreeMaharshiVidyalaya Mobile App transport information help teacher toquicklyfind transport information of any student.
ParentEye - School App 10.8.2
Parent Eye - Streamlining communication between teachers andparents.
Excel Public School 8.0.1
Excel Public School App-Streamlining communication between teachersand parents.
TimeDiary 9.7.1
TimeDiary - Streamlining communication between teachers andparents.