Sbectol Apps

Llyfrau Hwyl Magi Ann Set 3 1.0
Mae Menter Iaith Sir y Fflint yn cyflwyno:apnewydd i helpu disgyblion yn y Cyfnod Sylfaen iddarllenCymraegMenter Iaith Sir y Fflint present: a new app to help pupils intheFoundation Phase to learn to read in WelshDewch i ddarllen gyda Magi Ann, Pero, Tedi, Doli a DicwCome and read with Magi Ann, Pero, Teddy, Dolly and Dicw6 stori syml - Llyfrau bach Magi Ann - 6 easy storiesDarllenwch, gwrandewch a thapiwch eiriau unigol i glywedynganiadac i weld cyfieithiadRead along, listen and tap individual words to hearpronunciationand to see a translation
Llyfrau Hwyl Magi Ann Set 1 1.0
Mae Menter Iaith Sir y Fflint yn cyflwyno:apnewydd i helpu disgyblion yn y Cyfnod Sylfaen iddarllenCymraegMenter Iaith Sir y Fflint present: a new app to help pupils intheFoundation Phase to learn to read in WelshDewch i ddarllen gyda Magi Ann, Pero, Tedi, Doli a DicwCome and read with Magi Ann, Pero, Teddy, Dolly and Dicw10 stori syml - Llyfrau bach Magi Ann - 10 easy storiesDarllenwch, gwrandewch a thapiwch eiriau unigol i glywedynganiadac i weld cyfieithiadRead along, listen and tap individual words to hearpronunciationand to see a translation
Llyfrau Hwyl Magi Ann Set 2 1.0.1
Mae Menter Iaith Sir y Fflint yn cyflwyno:apnewydd i helpu disgyblion yn y Cyfnod Sylfaen iddarllenCymraegMenter Iaith Sir y Fflint present: a new app to help pupils intheFoundation Phase to learn to read in WelshDewch i ddarllen gyda Magi Ann, Pero, Tedi, Doli a DicwCome and read with Magi Ann, Pero, Teddy, Dolly and Dicw10 stori syml - Llyfrau bach Magi Ann - 10 easy storiesDarllenwch, gwrandewch a thapiwch eiriau unigol i glywedynganiadac i weld cyfieithiadRead along, listen and tap individual words to hearpronunciationand to see a translation
Llyfrau Hwyl Magi Ann Set 5 2.0.0
Read with Magi Ann and friends
What's behind the door? 1.0
Choose which door will open to revealanimaginary and potentially mind blowing future! Or could it betrue?Developed by the Year 7 and Year 8 pupils of YsgolUwchraddCaergybi as part of the Lead Creative Schools Scheme.The pupils and teachers collaborated with Spoken Word PoetMartinDaws, Sound, Video & Motion Graphics expert Rob Spaullandprogrammer Simon Beech to produce a series of short films onthetheme of "What's behind the door?"This app is a collection of that work.
Antur Gwych George 1.0
Storifwrdd hwyliog sydd wedi cael ei greuganddisgyblion Ysgol RhiwabonA fun storyboard that has been created by pupils ofYsgolRhiwabon
Croniclau Jiffi 1.0
Storifwrdd hwyliog sydd wedi cael ei greuganddisgyblion Ysgol MaesgarmonA fun storyboard that has been created by pupils ofYsgolMaesgarmon
Moron 1.0
Dyma un o gyfres o animeiddiadau syml syddwedicael eu creu mewn cyrsiau undyddgan ddisgyblion a myfyrwyr ysgolion a cholegau Sir y FflintaWrecsam.Here is one of a series of fun animations that have beencreatedduring one day coursesby the pupils and students of schools and colleges acrossFlintshireand Wrexham
Canu Selog 1.1.1
Canu efo Selog - Singing
Symud Selog 1.0.6
Rhigymau Cymraeg a geirfa natur. Fitness rhymes and nature words.
Cornish Magi Ann Kernewek 1.1.1
Fun and stories for pre-school, nursery and family learning
Ioga Selog 1.0.6
Ioga! 12 safle ioga yn y Gymraeg. Yoga! 12 yoga stretches
Canu Selog 2 1.0.9
14 mwy o ganeuon Cymraeg hwyliog Selog Another 14 of Selog’sfavourite songs.
Llyfrau Hwyl Magi Ann Set 4 2.0.1
Darllen gyda Magi Ann a'r ffrindiau Read with Magi Ann and friends
Llyfrau Bach Magi Ann 2.0.2
Dewch i ddarllen gyda Magi Ann - Come and read with Magi Ann
Hoff Lyfrau Selog 1.0.8
From Menter Iaith Môn: Selog reads 14 Welsh books, from theRwdlanand Alun Arth series. Ideal for non-Welsh speaking familiestosupport children’s literacy and bilingual skills developmentinWales.
Sialens 1.0.0
Yr Ap Cwis