Roeug Apps

Nke_a Nuclear Wallet Cards 8.2
Nke_a Nuclear Wallet Cards shows the data onthe known isotope states (about 3000 different nuclides). Allstable nuclei and known radioactive nuclei, both naturallyoccurring and manmade, are loaded, along with their decayproperties. Also decay spectra and neutron cross-sections andneutron fission yields are available. Nke_a loads data from binaryfile installed. No internet/phone connections required.
x86 Nuclide Explorer 12.2
Nkeag Android Nuclide map Explorer shows the data on the knownisotope states (about 3000 different nuclides). All stable nucleiand known radioactive nuclei, both naturally occurring and manmade,are loaded, along with their decay properties. Nkeag loads datafrom binary file installed. No internet/phone connections/user datarequired.
Nkeah Android Nuclide Explorer 3.1
Nkeah shows isotope decay modes for about 3000 nuclide/isotopestates
Nkeag Android Nuclide Explorer 30.2
Nkeag - map of isotopes with detailed nuclide information available