Robo-TIC Apps

Controlar robot NXT via mòbil 1.0
Controla el teu robot NXT amb el mòbil.Control your NXT robotwith mobile.
Catch the ladybag by clicking on it to getpoints. You only have one minute to get your best score.Every five points ladybug disapears faster.Catch the ladybag byclicking on it to get points. You only have one minute to get yourbest score.Every five points ladybug disapears faster.
Catch Lady Fly 1.0
You must click the ladybug before despears toscore points.Every 5 points the ladybug desapears faster.You only have one minut to get your best score.Good luck!!!You must click theladybug before despears to score points.Every 5 points desapears faster the ladybug.You only have one minute to get your best score.Good luck !!!
Programa 5. Robo-TIC 1.0
Programa fet amb App Inventor pels alumnes ales classes de Robo-TICApp Inventor program doneby the students in the classes of Robo-ICT
catch the ladybug 3 1.0
atrapa la marieta.cada 5 punts va mésràpid.tens 1 minut de temps.blocks the marieta.cada5points faster. You have 1 minute of time.
Pinta la teva foto 1.0
Fes-te una foto, pots pintar-la com etpermetl'aplicació i quan ja la tens la comparteixes ambquivulguis.Become a picture canpaintit as you can and when the application you want, with whomyoushare.
Go Shopping with robot BeeBot 1.0
A través de l'aplicació es selecciona labotigaon s'ha d'anar a comprar. L'aplicació diu el nom de labotiga enanglès. Després al taulell s'ha de programar el robotBeeBot peranar a la botiga seleccionada.Through theapplicationyou choose to shop where to go shopping. The applicationsays thename of the shop in English. After the counter to programthe robotto go to the store BeeBot selected.
Controlar robot NXT 1.0
Controla el teu robot NXT amb el mòbil atravésdel bluetooth.Control your NXTrobotwith the phone via bluetooth.