RebornGeek Apps

The GeorgeBoard 1.01
A soundboard of my dad written for friendsandfamily.
The Nameless App 1.02
This application is designed for members residing in the Guild Wars2 community, The Nameless Ones [TNO]. Currently implemented is anevents feed that allows the user to add any event to his/her Googlecalendar for reminders later on by simply long pressing the eventof choice and accessing the overflow menu in the upper right handcorner of the screen. Planned features: - Guild Assets, Thisfeature will allow the user to view live data of our current guildbank balance, as well as, a full history of transactions that theguild itself has made. - Lotteries, This feature will include bothlottery systems that we provide to our members. This will allow auser to view all current participants of the lottery and theongoing jackpot/countdown as it progresses. - Guild Roster, Thisfeature will be planned at a later point in time.
The GeorgeBoard 1.00
A soundboard of my dad for friends and family.