Pokedemia Apps

Swiss Standings Calc. Free 2.1
UPDATE: The app now supports ties! Just selectthe ratio of ties expected in the tournament, usually 10% is goodif rounds are 60 minutes, and 15% is good if rounds are 50 minutes.Better estimates can be obtained by looking at standings postedafter each round.Simulates the swiss rounds of tournaments which use the swissparings system, for instance Pokémon TCG. This is useful if youwant to know the needed score to make the top cut.The app is quite simple to use, just input the number of playersin the tournament and the app will provide a good estimate of thepoints needed to make top cut. Note, this is only a simulation(guess) of the outcome of swiss, the result might vary greatly!Hence, only use this as a guideline!If you have any suggestions or improvements for the app pleasefeel free to tell us at [email protected] so we can makeit better.If people request support for other tournament structures, wemight include it in future updates :-)
Swiss Standings Calculator 2.1
UPDATE: The app now supports ties! Justselectthe ratio of ties expected in the tournament, usually 10% isgoodif rounds are 60 minutes, and 15% is good if rounds are 50minutes.Better estimates can be obtained by looking at standingspostedafter each round.Simulates the swiss rounds of tournaments which use theswissparings system, for instance Pokémon TCG. This is useful ifyouwant to know the needed score to make the top cut.The app is quite simple to use, just input the number ofplayersin the tournament and the app will provide a good estimateof thepoints needed to make top cut. Note, this is only asimulation(guess) of the outcome of swiss, the result might varygreatly!Hence, only use this as a guideline!If you have any suggestions or improvements for the apppleasefeel free to tell us at [email protected] so we can makeitbetter.If people request support for other tournament structures,wemight include it in future updates :-)