Parpakcell Apps

Parpak Mobile Reload 2.5
Aplikasi mobile PARPAKCELL di peruntukanbagimember Parpakcell. Dengan menggunakan aplikasi ini memudahkanbagianda member Parpakcell dalam bertransaksi isi pulsaprabayar,pembelian token listrik, pengecekan dan pembayaran tagihanbulananseperti PLN, TELKOM/SPEEDY dan pembayaran cicilankendaraanbermotor serta pembayaran iuran BPJS kesehatan Anda.Fitur-fitur yang tersedia dalam aplikasi:- pengisian/pembelian pulsa prabayar dan token listrik.- pengisian/pembelian paket internet dan blackberry.- pembelian voucher game online.- pengecekan/pembayaran tagihan/cicilan bulanan.- chat dengan server- info akun- cek harga- penambahan saldo via tiket- history transaksi- history mutasi saldo- list downline- transkasi downline- chat dengan CS- pendaftaran downline- transfer saldo ke downlinePARPAKCELLmobileapplications in the allotment for member Parpakcell. By usingthisapplication makes it easy for members only Parpakcellcontentsprepaid credit in the transaction, the purchase ofelectricitytokens, checks and payment of monthly bills such as PLN,TELKOM /SPEEDY and motor vehicle installment payments and thepayment ofdues BPJS your health.The features available in the application:- Charging / purchase prepaid and electricity tokens.- Charging / purchase internet packages and blackberry.- Purchase vouchers online games.- Check / bill payment / monthly installments.- Chat with the server- Account info- Check prices- The addition of balance via ticket- Transaction history- History mutation balance- Downline list- Transaction downline- Chat with CS- Enrollment downline- Transfer the balance to the downline