PTelad Apps

Favorites Widget 2.0.2
Favorites Widget will display your favorite ("starred") contacts orcontacts from any group Simple: - Click the contact's photo tochoose an action between CALL, SMS and even WHATSAPP. - Click thecontact's name to open his\hers contact info. - Press the + buttonto add contacts to your favorites. But also advanced: - You canorder your contacts however you like! - Disable name tags - Removecontact straight from the Settings menu Choose your favorite colorout of 20 material design colors to make the widget best fit yourlauncher. The widget refreshes once a day to load the most recentphotos of you contacts and changes you’ve made to your favoritesoutside the widget but you can press the REFRESH button to refreshimmediately. Once installed, find the widget under your phone's (orlauncher's) widgets menu, this widget has no app and will notappear in your app drawer.