P26 Apps

System App Freezer & Remover 1.5
For ROOT access device only. Features: ☆ Freeze/defrost SYSTEMappsand REGULAR apps ☆ Delete system apps (.apk and data) ☆Uninstallregular apps. ☆ Different type of filters (running apps,systemapps, regular apps) ☆ Recover frozen apps after reset/ROMupgradeSome system apps are VERY important. Please pay attentionwhenfreezes them. Freezing/deleting system apps may cause rebootyourphone. ★ Freezing an app prevents it from running in backgroundandusing your battery, CPU and memory and slow down your phone.Italso preserves your data that can be easily restore later.★Defrosting an app is a revert process to restore that app withitsdata before freezing. Upgrading that app is still available.★Deleting an app is completely removed app (.apk) andassociateddata from your phone. App can not be restored later. Becarefulwith this option.
Outgoing Call Blocker ProKey 1
This ProKey unlocks Pro feature of Outgoing Call Blocker ProKeyHowto use: - Once you install this key, you should restart USBinorder to recognize the key. If it does not still recognizeit,please restart your phone and try again - You should'nuninstallthe key or revert to free version What is Outoging callblocker?Outgoing Call Blocker supports to filter outgoing calls ☆Prohibitoutgoing call for selected numbers ☆ Password confirmationbeforemaking outgoing call for selected numbers ☆ Confirm receiverbeforefor making outgoing call for selected numbers More features:☆ Lockoutgoing call with passcode ☆ Spell out recipient names☆Confirmation dialog with two mode: simple (name, photo,number)& detail (simple mode plus call/sms logs ☆ Shake toconfirmImportant notes - Special numbers accepts exact numbers orastartWith (such as country code), endWith, contain, or donotcontain, - Code may be enabled in three levels: allnumbers,numbers in phonebook, or special numbers - Detail view modewilladd latest sms and call logs, send SMS button to simple viewmode,- Bluetooth on bypass intercepting considers only bluetoothradiostatus, not bluetooth device, - Speak notification works onsomecommon languages (defined in the list), not all, - Shake toconfirmalso request correct code.