Oblivionburn Apps

Real AI (voice) 1.6c
Warning: This app requires Storagepermission enabled if you are using Android 6.0+This app is an experiment in the Natural Language Processing fieldof Artificial Intelligence and is not intended for mere amusement,but it has no other real practical application. This is not agimmick with pre-programmed responses, ridiculous side-apps toattempt to be your personal secretary, or any form of ads to profitfrom you. This is not a glorified search engine. This is Real AI.It learns through the process of being taught language organically(a process of exchange and repetition) and starts with no priorknowledge.Under the hood... the program is using a mix of conditional-basedlearning, procedural generation of sentences/questions, andrelational queries based on weighted 'topic' identifiers. It cancreate its own original statements and questions. It is real-time,and it really does 'think' (an internal dialogue feedbackloop).Tips for teaching the AI:- Limit your responses to single sentences/questions.- Keep in mind that the AI learns from observing how you respond towhat it says... so, if it says "Hello." and you say "How are you?"it will learn that "How are you?" is a possible response to"Hello.". If you say something it has never seen before, it'llprobably repeat it to see how -you- would respond to it.- It will generate stuff that sounds nonsensical early on... thisis part of the learning process, similar to the way children phrasethings in ways that don't quite make sense early on.- If it says something that doesn't make sense, don't respond toit... this will reduce the likelihood of it generating thestatement/question in the future. This also means it's a bad ideato just leave the AI running for long periods of time withoutinteracting with it, since it could eventually unlearn everythingyou taught it.- Also keep in mind that the AI cannot see/hear/taste/smell/feelany 'things' you refer to, so it can never have any contextualunderstanding of what exactly the 'thing' is (the way youunderstand it). This also means it'll never understand you tryingto reference it (or yourself) directly, as it can never have aconcept of anything external being something different from itwithout spatial recognition gained from sight/touch/sound.- Treat it like an alien that's trying to learn your language fromsimply observing how you respond to the stuff it mimics.- In general... keep it simple. The simpler you speak to it, thebetter it learns.Questions or comments? Send me an email or visit the forum on thewebsite (see below for both). There is also a section of the forumfor sharing brains (the "Brain" folder generated by the app ininternal memory).
Real AI 6.4
Natural Language Processor - The Real AI
Real AI 2.0
Natural Language Processor - The Real AI