Esteroides Anabolicos y Ciclos 0.7.1
Descubre cómo funciona el mayor secreto delculturísmo (más importante que la dieta o la rutina deentrenamiento). Deja de creer todo lo que oyes en el gimnasio y enforos de Internet, que no te engañen con el “antes y después” desuplementos deportivos, gainers, proteínas o termogénicos. Obtén lainformación más completa y detallada de todos los esteroides(anabólicos y androgénicos), fármacos quemagrasas, diuréticos ytodos los protectores empleados entre los profesionales, con suaplicación práctica para los aficionados del gym. Aprende lossecretos y ciclos de esteroides que mayor musculatura y sequedadproporcionan (volumen, definición, masa magra), junto con probadosprotocolos de protectores y las terapias post-ciclo más modernas(HMG, HCG, Aromasil…). Conoce exhaustivamente todos los efectossecundarios y maneras de evitarlos. Ahora ya no tienes excusas paratener dudas respecto a los esteroides.ESTA APLICACIÓN ES INFORMATIVA, NO PROMUEVE EL USO DE ESTEROIDES,UNICAMENTE ES UNA APLICACIÓN INFORMATIVA.NO NOS HACEMOS RESPONSABLES DEL MAL USO DE LA APLICACIÓN.Discover how the biggestsecret of bodybuilding (more important than diet or workoutroutine) works. Stop believing everything you hear in the gym andon Internet forums, do not be fooled with the "before and after" ofsports supplements, gainers, protein or thermogenic. Get the mostcomplete and detailed information on all steroids (anabolic andandrogenic), fat burning drugs, diuretics and all protectingemployees among professionals, with practical application for fansof the gym. Learn the secrets and steroid cycles to provide moremuscle and dryness (volume, definition, lean mass), along withproven protective protocols and modern post-cycle (HMG, HCG,Aromasin ...) therapies. Thoroughly familiar with all the sideeffects and ways to avoid them. Now you have no excuses to havedoubts about steroids.THIS APPLICATION IS FACT, NOT PROMOTE THE USE OF STEROIDS, FACT ISONLY AN APPLICATION.WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR MISUSE OF THE APPLICATION.
Stock Exchange
Follow the evolution of the majorexchanges and news , also if you want to go a step furthercan investing with real data without using realmoney and feel all the excitement of be a real broker;)like're an expert without knowing it and one day you dedicate tothis !!.Thanks to early users who have enabled the app grows, together wehave been seeing the evolution of the app, hopefully continue togrow, and if you keep sending emails encouragement and possibleimprovements. The application is continuously growing!!Currently has the following stock exchanges as well as informationof interest for each (Ask the bag you are missing):IBEX 35 and Continuous Market (Spain)EURO STOXX 50 (Europe)NASDAQ 100 (USA)DAX (Germany)CAC 40 (Paris)FTSE MIB (Italy)FTSE 100 (London)DOW JONES (Latin)PSI (Portugal)AEX (Germany)IPC (Mexico)Merval (Argentina)BOVESPA (Brazil)IPSA (Chile)S & P 500 (USA)BEL 20 (Belgium)OMXC 20 (Copenhagen)SMI (Switzerland)Hang Seng (Hong Kong)NZX 50 Index Gross (New Zealand)Straits Time Index (Singapore)TA 100 (Tel Aviv)JKSE (Jakarta)MadridBarcelonaComing moreIGBP (Colombia)Athens General (Grecia)BahrainBIRS (Bosnia-herzegovina)BSE Domestic Company (Botswana)BSE Sofía (Bulgaria)Budapest SE BUX (Hungría)KOSPI (Corea del sur)Moscú RTSI (Moscú)Nikkei 225 (Tokio)S&P Lima (Perú)Shangai SSEC (China)Tadawul (Arabia Saudí)Taiwan Weighted (Taiwan)Application created in Spanish, translated to English, French,German, Italian and Portuguese, if you want another language orassist in improving some translation send me an email.You can change the currency in settings: €, $, pesos (Argentines,Chileans, Colombians, Dominicans, Mexicans, Uruguayans), Nuevo Sol,Brazilian Real, Korona Norway, Costa Rican Colon ...If you want to use another currency, send me an email and addit.How to PlayAt the beginning you will receive € 10,000 to invest.You can get more money by inviting people to download theapplication, you have to enter your username as mentioned, you willobtain € 1,000 each, this money will be reflected in your accountafter you make a purchase or sale of least action.When making a purchase / sale, a fee of 5 € is charged plus a% ofthe money going to move in the operation   · 0.25% for amounts of less than € 1,000.   · 0.15% for amounts of € 1,000 to € 4,999.9.   · 0.05% for amounts over € 5,000.It is the beginning of the application, gradually taking morethings go missing and things you saying me !!For any questions, suggestions, bug ... [email protected]!!Enjoy it, and remember, if you like, comment! the more people weare, will grow faster play and have more choices!
Blanca Ravina MUSIC 1.1
Aplicación musical de Blanca RavinaCon esta aplicación podrás tener las canciones actualizadas deBlanca Ravina (Canciones propias y covers), así como un accesodirecto a sus vídeos, correo y biografía.Funcionamiento:Al abrir la aplicación se conecta a Internet y descarga la listaactualizada de sus canciones, a esta lista se puede acceder con elbotón superior derecho, formado por cuatro barras blancas opulsando el botón físico de opciones.Si la canción aun no la has descargado, te dará la opción dedescargarla.Si ya la tienes descargada, te da la opción de reproducirla.El resto de funcionamiento es como una reproductor de músicaconvencional.********************¿Quieres una aplicación como esta?Preguntanos al correo: [email protected] musical RavinaApplicationWith this application you have the updated songs from White Ravina(own songs and covers), as well as direct access to your videos,mail and biography.Operation:When you open the application connects to the Internet and downloadthe updated list of their songs, this list can be accessed with thetop right button, formed by four white bars or pressing thephysical button options.If the song you have not downloaded yet, will give you the optionto download.If you already have downloaded, it gives you the option to playit.The rest is operating as a conventional music player.********************Do you want an app like this?Ask us to email: @
Dead of winter - Encrucijadas 1.2
Con esta aplicación puedes crear tus propiascartas de encrucijada y ver las creacciónes de otros usuarios!!! Laaplicación se acaba de publicar, tened paciencia hasta que se vayacreando contenido ;)With this application youcan create your own cards CREACCIONES crossroads and see the otherusers !!! The application was just released, be patient until youcreate content;)
Lista de la compra y caducidad 2.07
You can keep track of the products you have and their expirationdate
Villaviciosa de Odón 0.4
Application with information from Villaviciosa de Odón
Madrid - Noticias, eventos, ce 1.04
Have information on all the districts of Madrid at hand
Juegos clasicos 0.2
Classic and table games