Nexter Apps

Resolution Changer Pro
ALWAYS RUN MENU -> FIX AFTER SETTING WIDTH,HEIGHT AND DPI!NOTE: Sometimes SuperSU/Superuser forgets the app has root (eventhough it should remember). Just remove it from Recents menu andstart it up again.Resolution Changer is an app that lets you change the resolutionof your device.With the latest update you can now also change resolutionwhenever a second display is connected through HDMI! Experimentalfor now, but has been tested and working on some devices.Ever connect your device to your TV or monitor and get blackbars? Not able to get full resolution output to your TV? Well INCOMES Resolution Changer! With this app you can set your ownresolution to fit your second display or monitor. It has both 16:10AND 16:9 aspects!This works independent of device! Tablet or phone; it doesn'tmatter.Do you have an old device that won't play your newest gameswithout significant lag? Again Resolution Changer can help you! Setyour resolution lower to be able to play the LATEST and GREATESTgames! With Resolution Changer, playing the latest FPS, racer,whathaveyou, will be no problem.####### THIS APP REQUIRES ROOT AND 4.0+ ############## TouchWIZ launcher will behave oddly -- install analternate launcher BEFORE trying this ############## Android versions LOWER than 4.2 may not fill the wholescreen. ############## HTC devices without physical buttons may lose the use ofits buttons (use on-screen nav keys instead) but will return whenyou reset the resolution back to normal. HTC One cannot installthis app #######-------HTC One has been excluded due to the digitizer being bigger.Touch-buttons get turned off even when reverting back to defaultresolution. Also reported on HTC Sensation, but the Sensation isleft included because it returns to normal upon changing back todefault------