Molsoft Apps

iMolview Lite 1.3.0
Explore the fascinating world of biologicalmacromolecules:iMolview lets you browse and view in 3D protein and DNA structuresfrom Protein Data Bank, drug molecules from DrugBank, and smallmolecules from Pubchem. Search for drug names like 'ibuprofen' or'gefitinib' in DrugBank, or proteins like 'insulin' or 'thyroidreceptor' or pdb code in PDB. Information associated with eachmolecule in these databases is also at your fingertips. Sync andview your own structure files via iMolview folder on your sdcard.Molecular view can be customized with a rich set of molecularrepresentations (wires, balls-and-sticks, space filling, ribbondiagrams, molecular surfaces) and various coloring schemes. Selectresidues, atoms or chains and color or change their representationsindividually. Set 'inertia' to the maximum and let your moleculespin in 3D indefinitely.Please write to support[at] with any problems so we canfollow up with technical details.IMPORTANT! The current version has a problem with certain oldHTC phones. This issue will be fixed in the next version.
iMolview 1.6.7
Powerful molecular viewer for Android platform