Mobility-Work Apps

Mobility Work CMMS, mobile maintenance software 5.6.3
Mobility Work is the first community-based, next-genmaintenancemanagement platform, offering both a CMMS (computerizedmaintenancemanagement system) solution available in SaaS and asocial networkdedicated to maintenance professionals and theirsuppliers. Withmore than 30,000 users spread across the world, theMobility WorkCMMS community benefits from the experience of over 7million hoursof maintenance, and exchanges information on over 1millionequipment already created. Whatever the country or the fieldofactivity, industrial maintenance brings together technicianswhooften work on the same equipment and encounter the samemaintenanceissues. We wanted to put them in contact anonymouslywithin anonline community so that they can exchange expertise,informationand spare parts between members of a team, a group orwith membersof the community. Mobile, easy to use and easy todeploy, our CMMSsoftware requires no training. Teams access theapplication from aPC, tablet or smartphone and consult theirplant's activity in realtime, so that they can intervene quickly onequipment. By adoptingthe mobile CMMS Mobility Work, maintenanceprofessionals andmanagers can ensure the smooth running ofmaintenance tasks andactivities within their plants and control theconfidentiality oftheir data. In the world of industrialmaintenance, users are quiteoften confronted with maintenancesoftware that is not easilyaccessible. Here, however, one week isenough to adopt the tool,master its functionalities and integrateyour equipment. Below area few examples of the functionalities tobe found in Mobility WorkCMMS: Enhance your maintenance teams’daily work - Improve thetraceability of activities and thereactivity of each team(administrator, technician or serviceprovider profiles) thanks toyour network’s real-time newsfeed -Manage your machine park:quickly create your equipment files, enteryour activity and planyour preventive maintenance with ease -Easily import yourhistorical data for free: equipment, counters anddocuments - Savetime thanks to QR codes, the voice dictationfunction and themobile app, and fill in your interventions on thespot - Controlthe confidentiality of your data Join the firstmaintenance-basedsocial network - Exchange spare parts, goodpractices, anddocumentation with your network - Benefit from theexpertise of ausers community by exchanging with companies of yourbusiness fieldand share knowledge among experts via the instantmessaging - Takeadvantage of the Official Suppliers’ catalog(Mobility Work Hub):retrieve technical documentation and advicedirectly in your CMMSin order to fight the obsolescence of yourmachine park Generatestatistics and improve your decision-makingprocess - Retrieveinformation directly from the integratedanalytics tool - Analyzeyour maintenance data thanks to theintegrated analytical tool andimprove your decision-making toachieve a successful transitionfrom curative maintenance topreventive or even predictivemaintenance - Enrich your CMMS withall your data (ERP, IoT, MES,sensors) and improve the management ofyour spare parts - Benchmarkyour sites with each other Translatedinto 17 languages, MobilityWork CMMS is also available ondesktop: To learn more, watchour demovideo :