MobileLaw Apps

MobileLaw - Burgerlijk recht 2.1
The main legislation concerning the Belgian Civil law, always inyour pocket
MobileLaw - Human Rights 2.1
Get access to 40+ fundamental treaties and declarations on HumanRights
MobileLaw - Strafrecht België 2.1
The main legislation on the Belgian Criminal, always in your pocket
MobileLaw 2.1
MobileLaw is a new innovative way to rapidly consult law texts.
MobileLaw - Onderwijs 2.1
The main legislation on Education Law, always in your pocket
MobileLaw - Sociaal overleg 1.0
The main legislation on the Belgian social dialogue, always in yourpocket
MobileLaw - Financieel fiscaal 1.0
The main legislation concerning financial and tax law, always inyour pocket
DunePad 1.1.1
Tablet and smartphone remote and catalogue app for the Dune HDmedia player.
MobileLaw - Ohada 2.1
MobileLaw OHADA contains the legal instruments drawn up bytheseventeen OHADA Member States with the objective toharmonizeeconomic laws and improve the functioning of judicialsystems inMember States to restore investor confidence, facilitatetradebetween countries and develop a vibrant private sector. TheOHADAframework regulates several areas of international businesslaw: -commercial law - corporate law - securities - debt recoveryandenforcement - bankruptcy - arbitration - accounting -roadtransport Get easy access to them all in one app.
MobileLaw - Handels- en econom 2.1
The main legislation on Commercial and Economic Law, always in yourpocket
MobileLaw - Gerechtelijk recht 1.0
The most important acts of the Belgian Judicial law, always in yourpocket
Bujinkan Densho Ninja Scrolls 1.1
Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu is a highly effective martial art, withrootsin the mystical arts of the ninja from medieval Japan.Thetechniques ("kata") of the nine Bujinkan schools havesurvivedcenturies of war on the battleground and were composed intoamodern martial art system by Dr. Masaaki Hatsumi. Bujinkan isacomplete martial art system with hitting, blocking,throwing,landing, rolling, locks, strangling, controlling, dodging,pressurepoints, body movement, and so on. It also includes trainingformastering all kinds of weapons, from the ninja swords, tothefamous ninja stars ("shuriken"), but also knifes, sticks,spear,naginata, chain, and much more. For the first time allthesetechniques can now be found in one place: the Bujinkan DenshoNinjaScrolls app. This app includes : - the names of each kata -thedescriptions as found in the densho scrolls (if made public)-training notes explaining some techniques in more detail Thisappcontains all known techniques of the following schools taughtinthe Bujinkan martial arts system : - Togakure Ryu Ninpo Taijutsu-Gyokushin Ryu Ninpo - Kumogakure Ryu Ninpo - Koto Ryu Koppojutsu-Gyokko Ryu Kosshijutsu - Kukishinden Ryu Happo Bikenjutsu -ShindenFudo Ryu Dakentaijutsu - Takagi Yoshin Ryu Jutaijutsu -Gikan RyuKoppojutsu Starting in the Bujinkan can be anoverwhelmingexperience due to the large scope of techniques andweapons taught.This app will help you understand the overallstructure of thesystem. The app allows you to browse the katagrouped as in thescrolls and to quickly look up a specifictechnique for referencewhen training, or just out of curiosity. Andremember, as Sokesays: "don't be a kata collector, just keep ontraining !"Important "Don't try this at home" disclaimer : Thetechniquespresented in this app are highly effective combattechniques andshould not be practiced without a qualified teacher.Writtendocumentation is only part of martial arts. In order tofullyunderstand a technique and to apply it safely, oraltransmission isnecessary. Ignoring this you and others will gethurt. Furthermore,the use or the possession of any of the weaponsor techniquesdescribed in this app may be prohibited by local ornational law inyour country. We will take no responsibility for thelegality orappropriateness of any weapon or technique mentioned inthis app.Contents disclaimer : The information presented in thisapp isbased upon my personal training and research, with great helpfrompublic sources (mentioned where appropriate) and has notbeenverified by, nor received the approval of Hatsumi Soke. This ismypersonal interpretation of what I learned through the yearsoftraining and research in the wonderful world of Bujinkan. Thisappaims to give a clear description of all known techniques, butitwill not go into every possible detail of themovements,intentions, feeling, oral transmission etc. as it is notmeant tobe a training manual nor an instruction book. To learn thisyouwill need to train in a licensed dojo.
MobileLaw - België 2.0
The main Belgian law, always in your pocket
MobileLaw - Medisch recht 1.0
The main legislation on medical law in Belgium, always in yourpocket