MobiLoud Apps

Ambizione della Filca Cisl Veneto è, dasempre, la centralità del proprio Socio; dirette a questo scoposono le molteplici attività della nostra Federazione regionale eterritoriale fuori e dentro i cantieri e le aziende. A questomoltiplicarsi di attività corrisponde un continuo estendersi delleesigenze dei nostri Soci che, se un tempo erano riconducibili ingran parte alle tematiche connesse all’attività lavorativa, ora,alla consueta occupazione relativa all’andamento dellacontrattazione di primo e secondo livello, si aggiungono esigenzediversificate, come la previdenza integrativa e sanitaria, lafiscalità, il sistema pensionistico, il welfare e quant’altro.Al fine di corrispondere alla necessità di informazioni da partedei Soci, così come alla necessità del loro aggiornamento continuoe veloce sull’attività della Federazione, sulle sue novità e sulleiniziative emergenti, è stata creata una App di gestionecompletamente afferente alla Filca Cisl Veneto.La app Filca Cisl Veneto vuole essere un agile strumento diinformazione sui temi e le attività della nostra Federazione delVeneto e dei suoi territori, ha infatti l’obiettivo di essere undispositivo efficace ed efficiente sui settori Filca ovvero: edile,cemento, legno-arredamento, lapideo, laterizi e manufatti.La App è uno strumento a servizio della Federazione, è un mezzoattraverso cui poter far sentire il Socio maggiormente parte dellanostra associazione; ciò può essere infatti incentivato ancheattraverso un’informazione, inclusiva e includente, che possarendere tutti ugualmente partecipi e responsabili della vitaassociativa, attraverso una maggiore frequenza e informazione dellasua attività in tempo reale.
Speckyboy Design Magazine 1.8.1
This is the official Android application ofSpeckyboy Design Magazine.Updated daily and dedicated to all forms of design anddevelopment, we offer insightful tutorials, time-saving techniques,fresh and useful resources, inspirational digital art and we evenhave a soft spot for the occasional Lego post.
Cayman Reporter 1.2
Get all your Cayman Islands news andinformation on your mobile!It's a FREE and simple way to access up to the minute CaymanIslands news on your mobile device.With a simple tap, the Cayman Reporter app allows you to save yourfavorite articles and share news stories with friends and familyvia Facebook, Twitter and email.Features• Get breaking news alerts instantly.• Be a part of our community and engage in topic discussions on thego.• Control how you want the news to appear with our extended viewoption.• Instant sharing to Facebook, Twitter and via email.• Read content on your mobile device whether you are online oroffline.Want to stay connected with the happenings in the CaymanIslands? This app is for you!
Equity Capital Research (ECRG) 1.0
Market commentary and actionable equityresearch for professional investment advisors. Content consists ofregular (daily, weekly, etc.) text commentary, plus PDF researchreports and presentations. Every so often there will be a videouploaded. Functionality centers around access to searchablecontent, usually by company name or ticker symbol (ex. Apple Inc.,(AAPL)).
All3DP - All About 3D Printing 1.0
Your dedicated resource for all things 3Dprinted. Compelling content for absolute beginners and experiencedpros. Educational, accessible and entertaining.For beginners and pros.; for GoPro enthusiasts and 3D Selfiefans; for designers and makers; for space travelers and weddingcouples. Anyone can benefit from the fascinating technology of 3Dprinting.
Ma Fourchette 1.0
Délicieuses recettes de cuisine, astucesculinaires et plus encore!Une multitudes d'articles pour vous inspirer à faire desrecettes de tous genre, du plat principal au dessert.Découvrez des trucs et astuces pour la cuisine, des trucs santéet même des idées pour des fêtes et évènements.
IranPiping 201
* IranPiping E-Learning Centre* Oil and Gas Piping Engineering* Online Training Materials, Books, Videos, Articles, News,etc. 1.0
Har du alltid drömt om att bli duktig i köketoch laga de där fantastiska maträtterna? Försöker du följamatlagningsprogrammen men tycker det är svårt att hänga med för attman måste ha så mycket förkunskaper för att lyckas med rätterna?Eller vill du nå nästa nivå och lära dig de där lite mer knepigateknikerna och gå till djupet inom matlagningen?Nu har du chansen att lära dig allt som har med matlagning ochmåltiden som helthet, helt i din egen takt och fokusera på det dutycker är roligt. Vi på lägger hela tiden upp nyainlägg med recept och instruktioner så att du kan bli duktigare iköket. Bli en gastronom du också!
Il Nodo di Gordio 1.0
Il Nodo di Gordio - think tank di geopolitica.Il Nodo di Gordio è un think tank e una rivista scientifica,specializzata in analisi degli scenari geopolitici del Mediterraneoe dell'Asia centrale.
Skidzonen 2.0
Skidzonens app ger dig full koll på vad somhänder i längdskidvärlden. Ta rygg på Skidzonen och få de senastenyheterna direkt i din mobil eller surfplatta. Nyheter ochreportage blandas med krönikor, bloggar och videoklipp.Ski Zone app gives youfull control of what happens in the cross-country world. Bring backthe ski zone and get the latest news direct to your mobile ortablet. News and reportage mixed with columns, blogs andvideos.
IBEW Local 1260 Hawaii / Guam 1.2
Get the latest news and information from IBEWLocal 1260, one of the most progressive local unions in the entireIBEW (International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers). Getinformation on the Local 1260 leadership team, contact links,important downloads, and information for each of the Local Union'snine membership units across Hawaii and Guam. 1.0
MobiLoud es un blog de tecnología, enel que trabajamos diariamente para presentarte la mejor selecciónde noticias e información en general, de lo que sucede cada día enla web en lo que respecta a avances, productos novedosos, gadgets,videojuegos y datos interesantes que pueden ayudarte a estaractualizado en este cambiante y dinámico universo tecnológico.Nuestra interacción es otra de las características, que tepermite escribir comentarios, preguntas y respuestas con las que tepuedes ayudar o resolver dudas de otros participantes que compartentus mismos intereses en una modalidad jovial e informal que resultamuy cómoda y familiar.También puedes comunicarte a nuestros enlaces solicitandoinformación específica o sugiriendo temas que creas que pueden serde utilidad a toda la comunidad que conformamos is atechnology blog, we work daily to present you the best selection ofnews and information in general, what happens every day on the webwith regard to developments, new products, gadgets, video and dataInteresting that can help you stay current in this dynamic andchanging technological world.Our interaction is another feature, which lets you writecomments, questions and answers with which you can help or answerquestions from other participants who share your interests in ajovial and casual mode that is very comfortable and familiar.You can also contact our links requesting specific informationor suggesting topics that you think may be useful to the entirecommunity that we are
PubSecAlliance 1.0
PubSecAlliance is a community of lawenforcement associations and unions. Alarmed at the increasingnumber of problems impacting our lives as law enforcement officers,we have come together to share information, find solutions, helpeach other, and keep everyone up to date about the organizedefforts to privatize our jobs, cut our pay, and eliminate or reduceour pensions and health-care coverage and what we are doing tofight back.
Babillages 1.0
Babillages, c'est le site dédié à l'univers dela beauté. Envie d'être tenu(e) informé(e) des nouveautés enmatière de cosmétiques, de connaître les tendances et d'être aufait des dernières promos beauté ? Envie de jouer à des concourspour gagner des produits de beauté ? Rendez-vous sur Babillages!
HB Football 1.0
The HBHS Cavs football team is proud topresent an app based version of our website for all our players,parents, and fans. Keep up with scores, highlights, and team eventswithout going to the web. All app proceeds go right back to theteam!
GurusBlog 1.0
GurusBlog es un blog para hablar de economía,finanzas, bolsa, inversiones, negocios y tecnología e intentardescubrir cada día aquello que no sabías que querías saber. Ganadordel premio al mejor blog de Negocios en España Bitacoras.
USA Junior Hockey Magazine 1.0
The Nation's first junior hockey magazinecovering United States junior ice hockey news, leagues, players,teams, interviews and more.
Haiti Flavor 1.0
Get the latest world and regional news From breaking news, to business, entertainment,technology, the arts and sport, all divided into clear sections,this app will help you watch video reports, listen to live radioand read the latest updates wherever you are.All the latest news as it happensWatch or listen to the latest news headlinesOpt in for breaking news push notificationsDownload the latest stories when you have a signal and then readthem offline at your leisureShare stories to a range of social networks, or email/SMS to afriend
Track Road Trail 1.0
Serious about running? You need Track RoadTrail. We bring you the most creative and inspiring runningarticles, images and videos from top athletes and leading runningbrands.Track Road Trail is the destination for runners who love theirsport. Stay up-to-date with the latest in running gear,accessories, tech and events, as well as the professional andcreative sides of running.Whether you're running 100m or an ultramarathon: Track RoadTrail is for you.
匯基書院(東九龍) 2.0
匯基書院(東九龍) UCCKEUnited Christian College (Kowloon East)
Country Ave 1.0
Connecting country fans to countryeventsthroughout New England. Interviews, photos, and reviews ofartistsand concerts. Your ticket to backstage passes, tailgateparties,and local events in the area.
Atlnightspots 1.1
MobiLoud answers everyone'squestionof “What’s going on tonight?” Even if you aren’t going out,you canstill keep up with what’s happening in the news, music,sports& entertainment.
Barendrechts Dagblad 1.0
Altijd en overal het laatste nieuws vanhetBarendrecht Dagblad bij de hand. Met deze app mist u niets vanhetplaatselijke nieuws. Of het nu gaat om evenementen,economie,politiek, sport, 112, uitgaan of actualiteiten; met de appvan hetBarendrechts Dagblad bent u altijd als eerste op de hoogte.Nu metrechtstreekse link naar de radiozender Exxact Barendrecht.Deze website is er voor, door en met Barendrechters.Wijontwikkelen samen een actueel online mediaplatform, omdat er ookinBarendrecht behoefte is aan lokale onafhankelijkejournalistiek.Barendrecht is mooi om te wonen, te werken, terecreëren, we gaaner met plezier uit en eigenlijk gebeuren er veelgoede dingenwaarvan we nu te weinig horen. Die leemte willen wijmet hetBarendrechts Dagblad op vullen. Dat doen we met eenactuelewebsite, facebook, twitter, dagelijkse e-papers en eeneigenapp.Het Barendrechts Dagblad is nieuw en wordt nooit saai.VoormaligFeyenoord-speler en -trainer Mario Been, woonachtig inBarendrecht,is een regelmatige columnist. Ook wethouder DirkVermaat,journalist Nico Tempelman, ondernemer Jan Bakker,journalist RenéDons en Jan Willem van Hellemond (voorzitter VBO)leverenregelmatig bijdragen. We hebben een uiteenlopend gezelschapvangoede schrijvers die aandacht hebben voor een grote diversiteitaanonderwerpen.Soms zijn we waakhond en op het ander moment weer de grootstefanvan al het moois wat er in Barendrecht gebeurt. 1.1
La Pagina Oficial De Todos Los Latinosdelmundo Entero, Musica, Noticias, Entretenimientos, videos,musicaurbana, merengue, bachata, reggaeton, salsa, dembow yMuchoMasThe Official WebsiteOfAll Latinos Whole World, Music, News, Entertainment, videos,urbanmusic, merengue, bachata, reggaeton, salsa, dembow andMuchMore
The Tack ONLINE 1.0
The Tack ONLINE: BVU's leadingnewsorganizationBuena Vista University students, faculty/staff, alumni,parents,and community can now stay connected with a touch of afinger!Check out the latest news and sporting events, community(arts& life) events, blogs, and opinions revolving aroundBVU'scampus.Allow push notifications for latest articles and events. Visitusonline at
WPjournalist 1.0
Keep up to date with the WPjournalist appandread & learn about WordPress and content marketing.