Medilink-Global Apps

Optimal Health~1111 2.2
Optimal Health App is an enterprise businessapplication that is designed to serve Medilink-Global's members,Clients, Intermediaries and Appointed Medical Service Providers ina more efficient and effective manner.The Apps also serves as a handy tools for our members and thegeneral public to access useful information, advice and servicesabout Health Optimization through approved Alternative, Traditionaland Complementary care (ATC).Primarily, Optimal Health App provides an excellent mobileinterface that enables Medilink-Global's members to check theirHealth Providers Location, Health Benefit Plans, Status of Claimsunder processing, Benefit Utilization History (Claims Record) andbasic Historical Medical Record.Medilink-Global is a leading Third Party Administrator providingMedical Claims Administration services to Insurance Companies andCorporate Organizations in China and South East Asian countries;currently serving more than 30 insurance companies and a thousandcorporate organizations, with a membership of 1,500,000 livescomprising policy holders, employees and their dependents.Medilink-Global currently has a network of more than 2,000Appointed Medical Service Providers.