MaryErre Apps

Euro 2016 Live 1.0
Follow the European football championshipswith Euro 2016 live.Euro 2016 live have this sections:Match, Result, Groups, Hosts,Stadium, Live.The matches will be played in ten stadia in ten cities:Bordeaux, Lens, Lille, Lyon, Marseille, Nice, Paris, Saint-Denis,Saint-Étienne, and Toulouse. There is a section dedicated.The Euro 2016 Live app also has a section dedicated to users .You can learn about others and communicate with them.
Oroscopo 2016 1.0
L'app Oroscopo 2016 ti svela l'oroscopodell'anno 2016.Ogni segno zodiacale ha l'oroscopo che lo accompagnerà per tuttol'anno.Oroscopo 2016 contiene anche un calendario con anniversari edeclissi solari e lunari che ci saranno durante il 2016.Non aspettare scopri il tuo Oroscopo!The app Horoscope 2016will reveal the horoscope of the year 2016.Each zodiac sign has the horoscope that will accompany himthroughout the year.Horoscope 2016 also contains a calendar with anniversaries andsolar and lunar eclipses that will be awarded in 2016.Do not wait find out your horoscope!
Roma Chat 1.0
Roma Chat è l'app che permette dicomunicarecon la gente della community.L'app è molto semplice, consente la possibilità di impostareilproprio profilo con foto, descrizione e posizione.Se lo vorrai, potrai vedere quali persone sono nelle tue vicinanzeequali si sono registrati di recente.Un'app social per la gente che ha voglia di comunicare.Entra far parte della community dedicata alla città di Roma!Rome Chat is the appthatlets you communicate with people of the community.The app is very simple, allows the ability to set their ownprofilewith photo, description and location.If you like, you can see what people near you and where therehasbeen recently.Social app for people who want to communicate.Log in to be part of the community dedicated to the cityofRome!
QR码 - 扫描阅读器 1.0
QR码 - 扫描阅读器支援所有標準的 1 維和 2 維條碼馬上免費下載體驗!QR码 - 扫描阅读器支援所有標準的 1 維和 2 維條碼 ! iPhone & iPad必備app,簡單且方便使用!馬上免費下載體驗!功能特色:● 多功能掃描器:支援掃描所有標準的 1 維和 2 維條碼 ,包含常見的 QR Code, UPC Code, EAN-13Code,也支援UPCE, Code 39, EAN-8, Code 93, Code 128, PDF 417,AztecCode...等條碼● 快速掃描● 不需網路連線也可掃描● 支援閃光燈:讓你在黑暗中也能掃描!● 保存掃描歷史記錄你一定要裝的app程式!不要錯過了,馬上下載吧!QR Code -ScanReaderSupports all standard 1D and 2D barcodesNow free download experience!QR Code - Scan ReaderSupports all standard one-dimensional and two-dimensional barcode!iPhone & iPad prerequisite app, simple and easy touse!Now free download experience!Features:● Multi Scanner: Support to scan all standard 1D and 2D barcodes,including common QR Code, UPC Code, EAN-13 Code, also supportUPCE,Code 39, EAN-8, Code 93, Code 128, PDF 417 , Aztec Code ...such asbar code● Quick Scan● No network connection can also be scanned● Support Flash: lets you can scan in the dark!● Save Scan HistoryYou must install the app program! Do not miss, andimmediatelydownload it!
QR-kód magyar kiadás 1.1
A QR-kód (Quick Response-kód) egykétdimenziósvonalkód (tulajdonképpen pontkód), amit a japánDenso-Wave cégfejlesztett ki 1994-ben. Nevét az angol QuickResponse (=gyorsválasz) rövidítéséből kapta, egyszerre utalva agyors visszafejtésisebességre, és a felhasználó által igényeltgyors reakcióra.Rendkívül népszerű Japánban, ahol számos plakáton,hirdetésenszerepel és a legtöbb mobiltelefon is képesértelmezni.The QR code(QuickResponse code) is a two-dimensional bar code (actuallypontkód)what the Japanese Denso-Wave in 1994, the company hasdeveloped. Itwas named after the English Quick Response (= quickresponse)initiative, at the same time referring to the fastdecryption speedand fast response needed by the user. Extremelypopular in Japan,where many posters, and ads in most mobile phonesand is able toread.
Código QR Brasileiro 1.0
Edição Português Código QR Code Reader é omaisrápido e mais fácil.Em quatro seções:Informações sobre qrcodejogador qrcodefavoritoconfiguraçõesCódigo QR (sigla do inglês Quick Response) é um código debarrasbidimensional que pode ser facilmente escaneado usando amaioriados telefones celulares equipados com câmera. Esse códigoéconvertido em texto (interativo), um endereço URI, um númerodetelefone, uma localização georreferenciada, um e-mail, umcontatoou um SMS.Portuguese edition CodeQRCode Reader is the fastest and easiest.In four sections:Information qrcodeplayer qrcodefavoritesettingsQR code (abbreviation of the English Quick Response) isatwo-dimensional barcode that can be easily scanned usingmostmobile phones equipped with camera. This code is converted totext(interactive), a URI address, a phone number, ageoreferencedlocation, an email, a contact or SMS.
QR Code Barcode Reader PRO 3.7
Scan Qr code and Barcode, Create and Custom Your Qr codes
QR код - России издание 1.1
Быстрое и эффективное, приложениеоткрываетсямгновенно в режиме сканирования в реальном времени.ОСОБЕННОСТИ- Сканирование с авто-обнаружением. Просто укажитеиудерживайте.- Делитесь по электронной почте, Facebook или Twitter,идругим...- Создавайте собственные QR-коды- Проверяйте веб-сайты перед их посещением.- Экспортируйте отсканированных изображений в CSV- Встроенный веб-браузер- Встроенный посмотр карты**ВНИМАНИЕ** Уважаемые пользователи iPhone 3G - обратитевнимание,чтобы объективы вашей фотокамеры были с фиксированнымфокусом, так,чтобы сканирование не работало в реальном времени прилюбыхусловиях.Пожалуйста, убедитесь, что вы находитесь при хорошем освещениииустойчиво удерживайте устройство.Fast and efficient,theapplication opens instantly in the scanning mode in real time.FEATURES- Scan with auto-detection. Just tap and hold.- Share by email, Facebook or Twitter, and other ...- Create your own QR-codes- Check the websites before they visit.- Export to CSV scanned images- Built-in Web browser- Built on Browse map** WARNING ** Dear users of iPhone 3G - pay attention toyourcamera's lenses have a fixed focus, so that scanning doesnotoperate in real time under any conditions.Please make sure that you are in good lighting and hold thedevicesteady.
QR碼 - QR碼閱讀器親 - 中國版 1.1
QR碼(全稱為快速響應矩陣碼;英语:QuickResponseCode)是二維條碼的一種,於1994年由日本DENSOWAVE公司發明。QR來自英文QuickResponse的縮寫,即快速反應,因為發明者希望QR碼可以讓其內容快速被解碼[1]。QR碼使用四種標準化編碼模式(數字,字母數字,字節(二進制)和漢字)來存儲數據。QR碼最常見於日本,為目前日本最流行的二維空間條碼。QR碼比較普通條碼可以儲存更多資料,也無需要像普通條碼般在掃描時需要直線對準掃描器。因此其應用範圍已經擴展到包括產品跟踪,物品識別,文檔管理,營銷等方面。QR code (called thequickresponse matrix codes; English: Quick Response Code) isatwo-dimensional bar code, in 1994 DENSO WAVE invented bytheJapanese company. QR Quick Response from the English acronym,thatrapid response, because the inventors hope QR codes can beallowedto be decoded Quick [1]. QR code using four standardizedcodingmode (numeric, alphanumeric, byte (binary) and Chinese) tostoredata. QR Code is most common in Japan, is currently Japan'smostpopular two-dimensional bar code. QR code more common bar codecanstore more information, but also no need like an ordinary barcodescanners typically require aligners during the scan. Therefore,itsscope of application has been extended to include producttracking,item identification, document management, marketing andotheraspects.