Makio Apps

Little Pickle - Cetriolino 1.3.1
There will be 100 different pickles, and your target will betocapture them all! Move your finger to guide a jar in order tocatchthem falling from above! There will be explosive picklesthat'llmake you lose lives, others that will make you lose points..itisn't going to be easy! The more time a game lasts, the harderit'sgoing to be with pickles getting faster and more frequent! Notallthose little green things will be easy to get: there are10different maps, and there are going to be exclusive ones ineachone of them. Don't worry though, you'll be able to buy all themapswith in game coins! There's also going to be a store, whereyou'llbe able to buy maps, coins, and jars containing rare picklesthatmaybe you wouldn't be lucky enough to find normally. There arealsogoing to be various bonuses and hidden easter eggs, who knowsifyou'll be able to find them all... Catching them all howeverwon'tbe enough to finish the game: you'll also have to complete alltheachievements (that are going to have rewards)!