Paris Air Show
The International Paris Air Show (PAS) at LeBourget will open for the 52nd time from June 19 to 25, 2017. Thisevent, which began more than a century ago, is the world's oldestand largest aviation show. The show has always been at the veryheart of the world’s aviation and space industry development. Overthe years, it has become the industry's major networking events.For seven days, it will once again bring together all the industryplayers across the globe to showcase the latest technologicalinnovations.FEATURESA great tool for visitors who will be able to consult a wide rangeof information such as:- The list of exhibitors, information about each company and a listof their new products- The list of aircraft along and their information sheet- The schedule of flight presentations and exhibitor events- The list of on-site services (restaurants, shops, informationpoints, etc.), with a simple button to find the nearest restaurant,restroom, and more around you.- Trade show interactive map- Outdoor and indoor geolocation with a way-finding feature(Bluetooth must be turned on)- The Group feature in the map section allows you to shareinstantly your on-site location with others, so that you can meeteasily- Location based notifications- And so much more!REQUIREMENTS-The geolocation service is supported on iPhone 4S, iPad mini, iPadRetina and later models, with iOS9 or iOS10. It requires that theuser's authorization for this app to use geolocation and that theBluetooth be switched on.-The Group feature requires a data connexion (free Wi-Fi in allhalls).-Location based push notifications require that Bluetooth beswitched on and that the user has authorized notifications.-Note that continued use of GPS running in the background cansignificantly decrease battery life.
CIRED 2015 1.0.0
This is the official app for the CIRED 2015Conference which will take place from june 15th to june 18th, 2015in the Lyon Convention Centre in Lyon, France.This app will greatly help participants throughout the eventthanks to the following features :• full conference programme• exhibition catalog• interactive floor plan• live interactivity feature for Round Tables (Wisembly)• practical information and services• full search and favorites bookmarking
WGC2015 1.0.1
The official WGCPARIS2015 mobile appprovidesyou with easy access to all key event information.Discover the mobile app now!You can access the following information:• Conference program and speaker lists• Exhibitor list• Logistic information• Venue map• Latest news on the congress• Congress Twitter feeds• And much, much more…We look forward to seeing you from 1 to 5 June 2015.Paris Expo, 1 place de la Porte de Versailles, 75015 Paris
Sirha 2017
The biggest professional observatory forhospitality and foodservice promises to be rich in new products,trends and business!From 21 to 25 January 2017 - Lyon, FEATURES- Exhibitors catalog- New products catalog- Events agenda- Interactive map with way finding- Practical information- Social networks+ MySirha: synchronize the events and exhibitors bookmarked in yourpersonal area MySirha and find them in the 'My Visit' section ofthe mobile app.Sirha is an event that is exclusively reserved forprofessionals.
Euronaval 1.1.1
This app is dedicated to the Euronaval2014trade show which will take place in Paris Le Bourget, fromOctober27th to 31st, 2014.Its goal is to facilitate your visit, thanks to thefollowingfeatures :- catalog of exhibitors- thematic itineraries- agenda of conferences and events- services- interactive map- search- informationAlso :- you may synchronize your bookmarks (feature My Visit)acrossyour different terminals and the Euronaval web site- persons who subscribed to Euronaval'sbusiness-to-businessmeetings( can login onthe app anddownload their agenda of meetings (in read-only mode)and locate theplace of their appointment on the interactivemap
EURONAVAL 2016 2.0.0
This app is dedicated to the Euronaval2016trade show which will take place in Paris Le Bourget, fromOctober17th to 21st, 2016.Its goal is to facilitate your visit, thanks to thefollowingfeatures :- catalog of exhibitors- exhibitors paths- agenda of conferences and events- services- interactive map- search- informationAlso :- you may synchronize your bookmarks (feature My Visit)acrossyour different terminals and the Euronaval web site- persons who subscribed to Euronaval'sbusiness-to-businessmeetings( can login onthe app anddownload their agenda of meetings (in read-only mode)and locate theplace of their appointment on the interactivemap
Klipso Leads 2.0.0
Klipso leads management tool for trade show Exhibitors.
SANTEXPO 2020 1.0.2
App officielle du salon SANTEXPO 2020 qui se tiendra du 7 au9octobre 2020 à Paris-Expo, Porte de Versailles, Hall 1. Gagnezdutemps ! Avant votre visite, prenez connaissance du programmeetsélectionnez les conférences de votre choix. Consultez la listedesexposants. Pendant votre visite, repérez-vous facilement grâceauplan interactif. Vous pourrez aussi contacter les exposantsetd'autres participants pour solliciter un rendez-vous(nécessited'être inscrit et authentifié). SI vous êtes exposant, lafonctionlecteur de badge intégrée vous permettra de scanner lesbadges devos visiteurs
Congrès HLM 3.0.1
Application officielle du Congrès Hlm 2021 de l’Union Socialepourl’Habitat qui se tiendra du 28 au 30 septembre 2021 au parcdesExpositions de Bordeaux Lac. Retrouvez sur votre smartphonelesrubriques suivantes - Programme complet des conférencesetévénements - Liste des intervenants - Catalogue desexposantsH'EXPO - Plan interactif complet - Infos pratiques etservices surplace - Actualité du salon + une fonction LiveWall quivouspermettra de poser des questions ‘live’ en plénière
Maison&Objet 10.0.0
Official app for Maison&Objet Paris fair
JASFGG 1.0.1
Bienvenu (es) à tous aux 41 èmes JASFGG Chaque année lesJournéesAnnuelles de la Société Française de Gériatrie et deGérontologiereprésentent un vrai temps fort de notre Société, vousêtes tousles ans fidèles au rendez-vous et nous vous en remercions! Ces41èmes journées de la SFGG s’annoncent encore une fois richesendébats autour de thèmes d’actualité tant dans le domaine delarecherche que celui du soin et nous serons très heureux depouvoirvous compter parmi nous. Cette année, nous éprouvons plusquejamais le besoin de nous retrouver pour réfléchir ettravaillerensemble, nous avons tous vécu et nous vivons encoreaujourd’huiune crise sanitaire qui nous a tous mobilisés et ces41èmesjournées rendent hommage aux soignants de gériatrie etdegérontologie qui se sont engagés face à l’urgence sanitaire.
Beauté Sélection 2.0.1
Beauté Sélection is the benchmark professional event in the beautyuniverse.
Texworld Evolution Paris 5.0.3
Texworld Evolution Paris brings together, twice a year inParis,around 1500 exhibitors from the fashion industry. Itoffersprofessional buyers from all over the world a sourcingplatformwith a wide variety of products ranging from basics to themostcreative and qualitative. This event is composed of fourtradeshows: - Texworld Paris gathers a thousand of internationalweaversfor a wide range of textiles, trims and accessories,including anoticeable Denim offer. - Apparel Sourcing Paris, withits hundredsof manufacturers, it is the largest European showcaseof clothingand accessories manufacturers from many and new sourcingcountries.- Avantex Paris is the first international meeting placeforhigh-tech solutions for the fashion industry. - LeatherworldParis,the European platform for the sourcing of leather andrelatedmaterials. The event is a real business and inspirationplatformthanks to its wide international offer, thematic forums anditstrendbook. In addition, thanks to its selection committee,itfacilitates the work of buyers with a sectorisation anditinerariesthat narrow their research: ELITE sector(high-performancecompanies), Services sector (solutions linked tothe productoffer), Small Order itinerary (for small brands andcapsulecollections), Sustainable Sourcing itinerary(eco-responsible andethical sourcing) and the Handmade itinerary(for the finesthandicraft). Partner up for Fashion Sourcing!
MCB by BS 2.0.1
The MCB by BS application is dedicated to the MCB by BS 2022 tradeshow
CIGRE 2022
Official app fot he CIGRE 2022 Session in Paris
RÉANIMATION 2020 1.0.2
Congress REANIMATION 2020 Application
Paris Shoulder Symposium 2020 1.0.1
Official app of the Paris Shoulder Symposium 2020