LogicalDOC Apps

LogicalDOC is an enterprise electronic document management system,which, due to its characteristics, can be used by large companiesas well as by the small ones, as a useful tool in knowledgemanagement processing, providing a more flexible and lower-costalternative to other proprietary applications. The use of knowledgemanagement systems by a company helps it to manage intelligence onthe resources available to the company, more efficiently. Thisleads to a medium-term increase in productivity. Using thesesystems, the information, as well as the knowledge generated withinthe organization, can be universally accessed. You can access yourdocument from your Android phone using this simple App.
LogicalDOC Mobile Document Management System 1.1
LogicalDOC – A document management system is a free mobile app foryour Android devices i.e. both smartphones as well as tablets thathelps you to access any of your content stored in your LogicalDOCon-premise or LogicalDOC Cloud anytime, anywhere within a singleclick. Note: Requires LogicalDOC 8.5.2 or later It’s a documentmanagement system that can assist you to search, view, open, andedit documents in other apps, collaborate on content, subscribe tonotifications and perform various other tasks. LogicalDOC -provides you the flexibility and freedom to work wherever you want.We provide you with a better and efficient organization of all ofyour files and documents with advanced collaboration capabilitiesto help you save your precious time and increase your productivity.LogicalDOC is a high-performance, intuitive document managementsystem that offers the power of enterprise document management tomid-sized companies and large organizations. Our solution enablesyour team to create co-author and coordinate any number ofdocuments in highly safe and secure manner keeping your privacyintact. Have a look at our core features that makes us outstandingfrom others: Manage your documents anywhere, anytime. WithLogicalDOC, the document management system mobile app, you canbrowse by folder, search by document name or content, viewdocuments, take photos, and upload documents – all within a clickfrom your android smart phone. Share and collaborate withco-workers, colleagues – Track the documents like never before. Thereal essence of LogicalDOC and document management system. You canvery easily resolve conflicts of updates on the same document withyour co-workers. You can download a document, work on it, and sendthe updated version to the repository. Or, you can download adocument and email it directly from your device. With our documentmanagement system, your document versions and historical data arealways accessible. Get alerts and stay on top of changing thedocuments – Get notified about the activities and changes on yourdocuments through smart push notifications. Subscribe tonotifications, comments & changes and never miss a singleupdate. Accelerate the business and related process with and quickand easy approvals. Search and find your documents quickly – Don’twaste your precious time in searching important documents. With ourfull-text search algorithm on documents and their properties, youcan find what you’re looking for quickly. LogicalDOC Mobile uses abrowser to navigate the repository of files and folders thatorganizes and holds your documents, giving you complete controlover the files you need. Supports offline mode – So now you canwork while disconnected from internet also. LogicalDOC allows youto download the documents locally and make edits for futurerevisions and discussions with your colleagues. Additionally, youcan create documents from scratch and insert them directly intoyour remote document management system. Ah! It’s Fantastic. Allthese features really make this app wonderful to use and flexiblefor anyone to access and share their files and documents all fromtheir android smart phone. Download our document management systemnow! We assure, we won’t let you disappoint. Be it a query, acritic, praise or simply a ‘Hi’, we are always ready to hear fromyou and serve you our best. Drop us a line and we will respond backpromptly. Note: Requires LogicalDOC 8.5.2 or later