Livemobility Apps

Livemobility 1.9.15
Livemobility enables you to make the right mobilitydecisions.Everywhere, any day. It starts with automating all yourtrips toget insights. Use the technology to help you to changebehaviour.Get started with sustainable mobility by minimalenvironmentalimpact and maximum user benefits.
GoedeReis 1.0.6
Simple and effective business mobility. Livemobility makes iteasyto record your business trips as well as the time you spend atworkrelated locations. Effortless reporting of these tripswillsimplify your daily routine and save you precious time andeffort.AUTOMATICALLY RECORD YOUR TRIPS All you need to do is makesurethat the tracker function in the app is turned on and all thetripswill be displayed in your timeline. Don’t worry if youhaveforgotten to turn on the tracker or the location service, youcaneasily add the missing trips manually. AUTOMATICALLYDETECTMOBILITY TYPE Car, public transport, bike or working fromhome, nomatter the transport type you choose, it will be added nextto yourtrip in the timeline. REPORTING MADE EASY Share trips withyouremployer at the press of a button. Each of your trips inthetimeline have an option to be uploaded into your company’ssystem.SET YOUR TRACKING TIMES Your trips will be automaticallyrecordedat all times. As an alternative, you can set weekly ordailytracking intervals. CLEAR OVERVIEW OF YOUR TRIPS The dashboardwillshow you the kilometers earned for each of your business tripsforthe current month. IMPROVE ON YOUR MOBILITY Based on yourcurrentand past mobility behaviour you can see opportunities toimprove onyour mobility habits and aim for a healthier, cleanermoresustainable future.