LetsPray Apps

Circle: Prayer Circle App 1.15.12b
Circle is a prayer circle social mediaplatform, where everyone can join for free to pray, worship, andsupport each other. Be a part of this ever-growing prayer circlenow!On Circle, you can:- Be social & connect with new people.- Create your own prayer circles, be it a private prayer circle(e.g. for your family/friends), or a public circle (e.g. prayercircle for your city)!- Pray for others (e.g. during your free time or some set-asidetime).- Ask others to pray for you.- Or ask others to give thanks to God with you for what youhave.- Or simply ask others to worship God with you.- And join them in their worship, too.- Support, comfort, or just talk with each other. Or even make newfriends!- Let others know when their prayers for you have beenanswered!- And know when your prayer for others have been answered,too!- Be closer to others.- Be closer to God (e.g. as a result of praying more).You can also share a prayer request you find on Circle to Facebook,Twitter, Google+, or other social media, if you'd like your friendsor family to help pray for a particular prayer request!Circle is ad-free for the first 1,200 users, and foractive Circle users whose popularity is above 100! Otherwise,occasional ads from Google AdMob may be shown to cover the costs ofrunning the service."There's power in numbers."Don't forget to invite your friends and family to Circle,too!More people on Circle means:- More people praying for each other.- More people praying for each prayer request.- More people supporting each other during tough times.- More prays resulting in a better world.- More people giving thanks to God & glorifying Himtogether.- And finally, more people getting closer to God!Join now for free, and make Circle a part of yourlife!Don't just pray for or worship with your friends & family, butpray for and worship together with strangers too!God bless!