LeadSquared Apps

LS – Mobile Sales CRM & Lead Management System 13.0
LeadSquared is a versatile mobile CRM that helps your sales teamruntheir field operations without a glitch. Your team can plantheirday in advance, navigate to their meetings and automatemundanesales tasks to improve their productivity. They can alsoaccess alltheir leads, tasks and meetings, even with poorinternetconnectivity. The app is now available in English, Hindi,andVietnamese. Here’s how LeadSquared’s field force applicationcanbenefit you & your entire sales team Customizablenavigationmenu The app comes with an easy to access the navigationmenu. Useit to check-in/out of your workday, and to access yourleads, tasksand more. You can also customize the menu to createshortcuts toyour favorite tabs. Instant notifications: It willnotify youbefore the start of a workday. Instantly update your teamabouteach new task or lead, assigned to them. They can then startworkon the lead immediately. Smart lead insights: Know everythingaboutyour leads before a meeting. View important engagementactivitiesthat you can use in your pitch: like website pagesthey’ve visited,links they have clicked, emails they have respondedto and previouscall recordings. Find leads nearby: Check whichleads are near yourlocation and drop in to say a quick hello. Theapp will also alertyou if there is a pending task in your vicinity.Offline access:Your team can add new leads, edit existing leaddetails, logmeeting notes, even when the internet connectivity islimited.Detailed sales and location reports: Sales managers andAdmins cankeep a check on their team’s daily field performance.Know howtheir workday went through location history reports,performanceand attendance reports. 800+ inside and field salesteams rely onLeadSquared’s mobility sales software solution toqualify leads,capture crucial lead information, capturecommunications withleads, track location to drive the overarchinggoal – driving abest-in-class sales process. Get your freeLeadSquared accounttoday and start generating more revenue, everyday.