Joola Apps

Joola: Money Pool with Rewards 2.1.1
Joola lets you start and manage money pools with relatives,friends,coworkers, or other Joola users. Joining money pools withpeople youknow and trust allows you to borrow and earn cashbonuses. It's easyto track group activities with automatedpayments! Take care of debtfrom credit cards and student loans,plan major expenses, or evenbuild emergency funds with Joola. Whatis Joola? ✓ Joola is a groupsavings platform. ✓ Joola is a digitalversion of Rotating Savingsand Credit Association (ROSCA).Commonly known as tandas (LatinAmerica), chama (Swahili-speakingEast Africa), stokvel (SouthAfrica), susu (West Africa and theCaribbean), hui (會) (Chinesecommunities in East and SoutheastAsia), gye (계) (South Korea),tanomoshiko (頼母子講) (Japan), Chit Fund(India), pandeiros (Brazil),juntas, quiniela or panderos (Peru),arisan (Indonesia), lenshare(เล่นแชร์) (Thai), dhukuti or dhikuti(Nepal), and menage or menodge(Scotland). ✓ Joola is a way foreach member of a group to helpothers save and build betterfinancial habits. ****** SKIP THE BANKWITH CO-SAVINGS ****** + Besocial! Manage your group, chat, andsocialize with friends throughthe app. + It is fun to save moneywith friends and family. You cantalk about what you are saving for,and then help each other out. +Saving alone is difficult. Triplethe chance of success when you doit together. + Invite friends youtrust. When you create a group,you will be in control. You canchoose to only accept people youtrust as your contacts and to joinyour group. + Start with aminimum of 4 members and add up to 12members in your group. + Getpeer support for your finances and earncash rewards with lastpayouts. ****** GET SUPPORT FROM FRIENDS ANDFAMILY ****** + Needcash soon? Avoid paying high-interest loans orpayday loans andtake the first payout from your group. The costsare low,straightforward, and easy to understand. + Create a groupwith thepayment terms you want. Then pay a one-time fee per groupfor earlypayouts. ========= The first payout - pay 5% per grouppayout Forexample, if you join a group of four people for $300 eachand getpaid every month, you will only pay a total fixed fee of $20or $5per month while the group is active. ========= The secondpayout inthe group - pay 4% per group payout For example: if youjoin agroup of four people for $300 each and get paid every month,youwill only pay a total fixed fee of $15 or $5 per month whilethegroup is active. ========= The third payout in the group - pay3%per group payout For example: if you join a group of fourpeoplefor $300 each and get paid every month, you will only pay atotalfixed fee of $9 or $3 per month while the group is active.******EARN CASH REWARDS ****** Do you want to make money work foryou?Earn more than 20 times more than the national averageinterestrate for savings accounts. Join groups and take the latepayouts.========= The last payout position in a group will receive+2% perpayout For example: if you join a group of four people for$300each and get paid every month, you will earn a cash bonus of$6while the group is active. ****** EASY AND SECURE ****** + Whenyousign up for Joola, everyone needs to verify who they are. Thisisso that we can keep your account safe. To do this, you havetoprovide personal information. + All your payments are automatedsoyou don't need to worry about them. + We keep yourinformationprivate. We will never share it with any third partywithoutpermission. + Your information is safe with us. We usebank-levelencryption and your information is never stored on ourservers. Itis free and easy to start your group. Invite friends tojoin so youcan save together! Disclaimer: Joola is not a pyramidscheme,lender, advisor, broker, credit repair company, creditreportingagency, or financial institution. Joola does not give awaymoneyfor free.