IstanStudio Apps

YASIN dan TAHLIL Lengkap 1.8
Reading surah Yasin and tahlil prayerful pilgrimage tomb and ashort letter of the Qur'an
Uqudulujain/Kitab Rumah Tangga 1.5
Translations Uqudul lujain or book an Islamic household, theheavenly family.
Kitab Rotib & Hizib Lengkap 1.2
Contains kupulan practice Dhikr Hlzib Rotib and prayerful like;hizib Nasr
Al Qur'an & Terjemah Indonesia 1.9
Reading the Qur'an contains translations of Indonesian and completeup to 30 chapters
Tuntunan Sholat Lengkap + Suar 1.12
Free Prayer Mandatory & Sunnah equipped with devotions andprayer after prayer
Panduan Sholat Fardu & Sunnah 1.21
Guidance and procedures for doing the obligatory prayers andpraying sunnah prayers.
Qowaidul I'lal Ilmu Shorof 1.3
Science contains Shorof Qowaidul i'lal, studying Science shorof,change the font illat.
Jurumiyah dan Terjemah 1.2
Translation of the yellow book to learn nahwu in the book Matan Aljurumiyah
Shio Tahun 2016 (New) 1.0
apliksai shio 2016 merupakan sebuahshioterbayu tahun 2016 yaitu shio monyet, semoga menjadi bahanbacaanyang menyenangkan.Berikut adalah shio daftar nya :- Shio Anjing- Shio Ayam- Shio Babi- Shio kambing- Shio kelinci- Shio kerbau- Shio kuda- Shio macan- Shio monyet- Shio Naga- Shio Tikus- Shio Ularsilahkan krimkan saran kepada kami melalui:[email protected] zodiac 2016 isazodiac terbayu 2016 that monkey zodiac, may be pleasantreadingmaterial.Here is a list of zodiac her:- Shio Dogs- Chicken Shio- Zodiac Pig- Shio goat- Shio rabbit- Shio buffalo- Shio horse- Sign shows- Zodiac monkey- Shio Naga- Zodiac Rat- Shio Ularplease krimkan suggestions to usvia:[email protected]
16 Tenses Bahasa Inggris 1.0
Contains material 16 tensesn can hopefully facilitate Englishlanguage learning.
Bidayatul Hidayah & Terjemah 1.4
Contains a description of a man who worshiped Allah SWT.
Sholat Sunnah + Audio Mp3 1.10
Contains Free Prayer Sunnah and ordinances do in everyday life
Talim Muta Alim 1.1
Book talim muta alim discusses moral good manners in the teachingsof Islam
Kitab Tafsir Jalalain 1.3
Contains translations of the book discusses Jalalain, hopefullythere are benefits.
Nama Bayi Islami Lengkap 1.3
Contains more than 2000 baby names kupulan Islamic equipped withmeaning
Zakat dan Cara menghitungnya 1.3
Filled kind of charity and how to count to issue a zakat
Riyadhus Sholihin & Terjemah 1.6
Discussion of fiqh in an Indonesian translation of the bookRiyadhus Sholihin
Percakapan Bahasa Arab Lengkap 1.7
Conversations contain baha arabic, equipped; QOWAID, Hiwar, qiro'ah& DICTIONARY Arabic
Panduan Puasa Wajib & Sunnah 1.4
Contains the ordinance and the guides did Mandatory and sunnahfasting.
Fiqih Hadits Shahih Wanita 1.2
Contains klumpulan hadeeth aminn may be useful for the woman.
Zikir & Wirid Al Ma'Tsurat 1.0
Aplikasi Al-Mathurat mengandungi wirid dan doaharian yang diamalkan oleh Rasulullah SAW. Wirid, Doa, Zikir danIstighfar dalam Al-Mathurat ini akan memantapkan jiwa di sampingmemiliki keutamaan dalam segala aspek kehidupan. Mendidik hati agarsentiasa merindui kepada Ilahi dan memberi kelapangan hidup dankesihatan jasmani.Untuk pengembangan aplikasi Zikir & Wirid Al Ma'Tsurat, baikberuba kritik maupun saran, silahkan kirimkan melalui email kami di; [email protected] applicationcontains wirid and daily prayer practiced by the Prophet Muhammad.Wird, Prayer, Recitation and Istighfar in Al-Mathurat willstrengthen the soul in addition has primacy in all aspects of life.Educating careful sentiasa merindui to the Divine and to givespaciousness of life and physical ill-health.For application development Recitation & Wirid Al Ma'Tsurat,both beruba criticisms or suggestions, please send it via email usat; [email protected]
Panduan Umroh Dan Haji Lengkap 1.0
Contains guidance perform Hajj And Umrah, Hajj rituals, may beuseful
Panduan Ziarah Kubur Dan Doa 1.1
Guide contains grave pilgrimage with Yasin recitation and tahlilinclude prayer readings
Fiqih Kitab Bid'ah & Khurafat 1.2
Aplikasi Fiqih Kitab Bid'ah merupakansebuahpembahasan mengenai bid'ah berbasis OFFLINE, tetap bisaandagunakan tanpa koneksi internet.Aplikasi Fiqih Kitab Bid'ah memiliki daftar isisebagaiberikut;- Muqoddimah- Agama islam telah sempurna- Mengapa bid'ah perlu di bahas?- Adakah bid'ah khasanah?- 3 syarat disebut bid'ah- Hukum bid'ah bertingkat tingkat- Apakah hp dan pesawat itu bid'ah?- Apakah pengumpulan Al-Qur'an termasuk bid;ah- Yang penting niatnya baik?- Kiyai juga merayakan maulid nabi- Membaca surat yaasin- Dampak buruk bid'ahUntuk pengembangan Aplikasi Fiqih Kitab Bid'ah, yaitu kritikdansaran silahkan kirimkan ke email kami di;[email protected] aplikasi Fiqih Kitab Bid'ah ini bermanfaat. amin.Applications Fiqh bookisa discussion of the heresy of heresy-based OFFLINE, you canstilluse without an internet connection.Applications Fiqh Heresy book has a table of contentsasfollows;- Muqoddimah- Religion of Islam has been perfect- Why heresy need to be discussed?- What is heresy repertoire?- 3 condition called heresy- Law heresy terraced levels- Is the plane hp and heresy?- Is the collection of the Qur'an including the bid; ah- The importance of good intention?- Kiyai also celebrate the Prophet's birthday- Read a letter Yaasin- Adverse effects of heresyFor the development of applications Fiqh Book of Heresy,thatcriticism and suggestions please send an email to usat;[email protected] hope this application Heresy book Fiqh helpful. amen.
Nashoihul Ibad dan Terjemah 1.5
Book study nashoihul ibad translation, washoya book, and the bookof morals alaala
Biografi & Kisah Nabi Khidir 1.5
Contains knowledge about the story of the Prophet Khidr Assurviving to the end of time
Pencak Silat Asli Indonesia 1.4
It contains the basic techniques of breathing and the use of forcein the flow of martial arts
Kitab Nadom Alfiyah Ibnu Malik 1.4
Study Matan Al Fiyah Ibn Malik may facilitate learning, amen.
Kitab Rawi Maulid Nabi (New) 1.7
Rawi history book contains a collection of the Prophet's birthdayis equipped with translation
Fiqih Islam Imam Syafi'i 1.8
Contains discussion of fiqh Imams sayafi'i mabadi jurisprudencechapters 3 & Usul Fiqh
Fiqih Wanita Imam Syafi'i 1.5
discusses the habits of women tentng blood that comes from the bookof Risalatul Mahid
Kunci Gitar & Lirik Lagu A-Z 1.5
Key contains a collection of guitar and lyrics with key basicComplete
40 Kaidah Ushul Fiqih 1.6
rule contains rules which numbered 40 in the book of usul fiqh andtranslation
Ilmu Hadits & pembahasan 1.3
Contains discussion of hadith science, and what it has aa therein.
TPA Lengkap 1.3
TPA, Test academic potential, synonyms, antonyms, anthologies,mathematics, reasoning.
Resep Kue & Minuman Lengkap 1.1
Berisika collection of recipes tradisionadl cake and pastry snacks.
Aneka Resep Kue Terlengkap 1.1
Contains a guide to make black forest cake recipes
Ulumul Al-Qur'an 1.3
Discussion Ulumul Quran in more detail, to study the Book of Quran
Fathul Qorib (Taqrib) 1.6
Contains a study of the book of fathul Qorib, which is atranslation of printed and fiqh.
Kitab Ratib Wirid & Hizib 1.3
Contains a collection ranging from Hizib, Wirid, Ratib and incomplete prayer in it
Terjemah Ushul Fiqih Islam 1.2
Contains Translations Safinah annajah, mabadi al awwaliyah, and40-Qaida.