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DIY Bag Design Ideas 1.0
Most of them attach a high amount ofimportanceto their bags that have an ubiquitous presence in theireverydaylife. However, most of the handbags from designer brandscost a lotand a large majority of women may find it quitedifficult to keep upwith the trends for every season. This iswhere handmade bags andaccessories can come to the rescue of thesewomen.There are a large number of benefits to buying handmade bagsandaccessories instead of handbags from regular designer brands.Thebags from the designer brands cost several times more comparedtothe handmade bags but lasts usually a season before they go outoftrend. People who pay a fortune to acquire one of these may havetoshove them away into storage after barely a few months of use.Onthe other hand, handmade bags can come in a variety of designssuchas the elegant Victorian bag, edgy gothic bag or the stylishgypsybag. They also come in a variety of materials includingleather,velvet and chenille fabrics, just to name a few. Thesehandmadebags can be the most cost efficient way of acquiring one ofa kindhandbags and accessories.Ordering handmade gothic bags or boho bags at an onlineboutiquecan be the perfect option for acquiring one of these uniquebags tospice up your wardrobe. and are twoon-linesites that cater to artisans of handmade. On these sites youwillhave a tremendous variety of handmade bags and accessoriestochoose from. All that is needed is for you to type in the typeofbag your are looking for in the search box, and thousandsofhandmade bags will show up on the screen. Online sites suchasthese allow you to peruse the many options available on yourowntime and in the comfort of your own home. Thehandbag-retailingwebsites provide their customers with the optionof ordering theseunique bags and receiving them at their doorsteps,often withoutany additional cost.Have you ever walked into a room and spied someone else withasimilar bag or accessory as yours? Ordering a one of a kind bagoraccessory will eliminate that from happening, plus no one willbeable to reproduce that same bag again to your delight.
Contemporary Home Design Ideas 1.0
No doubt, you'll be thinking of carryingoutthe complete process on your own as there's nothing morespecialthan decorating or renovating your home with your ownefforts andcreativity. Once you finally decide to work on your ownand manageyour finances accordingly, you must never look back orfeeldepressed at any instant of time as this will break you frominsideand will tear you apart thereafter. If in case, you feel likeyouare not made for this task, you must hire an expert who willbuildyour dream home based upon your specifications and will carryoutall the necessary tasks effortlessly.Your specifications may include factors like:• Total number of rooms to be included• Type of furniture to be used• Type of doors and windows• Colour of the walls• Floor ideas• Different kitchen designs• Type of lighting to be used• Carpet colour for your living room• Bathroom style• Bedroom design• Roofing systemThese are some things that you must include in your 'To-Do'listwhile narrating your specifications to the builder youhired.Before hiring a builder, it is important that you find outwhatexactly you want, i.e. what kind of house you are about tobuild.Once you decide on what home design to choose, you can moveon tothe next big step, i.e. setting a specific budget. Make surethedesign you choose fulfills all your expectations and suitsyourbudget plan too. Moreover, you must choose the rightprofessionalwho not only carry out the process meticulously butalso make surethat your house plan works best for you in the bestpossiblefashion.Once you give your best shot in order to kick off therenovationprocess in a well-organized fashion, you must payattention tocertain factors that can play a great part in makingthe process goa lot more fluently. This is where the importance ofan experiencedprofessional come into the picture, so it isimportant that youpick a perfect consultant or architect to takecare of the completedesigning process, seek other professionaladvice as required, takecare of the future trends and pick a designaccordingly, make alist of all the things that are involved in theprocess of homerenovation, and more.
Bedroom Design Ideas 1.0
you'll save yourself time and money.Usingcomputer-aided software is the best way to plan. You can planyourroom to its actual dimensions and you can see exactly how yourroomwill look so there aren't any last-minutetime-consumingrearrangements. Bedroom design software allows you toputeverything in place to its actual dimensions, whether it'sabuilt-in wardrobe or a vase on a bedside table, theaccuratesoftware will create your room so you can be confidenteverythingis where is should be when it comes to redecorating.PlanningHopefully, you'll have used interior design software to planthefundamentals of your room - where to position your bed and howtomaximise space-saving furniture efficiently - you will needtoconsider what you'll be using your bedroom for. There are nosetrules about what you can and can't have in your room,somerecommend not having a computer space or television so you cankeepyour bedroom as a place to wind down, but others prefer to havealaptop in their room - it's completely down to yourpersonality.Your bedroom should be a respite, a place to go torelax and winddown after a hard day's work.DecorationThe colour scheme is important, remember the bedroom is yourownspace and also a space you spend a lot of time relaxing sothecolours should reflect this. You can either opt for warm orcoolcolours - warm colours are reds, yellows and oranges whereascoolcolours are blues, creams and pastels. Cool colours tend to bemorerelaxing and give the illusion of the room being bigger, whichiswhy these are a favourite for bedrooms. That doesn't mean youcan'topt for warm colours as well, these colours tend tobringeverything closer so make a room look smaller - an optionforspacious rooms to make them feel more cosy. Choosing thebasecolour for your room is an important decision - colour canactdifferently in different types of lighting - an age old tricktotest how the colour reacts is to paint the inside of a shoeboxinyour chosen shade and see how the colour changes. This gives youabird's eye view of how your room will look.FlooringYour choice of flooring should be comfy enough for bare feetandshould ideally cushion out any noise. You could optforfloorboards, which are practical and purchase a colourful rugtocover the majority of floor space. An accessory as simple as arugcan have a huge impact on the overall look of your bedroom, andbysimply changing the colour every now and again, you cantransformthe way your bedroom looks. Try and remember to keep yourroom asclutter-free as possible by maximising storage space andmakingsure everything in your room has a place - and not onthefloor!
DIY Christmas Decorations 1.0
Who doesn't love a home filled withfestivegarland, scents of pine cones and the warm inviting lookofPoinsettias? There are numerous ways to fill your home withthesights, sounds and scents of Christmas.Of course, it wouldn't be Christmas without a tree. Whetheryouchoose to cut one down yourself or buy one in a store, a treeisdefinitely the main decoration and is usually displayed in alivingroom or family room. A Christmas tree can be decorated withso manylovely things: sparkling lights, garland, ornaments of allkinds,popcorn and other homemade treats and of course candy canesandchocolates.Another popular Christmas decoration is the Nativity Scene.BabyJesus, Mary, Joseph, the animals and the Three Wise Men serveas areminder of why we celebrate this Christian holiday throughouttheworld.There are literally hundreds of decorations you could filleachof your rooms with; you can do a little or a lot, depending onhowmuch you love the Christmas season. Snowmen, Santa andreindeerornaments can adorn your front yard, or you may just choosetostring a few energy-efficient light bulbs around your frontdoor.The possibilities are endless and are only limited byyourimagination.Shopping for Christmas decorations doesn't have to be aharrowingand stressful experience. If you don't want the hassle ofbuyinganything from your local department store, you can alwayschoose toshop online. There are dozens of online retailers whohave a greatselection of decorations to fit your needs and yourstyle.You'll find a wide variety of items that will fit any budget.Ofcourse, you don't want to spend so much on decorations thatyoudon't have any funds left for gifts! But, some decorationsdoactually make great gifts, especially host and hostess gifts.Asmall trinket or Christmas tree ornament is the perfect way tosaythank you to your hosts. A Christmas plate or mug can also makeagreat gift, while adding to their home décor at the same time.You can transform your home into a spectacular wonderland ofred,green, gold and silver with many different types ofdecorations.Banners, lights, garland, statues, and a host of otheritems canturn your home into a warm, inviting place to visit fortheholidays.The two most important elements of Christmas decorating arethetree and the lighting. Nothing really beats the smell of arealpine tree, but if you want to create a trendy look, a pre-littwigor feather tree might be the right choice to suit your décortheme.The secret of a successful tree is to use a maximum ofthreecolors, shapes and materials when dressing it. To createaninteresting tree, make some of your baubles edible - outofchocolate, candy, dried fruits & nuts.When it comes to lighting, use a variety of illuminationsystems.Wrap fairy & string lights around door frames &banisters,hang them in the windows, pile them up in glass vases,run themacross the dining table, or make them into a garland. Useropelights outside your home - around your windows, doors, pathwayandtrees. Pile church candles together on the mantel, inlargecontainers, across the dining table or in unused fireplaces.Putscented tea lights in your windows, on shelves andcoffeetables.
3D Interior Room Design 1.0
Among a thousand wall and floor tilechoices,the diverse 3D mosaics open up a world of dignifiedsplendor.Creativity is at its best as the exploration begins ofglass,natural stone, metal and blends that take the breath awayandspread cheer.When the senses are assaulted by the charm of 3D mosaics, inarange of exotic materials like stone, metal, and glass or blendsinall their mystic power, realization dawns and insight deepens.Whyshould homes and businesses not go the extra mile tocreatefanciful environments? Aesthetic concerns have assumedimmenseimportance in the present-day world and such tiles withlittlebuilt-in landscapes do mesmerize the vision. When theyareartistically installed with appropriate color combinations intheright places, it is truly an inspiring vision.Life turns so much more productive and tranquil inanappreciation of beauty. The modern world worships artandsculpture, digitally too, and here is something that smacksofcontemporary art, created with powerful, inventive zeal,andprocessed by precise technology, yet the naturalist atheart.Since life is experienced in glorious 3D, any scenario couldwellbe copied in art. Foliage, urban high-rises, the desert, waterandthe oceans, the sky, or nothing in particular, and art hasnolimits. The result is dynamic and exciting, adding depth totheimage, expanding mental horizons all the way. Color andtexturechoices, sizes and shapes would deliver the fourthdimensionperhaps! Accent walls in the living room, buildingentrances withcompany logos and messages, the fireplace surrounds,commercialventures, kitchens and bars, such tiles fit in mostwonderfullyjust anywhere.
Bedroom Decoration Design 1.0
The ways to decorate the bedroom can onlybelimited by your creativity, so just find it within yourselftogather some ideas for decorating. Here are some tips thatmighthelp.Repaint.Always have a clean sheet to start with. And since this isyourbedroom, feel free to personalize it all you like. Pick thecoloryou like best, pick the color - or even colors, why have alimit atall? - that reflect your personality. Be it the whiteneutralcolors of the people who like to fill in the blanks withtheirimagination, or the darker shades of the melancholic types, oreventhe vibrant colors of the social, hyperactive, andenergeticpeople, just pick what suits you best and startpainting.Clean.After the paint dries off, it is time for some cleaning. Takeoutthe duster, wipes, and vacuum, and go wild. Do not forget to gofromtop to bottom so that you do not have to do carpet cleaningtwice -once before you start, and once after you drop all the dustandcobwebs on the clean carpet. You might want to put agoodmedium-stiff bristled brush to work on the carpet to clean upallthe hairs. You would be amazed at how many of them therewillbe.Alternatively, you could go with a dependable andprofessionalcleaning agency to take care of your bedroom cleaning,or why noteven house cleaning while they are at it. Theprofessional cleanerswill get your house clean in no time, and in amuch faster ratethan you can.Add.Add new items to your bedroom, like a desk for a PC, orsomeshelves for your favorite or about-to-be-read books. Add apaintingor two, or maybe a poster of your favorite actor ormusician to addsome life to those walls (yes, sometimes you cantake advice fromyour kids for decorations).Replace.Improve on the old stuff. Replace some furniture with better,orwilder-looking ones. Replace the night lamp with somethingfresheror more interesting than the same old night lamp you haveseeneverywhere - like a lava lamp!With this your bedroom will have a fresh new beginning, andyoucan feel free to add whatever you feel right. And do experimentallyou like - it is your bedroom, after all.Restyle.After all the cleaning and repainting, start to think style.Finda new place for the bed - the enclosed corner of the room, orthecenter spot to have a room focus, your choice. Find a new placeforthe wardrobe and dresser, and while you are on it, why notorganizeit so that clothes-finding is not an issue during thisseason.
Ceiling Design Ideas 1.0
Ceilings lights can be used in almosteveryroom and in almost any application. They can be used to accentapiece of furniture or art work. Or it can be used as tasklightingfor everyday tasks.Choosing the right ceiling light for your home can dictateadesign theme or it can blend into your existing decor. Allthelighting manufactures have focused a lot of attention on thistypeof lighting so there are many choices and designs to choosefrom.The best place to start is recognizes what type of lightingyou arelooking for what ever it be task lighting or if is going tobe usedas ambient lighting.The most common form of ceiling lighting is the basic domelightalso know as a flush mount ceiling light. These are great forbasiclighting of a small room. These do not provide much tasklightingit is primarily used to for basic lighting needs. Mostlightingmanufactures have several sizes of these and the mostcommon oneshave anywhere from 1 to 3 light bulbs.One great form of ceiling lighting. Is the Recessed Canlight.This is very versital and can be used for task lighting,accentlighting or task lighting. Recessed lights have manyvariations inbaffles and lenses. The most common type is yourstandard baffletrim. The baffle provides ambiant room lighting. Youcan createtask lighting with the cans by adding a spot alsocommonly known asan eyeball. You can focus the light with these ona area tocreating a working area or you can high light a piece ofartwork orfurniture.Chandeliers are another great form of ceilinglighting.Chandeliers are used for more general lighting. They aregreat forspreading light over a large area. A Chandelier is usedmore to seta design theme and create a focal point in a room.Common areas foruse are in a entry, living room or dining room.They also havebecome a favorite of designers to class up a largerbathroom. Thehave used mini chandeliers to give that boringbathroom some styleand class.Pendants are another great way to create a soft light that setadesign theme in a room as well. Pendants are a great way to lightakitchen, office of dining nook.Homeowners, who are searching for the perfect illuminationdevicefor their home, have ample choices. However, ceiling lightfixturesmay be the best decision, since these items can be usedfor bothfunctional and decorative purposes.
Design Wedding Dress 1.0
Your gown sets the tone; your entireweddingcan be carved around the wedding dress you choose. This isthestatement you make as you make you way down the aisle to marrytheman of your dreams, it's what you will be wearing in allthewedding pictures and will be the one thing most of your guestswillremember for years to come.Finding the perfect wedding dress can be a stressful anddauntingexperience. So much rides on you finding the perfect gown.Anotherthing you can expect is everyone to ask you who thedesigner is.There are so many fantastic designers today, but thereare thosethat are the crème de la crème, the top of the crop, theones youwant to be able to name on your special day.One of the first designers you need to know about is Wtooweddingdresses. Wtoo offers sophisticated and feminine designs bycombiningtraditional and modern designs into spectacularmasterpieces. Thesegowns are all unique, comfortable and made fromthe finest fabrics.Guests will know when you make your way downthe aisle in a Wtoowedding dress, brimming with embroidery, laceand beads. These gownsare distinctive and made for all shapes andsizes. The best thingabout these dresses is the price; they do notbreak the bank and youhave so many different designs to choosefrom.This name is known by brides around the world. Pronovias hasbeenmaking spectacular bridal gowns since 1922 and offers adistinctivedesign with a feminine touch. This is a family ownedbusiness thatfocuses on the finest materials, superior collectionsandmagnificent finishes.Enzoani is another of the very popular wedding dressdesignersand its worthwhile looking at these dresses as they offerbeautyand sophisticated. Enzoani offer timeless elegancy withEuropeaninfluences, which make them charming and beautiful. Thedesignersuse a lot of lace, embroidery and bead work to createthesebeautiful masterpieces that are modern and traditional andareguaranteed to make a statement on your special day.Justin Alexander has been providing beautiful weddingdressessince the 1940's. This designer combines classic andcontemporaryto create magnificent gowns that every bride wants toown. JustinAlexander's wedding dress designs are couture stylecomplete withsuperb quality, high standard fabrics and spectaculardetailing,making them unique and special.Watters gowns are elegant and trendy and are worn by thousandsofbrides each and every year. These gowns are charming and chic,theyare romantic and feminine and yet, they are sophisticatedandrefined. The Watters dresses make use of bead work and lace,whichhas made these a top choice for the past twenty sevenyears.When choosing your dress, you need to pay attention to whatthedesigners have to offer. Wtoo wedding dresses are sophisticatedandfeminine, while Justin Alexander is classic and contemporary.Youneed to make your decision based on your personal preferencesandwhat looks best on you when you try it on.Don't be set in your ways on what you want your dress tolooklike, try on a range of dresses by a choice of designers, youmaybe surprised which one will tick all your boxes for yourspecialday.
Contemporary Living Room Ideas 1.0
You need some suggestions for givingyourimportant space a more updated look for your family andcompany.But first, when should you stay away from a theme? A livingroomneeds to be welcoming for you and your guests. However, ifthepurpose of decorating is to resell your home, stickwithtraditional colors and avoid personal accents. More people willbeable to visualize it as their own.Bright colors and artwork spaced properly can give yourlivingroom a trendy, metropolitan look. A modern style can be moreaboutaesthetics, how things look, than their actual function.Choosefurniture that features simple, curved lines. Carefullyselect onlyone or two warm accent colors, so as not to overwhelmthe eye.These colors could be featured in items such as throwpillows,lamps, or an area rug.An American country look can be achieved with exposed brick,warmwoods, and pastel colors. Vintage furniture often featuresrustic,hand-carved detailing. Use pastels or earth tones, andclean lines.Floral or domestic motifs will tie this theme togethernicely.Contemporary styles emphasize both soft colors andtextures.Colors are warm, and in the medium -shade range. Palecolors areknown to be not as fully relaxing. Textures could includefloortiles and soft sofa fabrics.The Mediterranean look can be popular and easy to create.Colorswill reflect those found in nature, such as sky blue and seagreen.Make use of archways and terracotta tiles. Furniture canextendfrom simple and functional to bronze, wrought-iron, andformal.Asian styles can include a variety of colors and textures.ForJapanese, go for a calm, meditative look. Soft blue, gray,brown,or green will complement subtly used hints of brighter colorsandflowers were artwork. Chinese style can be achieved usingboldcolors such as red or gold to accent dark woods.Whatever style you choose, pick only one, see it through,anddon't go overboard. If the room is not comfortable, it isnotlivable. Keep your thoughts clear for what the room will beusedfor. Factor in where the light and space in the room iscomingfrom. Choose one or two choice elements you love, ratherthancluttering the room with every piece you like.If you don't want to invest in a completely new room, youcanstill change things enough to create a new look. Switch outpillowsand pictures every three to six months to reflect the changeofseason. Change your curtains. Put new slipcovers on an oldsofa.Use a wallpaper border instead of painting the whole thing.Newlighting fixtures, or even new bulbs, can change the tone ofyourliving room.
Bathroom Design Ideas 1.0
Great design ideas and bath decorinspirationfor spa bathrooms, master baths, kids bathrooms andmore.Manufactured in the UK from design concept through tocasting,machining, plating and polishing Perrin & Rowe bathroomandkitchen collections are a perfect marriage oftraditionalhandcrafting with the latest modern manufacturingexcellence.Perrin & Rowe taps, showers and accessories areengineered fromthe highest quality low lead brass, hand-assembledand uniquelyincorporating bearing rings and `O` seals for maximumdurabilityand a smooth engineered `no wobble` feel. Every Perrin& Rowetap, shower and accessory is plated double the thicknessofstandard products to produce a finish that is deeper in colourandreflection with a greater resistance to wear. Perrin &Rowe`schinaware collection is a must for those seeking thehighestquality products with exceptional period inspireddesigns.Handcrafted in the heart of the English pottery countryusing thefinest Cornish clay Perrin & Rowe`s Chinawarecollectionincludes bathroom basins, pedestals, bowls and toiletsbeautifullydesigned from the Victorian, Edwardian and Art Decoperiods. Pleasetake your time and discover this wonderfulBritishmanufacturer.
DIY Garden Pot Design 1.0
The DIY homemade hydroponics systems mustofferthe following for optimal growth.Light, Air, Water,Nutrients, Heat,Room for the roots to spreadWick systemThe Wick system is the simplest type of hydroponic system. Itisa passive system as there are no moving parts. a Wick is usedtodraw the nutrient solution from a reservoir into the growingmediumThis system can use a variety of growing medium.Perlite,Vermiculite, Pro-Mix and Coconut Fiber are among themostpopular.The draw back of the wick hydroponics system is thatlargerplants use large amounts of water. This causes thenutrientsolution to be used faster than the wicks can supplyit.Water culture systemThis is the simplest and most economical of all activehydroponicsystems. Small to medium sized plants will grow best ina deep waterculture. It is ideal for growing lightweight, leafyvegetables likelettuce, herbs and small peppers. You can use a binor fish tank asa reservoir. The water culture needs to supply theroots of theplants with enough oxygen, to act as suitable growingmedium. Yourplants needs the appropriate amount of access to waterandnutrients.Styrofoam is needed to hold your plants. a One inch thickpiecewill be adequate. Poke holes through it to place your netpotsinto. The Styrofoam with pots will be placed at the top ofthereservoir, floating in the water. You the have to mixtheappropriate amounts of nutrients into the water. Thesenutrientscontain nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and otherelementsand minerals. You can purchase premixed solutions. Thesenutrientscontain all of the needed properties similar to soil whichallowsfor your plants to successfully grow.To accurately measure the pH levels in your plants you willneeda pH test kit. This is very important in hydroponicgardening.Monitoring of these plants are needed as the pH of anutrientsolution reads the outcome of an electrical encounter thathappensbetween the plants roots and everything that surrounds them.An airpump is also a important part of a hydroponic system. Itsuppliesair to the air stone. The air stone (or bubbler) which willbeplaced at the bottom of your reservoir will bubble andsupplyoxygen to the roots of the plants.
Design Wedding Party 1.0
Designing and decorating it is surelynotsimple, though. Your venue's ambiance, appeal, and decor aresomeof the factors that could give you many sleepless nights priortothe day of the wedding.Since it is a special occasion, you should be open forincludingsome unique, never-tried interior decoration ideas. Tolessen yourburden, you can consider hiring services like furniturerental,carpet supplier, and florist. Or alternatively, you canemploy theservices of a wedding planner agency in your city.What you need for giving pleasant makeovers to the weddinghallare: some decorative lights, flowers, linens, beautiful androbustpieces of furniture, and some DIY accessories. All these gearwillmake your wedding hall's interior look amiably wonderfulwhilegiving your guests a comfy feel. The following steps enunciatehowyou can complete the decor of your wedding venue in aninteresting,amusing manner-If you have plans of making your wedding party atheme-basedparty, decide the color, and choose the accessories andfurnishingsaccordingly. It will help you create a downrightneighborlyenvironment at your reception. Do not forget to enlightenyourguests with the dress code for the occasion.Moreover, if you have a theme party in mind, make sure thatthevenue you are going to book is suitable for that theme.Therefore,it is important for you to visit the place in person,with yourwedding planner to get an exact idea in this regard. Ifthe colorand texture of a wedding hall does not meet and appreciateyourparty idea, it would be wise to select some other venue.If you have finalized the hall, but there are a few things,whichyou believe, can displease the theme, you can ask thevenueadministrator to get those things removed. The most importantthingthat you need to make certain is the number of guests that youareinviting for the reception. Ascertain that the hall hasthecapacity to host all your guests. Also check, if it hasproperventilation, exit doors, sitting area and parking space.Choosing furniture - Sofa, tables, dinner tables, chairs,barcounters, stools, etc. can be sourced from a rental service inyourlocality. You can find some really attractive pieces offurnitureon rental for wedding parties. Two imperative aspects thatyou haveto bear in mind when renting furniture for your weddingparty are:their design and size. The design should be of aparamount standardand the size of the fixtures should harmonizewith the texture ofhall. The furniture should be chosen in a waythat it praises theparty hall.Lighting arrangements - Decorative lights can also be foundatfurniture rental services. You can also learn some DIYlightingarrangement ideas on YouTube and other tutorial websites.Again,you should choose the lights, pondering the theme of theparty.Flowers - Flowers stimulate the elegance of the party hall.Findthe best florist in your city, and ask them to supply theflowerson the date of the event.
Contemporary Kitchen Design 1.0
A new kitchen styleminimalistic look to a more warm and welcoming look thatmirrorstheir own styles. This has seen the birth of a new kitchenstyle: amerge of modern and traditional elements.The modern traditional style mixes colours, texturesandmaterials. It's now common for contrasting materials to beusednext to each other; textured timber or stainless steel withmarble,or mirrors, marble and timber together on the kitchenisland. Andbronze, pewter and brushed nickel are starting toreplace chromehandles. A kitchen renovation by Art of Kitchens thatcombinestimber veneers, mirrors and timber recently won the 2014HIAKitchen of the Year by Art of Kitchens.ShelvingThis style is also being reflected in kitchen shelving;whilstintegrated appliances are still popular they are beingcombinedwith open-shelving units so homeowners can display preciousorinteresting knick-knacks to reflect themselves. Open shelvingcanbe customized to make the kitchen feel alive and welcomingwhilstwithout impacting functionality. Open shelving has theaddedbenefit of being lighter on the budget and, if you have therightskills, installed by you.Perfectly imperfectImperfect, touchy-feely and textured materials such asgranites,engineered stones and materials that imitate raw finishesarepopular as well as being easy to maintain. Popular inkitchenbenchtops are materials with slight imperfections andtexturedfinishes. Caesarstone Concrete Finishes and the newSilestone SuedeTexture ranges are great examples of this.High-gloss timber with smooth finishes is being replacedwithtextured timber finishes that characterize natural formsarepopular and add an extra dimension to the space. Companies suchasLaminex and Danzer have a great range of texturedtimberveneers.ColoursIncreasingly kitchens have a range of vibrant colorsmixedwithsubtle tones allowing for more artistic options. Both PantonesandLaminex's new seasons predictions reflect a greater rangeofvibrant colors to reflect your unique style: "The soothing tonesofjades, pinks and purples with the grandeur colorsof Chineseregalreds and bold hues of gold, create balance and alaid-backambiance."Another trend becoming popular is using wallpaper yourkitchen.Subtle use of the right wallpaper can help to balanceothermaterials in the kitchen as well as providing additionalcontrast,texture and interest.Other considerationsIt's worth investigating what's new in kitchen technologiesasit's likely they have changed dramatically. There have beengreatinnovations in all aspects of kitchen design in the last 10years,not just kitchen appliances. Companies such as Blum have madehugeadvances on internal cabinet hardware and shelving systems.
DIY Dog House Ideas 1.0
improve your woodworking skills, and giveyoucomplete creative control. Even if you've never attempted suchatask before, it's still one of the simplest Do-It-Yourselfprojectsout there. This article discusses your many style options,and aimsto get you off to the best start possible.Going Over Your OptionsBefore you make a run for your local lumber yard, it'simportantfor you to know exactly what your options are. It's alsoimportantto weigh them up against what is possible for yourparticular breedof dog, as well as your particular property.The first decision you need to make is what shape and styleyourkennel will be. For the purpose of keeping things simple,thisarticle assumes that you aren't looking for anything toofancy.Besides, those things can come after you've finished themainstructure.The most common styles are:1) The Traditional Dog House - This one is what you'veseencountless times on the television. Snoopy had a house justlikethis!2) The Brick Dog Kennel - Very similar to the "Snoop" house,butchunkier, and obviously made from bricks.3) The Duplex Dog House - If you have more than one dog, thisisa great option. Not only will your pets have a separate roomeach,but they'll also be able to snuggle up together if they want.Thisis achieved by installing a simple removable wall.Of course, there are many more options available to you.You'llneed to sit down and go through the various styles at somepoint.Keep in mind that most internet-based building schematicscome inpackages with multiple styles. This means that there is nohurry todecide right away.Pre-Construction TipsHere are a few personal tips I'd like to share. They'reprettybasic, but will potentially save you a lot of trouble inthebuilding process.- Forget flat roofs. They tend to collect water and bend inthecentre. Your dog won't mind, I promise!- Make sure to build overhanging roofing, so the water runsfaroff the kennel entrance.- Use cedar if you can afford it. Treated pine is also fine,butyou'll have to give it a nice paint job for it to come upgood.- Build on-site. No point in making a mess in the shed too!
DIY Greeting Cards Ideas 1.0
The warmth you feel when you receive acardfrom a loved one or see the excitement on the faces of childrenasthey can not wait to open a birthday card. These are some ofthe"feel good" emotions that a simple greeting card can express.In our busy work schedule and activities, it is easilyforgottenabout that birthday, wedding, or anniversary. How manytimes haveyou remembered someone's birthday at the last minute! Youhave torush to a card shop or store, deal with traffic, interruptcookingand on and on. Then when you get to the greeting cardsection youcan not find the right card you want to express. Thegreeting cardlooks good but does not convey the right message orthe art work ispoor but has the perfect words. You becomefrustrated and then youusually will settle for something less thanyou wanted.With the use of the internet and many greeting card sites ofyourchoosing, you can eliminate your rushing around, wasting gas,payingfor an expensive card and have less frustration.The variety of styles and themes of electronic greetingcardswill surely amaze you. There are ready-made greeting cardsthat youcan choose the art and verses. If you want to be morecreative youcan personalize your own greeting card by having yourownillustration and what you want to say.This is the true meaning of a greeting card, your ownpersonalmessage. So take a few moments and check our the manyonlinegreeting card sites.Save your self time and frustration but most of all get backtothe true enjoyment of sending and receiving a greeting card. Whenaspecial occasion arises, you should not have a feeling thatyou'reon the verge of having a massive "migraine"! Relax, knowingthatyou can just fire-up your computer, choose an appropriategreetingcard and send it off not having to deal with the postoffice,either. Whatever the occasion or non-occasion, revel in thelove,thoughts, happiness, joy or appreciation in receiving orsending agreeting card. Remember always, greeting cards arefun!
Diy Planter Ideas 1.0
Almost all commercial establishments aremadeof concrete and the only thing that gives life to itssurroundingsare the plants. But it wouldn't be very attractive tojust put theplants on the ground. No matter how beautiful yourflowering plantsare, they won't be easily noticed if they areplaced on the ground.Business owners can place them in outdoorplanters that can elevatethe plants and attract more customers.Some plants may also lookdisorganized. But if you put them incommercial planters, they canwell be arranged and easilymaintained.Each planter does not only serve as a container for plants.Theirdesign, shape and form can also have different purposes:1. Most restaurant planters serve as liners or boarders fortheoutdoor dining spaces of a restaurant. They are usuallyavailablein a long rectangular shape or in a large square.2. Hotel planters are usually luxurious to depict the classandelegance of the hotel.3. There are also planters that can be seated on such ascityplant containers.4. Lastly, Illuminated modern planters can be an excellentsourceof light for a specific area.Here are some ideas on what kinds of plant containers thatyoucan use for the outdoor spaces of your businessestablishment:Custom PlantersSince most commercial planters are large, business ownersusuallyplace an order for custom planters. These planters arecustom-madeaccording to the clients' design andspecifications.Fiberglass PlantersFiberglass planters are light-weight which make them idealaslarge planters. They can perfectly simulate any kind ofmaterialsuch as terracotta and clay. Try to look at some outdoorplantersthat are made of stone or clay and check if the materialsare real.You may find one that is actually made of fiberglass.Large Commercial PlantersThe big planters that you put inside your house aresmallercompared to large commercial planters. When we say large, itmeansthat it is large enough to be seated on, serve as a boarderbetweentwo spaces, or a centerpiece of your garden. In fact, even alargetree can be planted in it.Planters on CastersSome outdoor arrangements like restaurant patios and retailstoredisplays may be changed from time to time so they need tousemovable planters. Since large commercial planters cannot beeasilymoved due to its size or weight, planters on casters areperfect touse in these areas. They are custom-build beautifulplanters withrolling castors to easily move your large planters andchange youroutdoor arrangements anytime.For business owners, don't make your outdoor spaces look dullandboring. Even colorful paintings cannot match the lively colorandatmosphere that the plants and flowers can bring.
Nail Design Ideas 1.0
Nail Designs Anyone Can Do!Seriously. If you have spent the last 10 years, or 10monthssimply painting your nails you are missing out, or worse, ifyoucan only afford a professionally designed look for your nailstwicea year you are not rewarding yourself. Discover how to do yourowndesigns whenever you want in the comfort of your own home.Showing off simple nail designs is no longer confined tothefirst few days after dropping $50 for a manicure (hoping theydon'tchip before you can show both your friends as well astotalstrangers). You should be creating your own designs at home -notonly are they cheaper, but you can achieve some very creativeandunique looks that last just as long as salon designs -withoutspending your weekly allowance.Easy nail designs to start with fall into the followinggeneralcategories:Two tone nail polish treatments - basically doing your nailshalfone color, and half another color. Fairly easy to do and cancreatesome very abstract patterns, but be careful in terms ofhaving asteady hand in getting the lines right.Adding a shattered affect to your nails with Crackle NailPolish.Easy, and creates totally unique designs, especially withthealmost-infinite variety of color combinations between the solidbasecoat and the top crackle polish.Doing your fingers one color, and your thumb a differentcolor[an alternative is having your pinky finger be a differentcolorinstead, or your thumbnail]. This is tricky, as if the colorsdon'tcomplement each other well it simply looks like you started anailpolish job and got bored half way through!Drawing designs like flowers, ladybugs, stars, etc. This istrulyeasy to do and involves using a toothpick as your brush andyournails as the canvass. The problem is if you aren't carefultheflower design you just completed may look too similar tosomeothers you see around town.Magnetic nails - this is the latest, somewhat high techtrend,and is pretty easy and creates very unique designs usingspecialmagnetic nail polish and what looks like stamps - but aremagnetsthat arrange the metal particles in the nail around adesign.Nail art pens - these are fun, and are like drawing on yournailswith markers [except these have nail polish in them!]. Ipersonallylike doing abstract patters and swirls on my nails withthese as itdoesn't require the same level of precision as tryingto draw apicture.Nail stickers - special "tiny" stickers that will adhere toaproperly applied polish or nail, and not run or otherwisegetdistorted when coated with a clear nail polish. Kind of messyifthey get scratched or torn and then have to be taken off, butthiscan be a quick design that doesn't take a lot of time.Gel or gelish nails - these are not strictly nail designs,butwhen used properly gel nails can last up to 3 weekswithoutchipping or cracking, dry super fast under a UV light, anddoingdesigns with them will result in a longer lasting design. Thespeedis often faster as well since a UV light is used to dry thepolishin under 2 minutes.I hope this gets you started thinking about the wide variety ofnaildesigns you can do at home!
DIY Earrings Ideas 1.0
How to Make EarringsMaking your own earrings is a fun, artsy project which canbecompleted in minutes. They make a wonderful homemade gift foryourfemale friends and family members - or you can just keep themforyourself! This article will show you some easy methods formakingdangly beaded earrings, hoop earrings and studs, along withsomeunique ideas using household materials. Just see Step 1 belowtoget started.1. Gather your materials. To make these beaded earrings youwillneed: two headpins, a round-nosed pliers, two French hookearwiresand a selection of beads - they can2. Thread some beads onto the headpin. How many you fit oneachheadpin will depend on how large the beads are and how longyouwant your earrings to be. Experiment with different colors andbeadsizes to find a style you like.3. Cut the headpin to size. To shorten the length of theearring,use your pliers to cut the end of the headpin. Just makesure toleave a centimeter between the last bead and the end ofthewire.4. Curl the top of the headpin. Take your round-nosed pliersanduse it to curl the top of the headpin, until it forms acompleteloop.5. Attach the French hook earwire. Take one of the Frenchhookearwires and use your pliers to open the hook on the end. Sliptheopen hook through the loop you made on the end of theheadpin.6. Tighten the hook. Close the open hook using your pliers.Makeit nice and tight so the earrings won't fall apart.7. Repeat the process to make the second earring. Enjoy yournewearrings!Making Hoop Earrings1. Gather your materials. To make hoop earrings you will need atubeof memory wire, a memory wire cutter (pliers will leave dentsin thewire), round nose pliers, two French hook earwires and aselectionof beads (optional).2. Cut one full circle from the memory wire. This will formthehoop of your earring. If you want a smaller-sized hoop, usethecutter to snip off a section of wire.3. Curl one edge of the hoop. Take your round nosed pliersanduse it to curl one edge of the wire hoop underneath itself,untilit forms a complete loop.4. Thread the beads on. If you want to make beaded hoops,threadthe desired number of beads onto the wire - you canexperiment withdifferent colors and bead types to find a patternyou like. Forplain hoops, just skip to the next step.5. Curl the other edge of the hoop. Take the pliers and use ittocurl the other edge of the wire - except this time you arecurlingthe wire outwards rather than underneath. Curl it until youform analmost complete loop.6. Hook the two loops into one another. Hook the loopthat'scurled outwards into the loop that's curled underneath.Ifnecessary, use the pliers to tighten each loop. This shouldkeepthe earring secured.7. Attach the French hook earwire. Take the French hookearwireand use your pliers to open the loop at the bottom. Hook theopenloop of the earwire onto one of the closed loops at the top oftheearring hoop. Close the loop with your pliers.8. Repeat the process to make the second earring. Remembertomeasure the second hoop against the first to make sure they arethesame size.
DIY Wall Art Ideas 1.0
How to Decorate your Space with Wall PicturesIf a room in your house lacks character, by simply placingsomefine art prints on the walls can actually make quite animpact.Wall pictures are a necessary accessory in your home and aregreatto tie in with the room's style and color accent. Before yougo offto buy some new pictures for your walls there are a fewthings youneed to plan and decide upon. Here is a home interiordesign guideon how to decorate your space with wall art.Shop for Wall Art by RoomThe kind of home you have and the mood, ambience and styleofdecor you create, should be perfectly designed to suityourlifestyle. Deciding on a style for your room should bedeterminedby the lifestyle you choose and not by what's the latesthomeinterior design trend.Whichever room you are wanting to decorate, whether it beyourbedroom, living area, kitchen or office space, you need todecidewhat you want to get out of that space.Once you have decided what you want to use the room for, youcannow choose a color theme to suit the function of the room.Forexample, mellow greens and neutrals for your 'quiet retreatroom',lively yellow for the kids room, or pale tranquil blue foryouroffice space.So far we have established the function and color of the roominquestion, this then gives us the basis on choosing the rightartprints for the area.For example:bright colorful cartoon pictures for the kids roommellow pastel floral pictures for your quiet retreat area, ortranquil landscape and scenic pictures for your office spaceChoose your StyleLike paint color, artwork can immediately establish or changearoom's mood. Not only can it pull the room together, but youcanuse it to create a style uniquely your own.traditional & classicmoderncontemporaryfun & entertainingcasualromanticThe style of the room is totally dependent on your ownpersonaltaste and this is the time when you can inject your ownpersonalityinto the room through artwork and texturedaccessories.Suggested art picture styles:Fun & Entertaining: Pictures can include bright colorsbothin the print and on the frame. Fun and entertaining picturescaninclude kittens and puppies, or comedian actors such as theThreeStooges or Laurel & Hardy.Modern: With the strong black accents in the framed iron-workandthe tapestries, striking black and white photos are a naturalchoicefor a modern and sophisticated look.Calm Retreat: To reinforce the mood of a nestled, cozyretreat,use artwork with neutral, earthy colors and a horizontallandscapesubject.You can even mix and match different styles to create auniquestyle of your own. For example, frame traditional black andwhitephoto prints in a modern black iron frame.
DIY Pallet Project 1.0
Building a shed with pallets is not as hardasit may seem, especially if you have a good set of wood palletshedplans. I personally am a DIY (do it yourself) guy, so I wasmorethan up for the challenge. The only problem was I had no ideawhereto start. I soon found that the task was next to impossiblewithoutsome professionally designed shed plans. Following a set ofplansreduced my costs and cut the time that it would have taken metocomplete my project. I named this project Wood Pallet Shedplansbecause the plans are really what made this project a success.Wood Pallet Shed Plans ProjectWell this project came about when I realized I had accumulatedalot of junk over the years and didn't have places to store mostofit, so I decided to build a storage shed.The first thing I did was search the internet for informationandI found out I would need a good foundation and a good set ofplans.So I began searching for shed plans on the internet. Once Icameacross a good set of plans for my project, I was amazed at howeasythe project became. What I liked most about the plans was thatafull material list down to the last nail came with them.They also came with lumber cut sizes, which took all theguesswork out because they made sure I bought the right amount ofwoodand had it cut to the perfect sizes. Basically all I had to dowasput it together. Many plans aren't like this so be sure yougetsome that are. There are places to get free plans but most ofthemare just drawings and you have to guess on the materiallistsyourself, which could result in spending a lot of extramoney,which is something I think we all would like to avoid.Investing in some wood pallet shed plans will save yousometrouble. It will cut down your labor time and save onmaterialcosts. If you are like me and like to do things yourselfyou shouldbe sure to grab a good set of plans for your project.Creating yourown shed plans is difficult and will take upuneccessary time. Ontop of that you may do it the wrong way.
Diy Paper Quilling Craft Ideas 1.0
If you love making handmade cards andcrafts,for sure, you would love to find great paper quilling ideasyou canuse in your creations. You can use them in ornaments,topersonalize your gifts, in cards and scrapbooks, and manyotherthings you can do with it. In expressing your art, you canonlyhave your imagination as your limit.Of course in art, it is always good to have your own uniquestylein creating your crafts so that you can practice and honeyourskills and discover new things about it. Although this istrue, itcould also help a lot, especially in quilling, if you canstart withsome paper quilling ideas from others who have masteredthe craft.Then, from there, you can work on your own style as soonas youexplore many other things you can do with quilling.Anyway, we all have to start from the basics. Here are somebasicideas that you might find useful in your craft.You can select the size of the quilling paper depending onthedesign you have to make. The standard paper size you can use isthe1/8", which you can actually cut on your own in a paper trimmerorpaper shredder, although you may not get this size in ashredder.Buying pre-cut strips is a good option though if you wantthem tocurl perfectly. At least, you would get a uniformly sizedpaper.But if you are just starting out, you may also opt topractice onpaper that you cut yourself to at least save you a fewdollarswhile still trying your hand on the craft.To guide you through the correct size of paper you need, ifyourquilling project involves fine details, you may neednarrowerstrips of quilling paper such as 1/16" in size. For 3Dsculptingand fringe designs, you may want to use wider strips -1/2" or1/4". For basic designs or when practicing, 1/8" woulddo.You can also choose from a variety of color to help enhanceyourdesign and paper quilling ideas. If you are choosing yourownpaper, make sure you choose something that has the same coloratthe front and back of the paper, or else, it will mess upyourfinish product. A lightweight card stock will work nicely.Choosing your glue is also essential in making yourcraft.Surely, you would not want your quill design to be stainedwithvisible white glue all over. Choosing a glue that dries clearisrecommended to avoid messing up with your art. One way to helpyouin gluing your creations especially involving those fine curls,isto spread the glue thinly on a paper and with tweezers, youcanlightly press your quilled designs on it just enough for thebottomto get enough glue and stick it to your scrapbook or card.You canalso make use of toothpicks to help you with the gluing.If you have mastered the basics, you can then make yourowndesign and squeeze your creative juices to make designs thatarenot yet existing. This will truly unleash your creativity andallowyou to make your own style. If you want to learn morepaperquilling ideas and master the art of quilling, you first needtolearn how to make basic designs and shapes. You can findusefulresources that will teach you step by step on how to maketeardropdesigns to square designs and other patterns. It will alsobeuseful to observe from quilling masters and learn from them.
DIY Gift Box Project 1.0
Shopping for the perfect gift for someonemightbe easy, but what happens when wrapping the gift turns out tobeimpossible? Well, this may be the reason that wrapping paper isathing of the past. Most shoppers opt for a gift box instead.There'sno wrapping paper involved, which saves you a lot of timewhilestill finding a neat, elegant way to present your gift. DIYgiftboxes are easy and simple to make and may even be better thanbuyinga gift box.PersonalThe greatest appeal in making these boxes yourself is thatyouget to make it personal. It won't just be a box, like alltheothers that are discarded once the gift is taken out. The wayyouchoose to decorate your gift box can convey a lot to thereceiver.You can write on it, add pictures to it, share an insidejoke ortwo, and make the gift giving experience personal andspecial.While all the other gifts came in generic boxes, yoursalone willbe unique.OptionsMaking your own gift box gives you a lot of freedom. Youcandecorate it however you wish and you can customize it accordingtothe taste and likes of the person receiving your gift. Thiswillmake the box almost as special as the gift it contains, whileatthe same time adding a lot of sentiment to it to make sure thatthereceiver knows that you put a lot of time and thought intoitbecause you care so much about them.CostYou can create these boxes out of almost anything you findaroundyour house. Most tutorials on the internet will teach youhow to usea cereal box to make a gift box. But depending on thesize and shapeof your gift, you might need to get hold of othercardboardboxes.This is much cheaper than buying gift boxes from stores as youareusing boxes that you already own to make them, and you candecoratethem without spending lots of money as well.Environmentally FriendlyAn added advantage is that you are doing your bit to keeptheEarth green by recycling paper. If the receiver of the gift isanature lover, then your best way to show that you know andcareabout their passions is to make your own gift box.
DIY Decorative Pillows Ideas 1.0
Decorating one's house and rooms withthrowpillows (small, decorative pillows) can bring together thecolorpalette and design of the room. It will provide balance,eleganceand visual interest to your home furnishings. Throw pillowsare agood way to accessorize your living room furniture. Just add afewcool colored throw pillows to a leather sofa and that willsoftenthe heavy look of the sofa. A pillow or two on the wingbackedchair will add a punch of color to it. The best part is, ifyoujust change the throw pillow slip-covers, your design and lookofthe room changes. This can bring variety and color to yourroomswithout the feeling of monotony and without any heavy costs.Throw pillows not only add color and accent to the room, butalsoprovide comfort. A couch pillow brings comfort to the couchand addscolor to it. Throw pillows can be used to decorate anypart of thehouse. Be it the living room, the bed room or the kidsroom, throwpillow decoration will bring color and life in thatroom. Variousrooms can be decorated with pillows.The kids' room, whether the kids are infants or teens, willlookmore colorful and happening with the use of pillows.Children'sroom must be decorated with soft color pillows. They mustbe of thecorrect size, not too big, not too small. The fabric mustbeconsidered properly. Chances are that kids are going to eatandstudy and paint and everything on the bed and sofa. Lookforstain-resistant, durable fabric that is comfortable too forthekids to lie down. Loud colors and black color pillows are abig'no' in kids' room.In the bedroom, it's all your choice. Just make sure thatthepillows match with the bed room furniture and the bed sheets.Thatdoes not necessarily mean usage of same color or design, butthetwo must match as a set. Yellow bed sheet with pink throwpillowswould hurt your eyes for sure. Make it a good combination.Whitesheet with light blue pillows, or a combination of light anddarkof the same color would look good. Deep red, bright pink,sunnyyellow, black are some colors that need to be avoided. Thoughtheylook good at the supermarket, in your bedroom they will betooloud. Sometimes you can have a strong contrast for a change butgetback to regular soothing colors after a while.As for the living room, there are a number of ways in whichyoucan decorate your living room with the throw pillows. It dependsonyour living room furniture. A serene white furnished livingroomwill look amazing when you add multi-colored pillows to thecouchand window seat. Couches are the main place where you canaddpillows. It will bring color to the space and also add comforttothe couch. Another style is to decorate the living room theChineseway. Instead of chairs, sofas etc, you place the pillows onthefloor itself making your living room a lower-sittingarrangement.This will add some uniqueness to the room.Before you start shopping for the decorative throw pillows,keepin mind some points that will help you to bring style andeleganceto your home.Choose colors, design and fabric to suit your lifestyle. Ifyouhave kids or pets, you would need stain resistant, strongfabric.If the room is for entertainment, use decorative styles todress-upthe room.Be creative. Pillows are not just for couches. Use them inthekitchen for comfy sitting. Use outdoor fabric pillows to livenyourpatio furniture. Put over sized pillows against the walls forextraseating in the living room.Finally, have fun by experimenting with different colorsandcombinations. Take chances and bring something new to yourhomedecorations. You will surely enjoy it.
Wooden Garden Design 1.0
Our homes are important to us and cominghometo a little bit of heaven is a dream most people have. Wecravecomfort, security and beauty in our homes and adding a littletouchof nature is how most of us create our version of beauty. Togetmother nature in our world can take a little bit ofeffort.When we think of how to get our yards and natural areas inordermost of us think of having some sort of area to containthesupplies and work from the rest of the garden. A wood gardenshedcan work nicely for this. The shed can serve as a wonderfulstoragearea for the tools we need to work with and an area to plantandarrange our pots as we go about the creation of our gardens.With anice place to work from we can create beautiful lawns,flowerbaskets and planting beds.A wood shed is practical and attractive at the same time. Thewooditself can add a natural and realistic touch to the gardenarea.Most lifestyles are very busy and a touch of any naturalelementinto our life is welcome. The walls may store items on theinsideof the structure and the outside walls could be a canvasfordecorating. Many people arrange decorative items on thestructureto add a bit of visual appeal. Flower baskets, old gardentoolsarranged in a unique pattern or metal art are some often useditemson the outside walls of sheds. The personality of thehomeowner cancome to life on the garden shed wall. It is a creativeparadisewaiting to happen.Storage for off season items is another handy use of the woodgardenshed. The change of the seasons has us constantly switchingoutthings we need. Snow plows, shovels, lawn mowers and kiddiepoolsare all often stored in the shed until the appropriate timecomes toneed them. The extra space may come in extremely handyduring timeswhen we are not outdoors as much, and helps withkeeping your homeand garden clutter free for the season.Today many people use the garden shed for other functions aswell.People use them for playhouses for kids, work areas for craftsandhome offices. Homes are often overflowing and the extra spacecanbe extremely useful to enable expansion. The shed can becomeanextension of the home and add much needed space to thehome.When you think of wood garden furniture, do you automaticallythinkof cedar? The first thing that comes to my mind is teak andthat ismainly because it is used on yachts and holds up quite wellevenwith a lot of moisture. Well, I guess we should all thinkmoreabout cedar because it is a very resilient and it willmaintainwell with all kinds of weather.Cedar outdoor furniture is resistant to the outdoor elementsandwill probably last a lifetime. For years to come, cedar woodgardenfurniture will keep its rich grain and usually stand up todailyuse activities. The entire family can sit on any of thefurniture,including swing sets, and feel safe knowing that it is ahardwoodand is resistant to insects. Retreating to your backyardoasis on aSunday morning with a cup of coffee and the newspaper,you can restassured that the cedar garden furniture will be thereto give yousome comfort.An advantage to having cedar wood furniture is the fact that itismore flame resistant than other woods. This is an importantfactorif you have a fire pit as part of your landscape. Theproperties ofcedar wood make it slow to burn and slow to spread. Ifan emberfrom the fire pit should land on one of the chairs you haveenoughtime to remove it without destroying the chair orburningyourself.Cedar wood garden furniture is an excellent choice foroutdoorgarden furniture due to its durability, practicality and itssafetyfeatures.
Garden Walls Design 1.0
To have a beautiful garden is like havingapiece of heaven surrounding you all day. It gives us somuchpleasure and space to relax and ponder our life. Garden wallingcanenhance such a garden even more. Let's have a look at some ofyouroptions.You need to first ask yourself whey exactly you want to wallyourgarden? Is it to give more privacy to you and your family? Doyouhave problems with burglaries? These factors will greatlyinfluencethe type and design of walling you choose.Stone walls give ones property a look and feel of old countryandcan instantly enhance the exterior of your surroundings.Doneprofessionally by someone who specializes in building stonewallswill give you security without encroaching on the aestheticsofyour neighborhood. Sourced from river beds and quarries,thesestones are usually smooth and come in different huesofbrown.Then there is natural walling with hedges. Although it willtakesome time before your hedges are up to an acceptable level,theyadd more green to your environment which is what we all want attheend of the day. Choose fast growing plants which will stayevergreen during the year, you will only need to trim them andleavethe rest up to mother nature.The most affordable walling nowadays is the concreteorprefabricated sections that come in many designs. A wallingcompanywill take measurements and start erecting them without muchfuss.The top sections have lovely patterns which fit in withyouroverall look of your home and garden. Many people paint theirsinterracotta or green to give it a more natural look as well.The brick and mortar option is also good, and will take a fewdaysto erect. Here you can choose from dark brick with splashesofblack or a light brick that gives uniformity to your wall.
Water Garden Indoor Design 1.0
Creating indoor water gardens isalmostequivalent with taking the pond from outside and bringing itinsidein smaller dimensions. Most of the people choose to haveindoorwater gardens because they are easier to maintain and theyoffermore possibilities of exposing the flora.Most of the indoor water gardens only contain plants. Thisisbecause fish need special treatment when being held indoorandusually that special treatment can only be given throughaprofessional aquarium. The plants for the indoor water gardensarenumerous and easy to find. What is really impressive is thefactthat the indoor water garden can be held in a barrel or abucketnicely arranged. These gardens are not spectacular throughtheirform but through the plants they expose. These ponds areactually acollection of pots with plants, all kept under the water.Theirmoving is easy because you only have to move the pots fromoneplace to another.No matter the plants you use, try to report them to thedimensionsof the pot. The gigantic plants going over a small pot donot leavea very pleasant impression. It is very important to makethe mostharmonic and proportional plant-pot combination. Feel freethe letyour imagination soar. Creativity is the key to designingyourperfectly accented indoor water garden.
DIY Valentine Craft 1.0
Valentine's Day is a special day for thepeoplewho are in love. This is the most awaited day of the year aspeopleexpress their love to their beloveds for first time. Andthose whohave expressed their feelings of love on earlieroccasions theyexpress it again as to strengthen the existingrelationship. Most ofthe lovers present gifts to each other andthus express their love.There are end number of things that couldbe presented as gifts. Butthe pre-requisite of gifts is that theymust carry some love valueor message. Some intense lovers use someunique ideas to expresstheir love like valentine craft. When youmake some special artifactthrough your own hands to be presentedto your valentine, the craftis called valentine craft.Some Valentine Craft Ideas are written below:1. Heart Shaped Pillow or Cushion: To make a heart shaped pillowora cushion for your sweetheart is a lovely idea. The dark redcolorshould be the preferred color. If the fabric used is velvet,itssmoothness will be adored by your sweet heart. The stuffing oftheartifact should be cotton or similar soft material so that itgivescomfort to the user. Some amount of embroidery on the surfaceofpillow or cushion will aggrandize the beauty more. If thefurnishedvalentine craft is light and soft enough, it may be usedas a softtoy too.Valentine Cards:2. You can use your valentine craft talent in making beautifulcardstoo. Since cards have two basic features of beauty as well asuniquemessage, their significance is great. You can take a pieceof paperin proper dimensions, and then you may draw some wonderfullovesymbols like rose, heart, cupid's arrow etc. You can chooseanytheme of your choice to be drawn on the card. But message isthemost important part of the valentine cards. It should bewrittenvery carefully and from the heart. This message will conveytheintensity of your love and your hard work in making the cardwill bepaid off.2. Scrap Book: Making a scrap book is also an attractivevalentinecraft idea. You can paste your most precious moments spenttogetheror the things that your sweetheart adores on this scrapbook. Themanual treatment done in placing those precious picturesand theefforts put to make the scrap book look beautiful willalways berewarded in form of unbounded love of your beloved.
Valentine Day Chocolate 1.0
Valentine Chocolates represent LOVE andeveryyear tons of chocolate boxes are given and consumed onFebruary14th. What lovely courtship rituals and romantic lures!Thoughscientists are still debating whether chocolates arenaturalaphrodisiacs or not, you should still make your loved onemake feelspecial by gifting some Valentine Chocolate.If you are searching for a Valentine chocolate recipe, achocolategift basket, or even a traditional Valentine Box ofchocolates,there is such a tantalising selection of Valentine Daychocolatesavailable to choose from. If you have a lot of people togive to,you may think about purchasing wholesale Valentinechocolates. Youcan present a Valentine chocolate gift in a manyways. Although afavourite is the traditional heart shaped box ofchocolates,finding Valentine Gift Chocolate that is just that tinybitdifferent shows those you love how special they are. One greatideais to buy a large mug or tea cup and fill it withindividuallywrapped homemade chocolates. Fill the mug half way withfoam andarrange a selection of "flowers" made of wrapped chocolatebonbonson skewers, wire, or floral picks.You could choose a heart shaped bowl, or a particularshapedcontainer representing something that is significant totherecipient, e.g. a teddy bear or elephant. Simply arrangethechocolates on the bowl or in the container and place on alargepiece of cellophane and secure with tape and a pretty ribbon.Lookfor unique containers with sections that can be filledwithchocolate candy. Whoever receives your unique creation willalwaysremember the effort you made to get that perfectValentineChocolate gift!Great relationship advice - your loved one will feel treasuredwhenyou take that extra time and effort to make the gift extraspecial.Scrummy chocolate truffles, caramel, pralines, creams,mint, andthe list goes on, are sure to sweeten anyone'sheart.Whatever the relationship, delicious Valentine chocolate says"Ilove you" like nothing else. Everyone loves chocolate andwhetheryou are dating, married or single, young or old, male orfemale,Valentine chocolate is the perfect gift.A Valentine chocolate gift is such a great way to celebrate oneofthe sweetest holidays of the year!
Rainbow Loom Design 1.0
Just when you thought your child might havehadenough of the friendship bracelets or Silly Bandz, a newvariationhas evolved and taken over the spotlight. Stores arealready havingan extremely difficult time, keeping the suppliesand products onthe shelves.Problems have developed with the manufacturing and distributionofdifferent pieces of this craze. Rainbow Looms are all the rage,askids are staying after school and making different piecesofjewelry in their free time.Rainbow Looms are elastic rubber band bracelets that are createdona plastic grid with notches, called a loom. This loomisapproximately 2 x 8 inches. Using a crochet hook, hundredsofdifferent patterns are created to make fun looking bracelets,ringsand charms. Anything from simple fishtail patterns that theyoungerchildren can create, all the way up to a complex Americanflag thatmight take several weeks to complete.As this crafting niche continues to grow, more rainbow loompatternswill emerge, thanks to technology outlets like YouTube,Instagramand Pinterest. There are three different types of rainbowloompatterns to tackle.Beginner Rainbow Loom Patterns are fairly basic and a perfect waytoindoctrinate younger children to this artform. If your childhasnever attempted to create a Rainbow Loom, it is stronglyencouragedthat they stick to the beginner patterns because there isa smalleramount of rubber bands needed and some of the loomingtechniquesaren't too difficult.Intermediate Rainbow Loom Patterns are wide-ranging. Some ofthesedesigns have a few more techniques to utilize thanyourgarden-basic variety, but there are others that are classifiedinthis category that prove to be quite challenging.Intermediatedesigns will usually require more rubber bands and takelonger tomake.Expert Rainbow Loom Patterns are usually reserved for olderloomersand should only be attempted by seasoned crafters, who seemto bebored with the Intermediate Patterns and are craving agoodchallenge. Supplies needed for these creations are much largerthanthe Intermediate patterns and some designs have been known totakeweeks to complete.The best part about this new hobby is that the children havethisbig sense of pride, after successfully completing the pattern.Thisis proving to be a win-win situation for everyone becausethestores are happy that they continue to run out of the products,theparents are happy because their kids are doing somethingproductiveand the kids are happy because they are getting to showoff theirwares to their peers and actually help each other improvetheirskills.An entire generation for children were glued to their XboxorPlayStation consoles and would rarely venture outside to playwiththeir friends or get exercise. As a result, this lack ofphysicalactivity has been one of several causes of the obesityepidemicthat is sweeping the United States.Rainbow Looming is enjoyed by both girls and boys and mightnotcause physical exertion, but it sure beats a Cabbage PatchorTickle Me Elmo doll. Parents are excited about this crazebecause,whether the kids know it or not, looming is actuallyhelping themlearn critical skills and patterns that will prove tobe necessaryin outside-the-box thinking and creativity.
Kitchen Herb Garden Design 1.0
Do you appreciate the deliciousdifferencefresh, aromatic herbs can make to your cooking? Then youmay wantto grow your own kitchen herb garden. Growing your ownculinarygarden is actually easier than you think. Follow a coupleof stepsand some advice and you will be on your way to harvestingyour ownfresh herbs whenever you want to.Depending on availability of space and garden, decide onthelocation of your herb garden: it can be outdoors, yourkitchenwindow sill, or any other protected area, like a patio.However,for the sake of convenience, make sure that it is easy toreach andclose to your kitchen.Also bear in mind that herb plants have to be exposed to quiteanumber of hours of bright daylight or sun for them tosproutplentiful leaves and flowers. Furthermore, be aware of thewateringand temperature requirements for herb growing. Herb plantsneedenough water, without keeping them soaked as they may succumbtoroot rot and powdery mildew diseases. They do not like severeheator cold and therefore have to be protected in thosecases.Now comes the good part: you choose the herbs you want to grow.Fora kitchen herb garden, you ideally want the herbs you love tousein your cooking for the superb, full flavor they add toyourdishes. As we probably favor different herbs, I am providingsomedetails on a number of popular, all-round herbs to grow foryourkitchen herb garden.1. BasilBasil is one that many people know for its lush green leavesandwarm and spicy flavor it adds to sauces, pasta and omeletdishes.The famous Italian pesto sauce, which cannot be made withoutbasil,is one of the most famous sauces in the world. Basiltastesdelicious served with any tomato dish and adds flavor to allkindsof meat dishes.You may not be aware of it but this herb supports the heartanddigestive system.Basil can be grown from seeds or seedlings from springtimeonwards,and if you want to start earlier, preferably in a greenhouse orprotected, warm spot.2. MintMint is traditionally added when making a special, fragrantmintsauce to accompany lamb dishes. It is equally good in arelaxinghot tea or in a long, cool drink at the poolsideduringsummertime.The mint herb can be grown from a couple of inches of the rootofthe plant. They need to be watered regularly, and importantly,themint plant needs to be restricted to one area by way of itsownpot, or similar, as the roots can spread aggressively.3. ParsleyParsley is actually not only an appealing and refreshingdecorativeplant on appetizing food platters. It is even morevaluable whenadded to soups, omelets, stews and salads.It is advised to soak parsley seeds overnight before sowing theminthe spring, and to thin out the seedlings with about a footofspace in between them.4. SageTraditionally the sage herb is one of the prime ingredients inthemaking of pork sausages and chicken and turkey stuffings. Itisequally prized when added to cheese and omelet dishes.Sage is also grown from seed or seedlings in the spring, witharoundone foot in between the plants.This should get you start growing a basic kitchen herb garden.Otherpopular edible herbs include marjoram, origano, thyme,savory,chives and rosemary, but we will talk about them in anotherarticle.In the meantime, enjoy your cooking!
Rangoli Design 1.0
Rangoli designs are made on the floor andtheonly way to do it is to squat, bend over or sit on the floor.Earlyin the morning, the women of the home bathe and then indulgein therangoli ritual. This provides an excellent exercise totheabdominal muscles and arms. More importantly, the processofjoining dots and lines is pretty complicated. So, when you makeadesign, you cannot help but concentrate on the art. This providesakind of meditative effect early in the morning and purifiestheentire body and mind.Secondly, art is a therapy. It is a great way of revivingdullspirits and spreading cheer in the body and mind. Performing anartform, be it of any kind including music, dance, paintingorrangoli, is a deeply satisfying. Happy hormones are triggeredinthe brain which spread a feeling of wellbeing in a person.Also,this art form enhances creativity in a person. When a womanbeginsher day by making a rangoli, her creative juices aretriggered andthey help her manage her household more efficiently.There can beno better way to begin your than indulging in anartistic form andIndian culture has naturally created a way to makethis happen. So,these designs are not just for making your houselook welcome; theyare also meant to purify and energize your body,mind andsoul.Thirdly, the mythological importance of rangoli designs cannotbesubjugated. It is believed that these designs welcome deitieswhobring luck, wealth and prosperity to a household. In a way,thisconcept can be proved scientifically as well. If you relateluck,prosperity and wealth to positive energy forms, themysteryunravels. This art form uses bright colors which areinstantlycaptivating. When a person visits your home and sees thedesign atyour doorstep, he feels good about the art and so, thenegativeenergies in him are subdued. Also, the use of antisepticnaturalmaterials such as turmeric in the designs spread positivityin theair and keeps negative energies at bay. Finally, there is noillwill because of this art form even from little creatures suchasants because they are happy and satisfied with the rice flourusedin making rangoli. Universal coexistence is promoted.The symmetric shapes, the beauty and the uniqueness of thesedesignsbring only goodness into the home. It does help that makingrangolidesigns is great fun as well. You are cheered and you feelgoodevery time you see your artwork. It really helps to keep yourhomehappy and positive in its own way. The profundity of Indiancultureand deep rooted traditions is astounding. Practicing theritualsdefinitely leads to better health and a happier life.
Living Room Furniture Ideas 1.0
When it comes to enhance the sense ofstylingfor your decors, just one thing can make your interiorslookperfect and that is right furniture. Yes, if your livingspace,bedroom or other major parts of the home are enriched withtrendyfurniture, you can really make your space lookattractive.When it comes to add luxury and comfort to living areas, justonething comes to mind, that is, sofas. This piece of furnitureisalways known to sprinkle the magic of sophistication intheinterior backdrop. Have you also been looking for somethingsimilarto revitalize your interiors? If, yes, then you are surelygoing toenjoy reading this article.Sofas - For Adding Luxury & ComfortFrom watching movies and enjoying popcorn to having funwithfriends, sofas have always played a great role in addingcomfort toour lives. Sofas add to the joy of every moment and makeit morespecial. With the changing trends, sofa designs, color,upholsteryand many other features have been transformed. This allhas beendone to endow tasteful people with all what they have beenlookingfor.Gone are the days, when homeowners had to stick totheirold-fashioned wooden sofas with same old upholstery material.Thesedays, a drastic variation can be experienced in sofa designsandupholstery material, as well. You can opt for anything rangingfromsectional sofas to loveseats, so as to suit yourindividualtaste.Sofa DesignsIf you have always been looking for reasonably priced couches,thenyou can choose to spend money on loveseat sofas. Though thesearesmall in size, but they offer great comfort and create aromanticambiance. The experience of watching a movie together withyourspouse enhances with this kind of furniture.If your home is more exposed to guest visits, then sectionalsofasare a good choice. This kind of furniture adds sophisticationtoyour living space and makes it look as elegant as neverbefore.Adding some stylish cushions and choosing velvet upholsteryfor thefurniture will enrich the charm of atmosphere inside theroom. Theaccented color tones offer warmth and enhance theexperience ofspending time with friends and family members.UpholsteryIf you already have stylish furniture at home, then you canalwayschoose to get its upholstery renewed, as it refreshes theentirelook of the atmosphere. These days, different types ofmaterial isavailable in the market including vinyl, velvet, microfiber,canvas, denim, chenille, cotton blend faux leather andmuchmore.You can go for something that can suit the overall interior ofyourroom and can complement it beautifully. If you are short ofspace,then multifunctional sofas can assist you any time. Thesesleepersofas can be converted and their upholstery can bechangedeffortlessly. The best part is that these are extremely easyonpockets and on budget, as well. Inflatable sofa is all the rageandhas become a popular option for majority of people. So, spiceupyour interiors with these great furniture driven ideas andmakeyour guests feel envy.
DIY Fashion Design 1.0
But how do you keep track of the mostup-to-date clothing inspirations? Read below and get toknowbetter!1. Be social media fashion savvySocial media is the easiest medium where we can get freshstylesfrom our fashion inspiration. With just one click, you canalreadysurf the fashion websites for the latest picks in thefashionindustry. Are stilettos still in or not? Is it still cool towearfaux fur even when winter's passed? You can readily know what'sinor not with just using the World Wide Web! You must followfashionicons, whether you're looking for sophisticatedclothinginspiration like Victoria Beckham or the hippie style ofZoeSaldana.2. Love the runwayAs a fashion enthusiast, you will surely love fashion weeks!Seeingyour source of fashion inspiration in the flesh is morethrillingthan just seeing them on print or online. You will alsoget to knowa number of fashion designers whose fashion trendsbecome the styleinspiration for many. Take note of the prints, thecuts, and thetexture of the clothes and choose what you think fitsyou and yourcharacter.3. Re-organize your wardrobeNow that you have an idea of your fashion inspiration, it's timetotake a peek in your wardrobe. You have to assess yourclotheswhether it's for tossing or keeping. Your clothinginspirationmight change from year to year so you can probably usethe hangermethod - for clothes which you think you won't be usinganytimesoon, hang it on the opposite direction of the ones youfrequentlywear. If after a year the clothes remained untouched,then it's fortossing, otherwise, then you have to keep it.4. Shop and fill-upNow that you have swept clean your closet, it's time for youtoreplace those which were tossed away. You may buy pieces wornbyyour fashion inspiration, but if you are falling short withbudget;there are always thrift shops or mall sales which you cancount onfor steals. Fashion trends and style inspirations need notbe thatexpensive, you just have to be a little more creative.5. Gear up on accessoriesA girl's gear is her accessories. You can easily get the lookofyour fashion inspiration with a coolplay on your accessories.Spiceup any casual attire with an oversized bangle or a glitteredpurse.You should also learn how to DIY your scarves to be able tocome upwith the different looks of your clothing inspiration. Thechoicesin accessories are endless and you should use the most outofit.Immersing yourself in the fashion world does not only make youlookgood, but also shoots your confidence up. Fashion inspirationsarealways there to guide our style, but it's always best to buildourpersonal look based on our character. Undoubtedly, it's reallyfunto swim with the fashion trends and emulate clothinginspirations -just make sure you don't forget you own personaltaste and sense ofcomfort while you have more fun withfashion!
DIY Headboard Design 1.0
Are you ready to experiment with thingsyouwould throw away or things you already have lying around tocreateunique and exquisite headboards? There is no dearth of ideasif youlet your creative juices flow. Here are some ideas that willhelpget you started.Use a section of a wooden picket fence as a headboard. If you haveafence that you want to change, excellent, if not you could getitfrom a home improvement store. Paint it in a color that willmatchthe decor of your bedroom and fix it on the wall overyourbed.Do you have an old door or a mantel that will fit around yourbed?Use it as a headboard. You could paint the door and alsodecoupagewith fabric or paper. It could be perfect for yourroom.Use a trellis or arbor. They are available in a variety of sizesatthe home improvement store. Paint them and decorate them withsilkflowers and ribbons to create that stylish headboard. Fix themonthe wall for stability.If you can get hold of ceiling tin sheets, they could makeuniqueheadboards for your bedroom. Usually you can find them atfleamarkets and salvage stores. They should be slightly larger thanthewidth of the bed. Nail them to the wall for an unusual look totheroom.Curtain rods that are the width of the bed or slightly biggerfixedon the wall above the bed can be used to hang various thingstocreate beautiful headboards. You could hang vintage napkinsorplacemats. Pillows are another item that you can hang fromthecurtain rods. Make sure you modify the pillow cases so thattheycan be hung from the rods. Hanging a beautiful quilt couldalsowork wonders for the room. You could also create your pieceofcloth to be hung. Bring out your embroidery skills and stitchabeautiful design to hang from the curtain rods to create yourveryspecial headboard.An old window frame, painted and fitted on the wall is anotherideafor a headboard. You could also paint a scenic picture behindtheframe or use wall paper or a painting to give an effect oflookingoutdoors.The place above your bed could be used as an area for yourphotocollection. Display your special photos with friends andfamily inbeautiful frames, arranged in unique patterns to createyourheadboard. You could keep changing your photographs. Probablyyoucould have a theme for every season. Similarly you could alsohangpaintings. It could be paintings that you have painted or fromyourcollection. It could also be your children's art workincludingcards and drawings they have made for you.Well, the options available are limitless. You have wall spaceaboveyour bed waiting to be utilized. Get creative and experimentto geta stylish and unique look. The headboard need notbeexpensive.
Dress Design Ideas 1.0
The biggest day of your life will be thedayyou start shopping for wedding dresses and beautiful weddinggowns.Wedding dresses come in a vast range of styles, colors andfits,you'll need a plan to make sure you choose the correct one foryou.Wedding dresses come with their own unique glossary of terms(orjargon, as you may want to call it). Wedding dresses areusuallywhite, but there are many shades ranging from pure white toivory.Your sister and mother will probably want to shop with youfor yourwedding dresses that you select and your wedding gowns willbe alllined up for try on when you go to your first bridal dressesstore.Bridal gowns are easy to find in all sizes and style andyourwedding dresses final selection will be your choice completely.Nomatter what, choose from many wedding gowns to know that yourfinalselection of wedding dresses is the one you really wanttomake.Some ivory wedding dresses have yellow undertones, making themlookcreamy; some are just a "quiet" white. If you have yellow oroliveundertones yellow-ivory wedding dresses may not be best foryou.Informal wedding dresses are in high demand and extremelypopular.Informal wedding dresses are chosen primarily by women whowantsomething simple and comfortable, yet still elegant andenchantingat the same time. If you take the phrase "informalwedding dresses"and envision a gown that is unpretentious, relaxed,graceful andclassy.Designer wedding dresses are the best choice for women withuniquestyling and sizing needs. Designer wedding dresses offerbrides theability to stand apart from the crowd. Designer weddingdresses arealso being fashioned to meet full figured women'sspecific needsand desires. Many designers realize that 50% ofAmerican women area size 14 or larger -- and therefore they are nowcreatingbeautiful plus size wedding dresses in a range of gorgeousfabricsand styles. Often women seeking full figure wedding dressesturn todesigner gown makers to ensure an appropriate fit andselection ofstyles. Designer wedding dresses in plus sizes areoften highlysought after within the designers dress and gownmarket. Today'sbeautiful designer wedding dresses come in everyimaginable design,style and color. Designer wedding dresses offerthe perfect fit,whereas traditional gowns typically have to bealtered to suit awoman's unique shape and size. If you have anyquestions you willfind that the consultants and wedding dressdesign couturiers arehelpful and extremely knowledgeable as theyare all professionallytrained as to how true designer weddingdresses or bridesmaiddresses should be fitted.
Home Furniture Design Ideas 1.0
Trends in furniture design haveseensignificant changes over the last several years, as morepeoplelook to increase the value of their life at home. Some wantnewfurniture to compliment the home improvement projectsthey'veundertaken to improve the resale value of their homes.Others arelooking for ways to make home life more comfortable andconvenient.Whatever the motivation, a desire to add luxury andpersonality isevident in trends in home furniture design.Luxury ModernThe emerging Luxury Modern design style features the cleanlines,open feel and spare color palette of contemporarydecoratingstyles, with an emphasis on luxury materials. Quarry tilework ispreferred over laminate or vinyl, leather fabric oversynthetictextiles, and gold-toned metallic accents over chrome.While thehouse furniture retains the sleek, unadorned lines ofcontemporarydecorating styles, natural materials, such as wood andleather, aremore likely to be featured. Glass is frequently usedfor coffee,dining room and end tables, primarily to better showcasestatementdecorative objects.Eclectic StyleWith the eclectic style, the focus is on rich colors, materialsandtextures, rather than on adhering to any single perioddecoratingstyle. Furniture may be purchased in sets, but it isunlikely thatthe set will be grouped together. Instead, the piecesmay findtheir way into different locations throughout the home,serving asunifying elements that tie the design together. Whereasin mostdecorating styles, the intent is to present a cohesivewhole, inthe eclectic style, each individual piece providesvisualinterest.Furniture for an eclectic room may feature an unusual design,fabricor shape. When shopping online or brick-and-mortar homefurniturestores for the eclectic style, look for lush fabrics,decorativedetailing and interesting forms. Search by color andmaterial, notsimply by decorating style.Old World StyleThe continuing trend to present interiors that look as if theyhavebeen assembled over time has many homeowners turning to theOldWorld decorating style. This style features quality housefurniturethat looks as if it has been handed down for generations.In homefurniture, leather is the star of the Old World style.Furniturelike sofas, loveseats, ottomans and chairs crafted in fineleatheradd a feeling of history to home décor.An earth-tone palette is favored in furnishings in the OldWorldstyle, with surfaces such as wood, marble and leather thatofferdepth and texture, rather than gleam and shine. Texturedwalls,fine upholstery and heavy fabrics for window treatmentsarehallmarks of the Old World style.Trends in furniture design are leaning towards styles thatallowpersonal expression, with an emphasis on quality materials,fabricsand construction. Searching online home furniture stores forthelatest trends in furniture may be more convenient thanwanderingthrough warehouse furniture stores. Browse stores today todiscoverthat latest designs!
Bright Living Room Colors 1.01
Most of our activities are done in thelivingroom so it’s extremely important to keep it catchy. Wegeneratesome essential ideas that will enable you to make yourliving roomvibrant and full of energy. You can turn your livingroom into avibrant place by adding some colors to it as colors cangive yourliving room a splash and interest.To grant your living room a very colorful touch, then youshouldpaint a single wall in the room with a bold color. You canpaintyour living room walls in light blues, yellows, pinks orgreens.But it’s better for you to consider using two colors. Paintthreewalls one color and an accent color on the fourth wall.Keep in mind, blue is a cool color and it has a soothing ability.Totransform your dull living room into a beautiful place, thenyouneed to add some colorful pillows strategically on yourfurniturepieces. Likewise, you can add a solid, bold colored pillowfor afloral print chair or sofa.To brighten up your living room, then you ought to place acolorfuland texture-rich rug strategically under a small coffeetable. Whenit comes to nature, then nothing can beat some flowersor simplegreen plants. Adding some green plants within your livingroom willbring nature in.Displaying artificial plants with colorful flowers in yourlivingroom will beautify it. Consider adding a colorful lamp inyourliving room. If your boring living room isn’t large enough,thenyou should add large and stylish mirrors on uninteresting,barewalls to reflect color and make the room looks larger. To makeyourliving room more inviting, then you should create a focalpoint.You can make a fire place or a pretty seat nearby the windowyourfocal point.
Classic Living Room Furniture 1.0
This article will throw light in thevarioustypes of living room furniture available and also thatwhichrepresents the classic style. This article will ensure thatthein=formation it gives to you is correct and up to date. Hereyouwill see that there are many variants of living roomfurniture.With the aid of this article you will be having all therequiredknowledge to buy living room furniture. This write-up willguideyou through the complicated process of selecting the rightlivingroom furniture and thereby buying it. Read on to make themost ofthis informative article.There is a major difference between a house and a home. Ahouselacks the love we infuse into it. A home is a house wherein wehaveput our sincere efforts to make it look good, cozy andstylish.Imagine a house without any furniture, without any tablesetc.won't it look empty and incomplete? Well, that is whyfurnitureholds so much importance in making a house a home. Theliving room,therefore, is also an important aspect of any house. Wespend a lotof time in the living room. Whether it is about sharinga cup oftea with your wife or loved ones, or about watchingtelevision, theliving room is host to a number of activities. Thatis why it is ofutmost importance to select the right kind of livingroomfurniture.There are many types of couches, tables, sofas, chairs,coffeetables etc available in the market. However, not all tablesandchairs can make it to your living rooms. You must select therightkind of living room furniture. With the availability of metalsandalloys, living room furniture has seen a change that ismajor.Nowadays, living room furniture is also seen in variants ofmetaland their alloys. Gone are the days when living room furniturewassynonymous with wooden furniture. That does not mean thatwoodenliving room furniture has lost its sheen or value.There are still many types of wooden couches and sofas thatwillmesmerize you. In general, Living room furniture setnormallyconsists of sofas, coffee table, futon chairs, home theatersystemand perhaps display cabinets and dressers. Other livingroomfurniture pieces include side tables, futon beds, bean bagsandbean chairs etc. you must know the measurements of your livingroombefore you are all set to purchase living room furniture. Ifwetalk about sofas only, then still we have many options. Therearemany different materials used in making sofas.The conventional wood is of course still prevalent. However,leatherand other things are also taken into use for making sofas.Sofas caneasily be installed. Let us see some of the latestdesignsavailable. There are three-seater leather sofas; theseleather sofashave the beautiful feature of matching wood facings.Deep foampadding is given in these leather sofas so that comfortis notcompromised upon. Moreover, you also have the option to buy2-seaterleather sofas. Sofa suites also include leather chairs,footstoolsand so on. Colours like dark brown, ivory gold, silver,cream,black, pink, white, off-white etc are available. Same is thecasewith coffee tables and chairs. Leather chairs, metal chairs,woodenchairs etc are easily available. There are many online shopswhichdeal in classic style living room furniture
DIY Hair Bow Tutorials 1.0
Making ribbon hair bows is easy and fun.Whenmaking ribbon hair bows you have a variety of colors andmaterialsat your disposal and it is easy for kids to join in thecreativeprocess. You can use your completed bows to accentuateclothing,control wild hair, and to be the perfect accessory for aponytail.The following is an easy to follow guide on how to makeribbon bowsfor your hair.Materials required:Colored Ribbon - Grosgrain or other as desiredHot glue supplies - gun, sticks, electricityClips or fastenersVelcro or fastenerMetal wire that is twistableTo begin making ribbon hair bows you will want to cut a lengthofribbon. The amount of ribbon you need will be determined bywhatsize bow you would like to create. Obviously a bow for aninfantwould be of a smaller variety, requiring less width andlesslength. For an infant baby bow you, for example, you could useredgrosgrain ribbon with a width less than 2" and a length ofroughly15".For an older child increase the length and size of your ribbonasneeded.A simple hair bow is tied in the same way that you tie yourshoe,with a loop and a twirl. Create the bow with your ribbon,practicemakes perfect. Don't worry about making mistakes when asyou cannotdamage your ribbon and can still undue your work at thisstage andstart over. When your bow is tied and ready, cut the endseitherwith fray shears, or normal scissors to create the desirededge foryour bow. Make sure your bow loops are of similar size andthenclip the ends of the ribbon with your fastener.Next you will be using your glue gun, the glue gun is certainlyhot,so be careful if working with children that no one getsinjured. Thebow should be fastened at this point by the clip,attach your velcrofastener to the ribbon and use the glue gunsparingly to attach.Remember the glue gun can be quite messy ifyou use too much, soonly apply as much glue as is necessary.That is all there is to it for a simple hair bow. Therearecertainly more difficult projects including corker bows andhairblow flourishes that you can include for your next ribbonprojectbut we will cover them in a more advanced tutorial.
Traditional Living Room Sofa 1.0
When people think about traditional livingroomdecor, first things that usually crosses their minds arebigpalaces, hotels, huge houses etc. Today is basically amodernperiod so one would expect modern and contemporarydesigns.However, we can still see traditional living room furniturein manyplaces because of formal and graceful effect itcauses.If you want to create traditional atmosphere in your home, thenyouhave to understand that lighting is one of the mostimportantthings. Desired mood can be achieved by proper selectionoflighting fixtures. People usually use soft lighting fortraditionalatmosphere.Proper color selection as well as usage of proper patternsandfabrics is of vital importance. It is advised to userepeatedcolors on upholstery and drapes. Also, try not to stick toonly onepattern. Use few different patterns. Also, you need toensure thateverything fits well together.Wood is the most common material when we are talkingabouttraditional living room furniture. You should always aim toexposesofa's legs. That way traditional ambiance isguaranteed.Traditional furniture always include wooden chairs somake sure touse that as well.The color of walls also plays a big role. The traditionalambiancecalls for classic elegance so bear that in mind. Try to uselightercolors and therefore you should avoid darker ones. That willgrantan 'open' feeling to your living room and add a doseofwarmth.Also, you selection of furniture must go well withoverallatmosphere you are trying to achieve. Material should bewoodbecause wood brings special traditional feeling. Color shouldbebrown or dark brown, sometimes maybe even black.Try not to put too many items in you living room - sofa set,TVstand and wall lighting might be more than enough.
Small Kitchen Storage Ideas 1.0
Kitchens are one of the most important partsofany house. Irrespective of the size of the house, the presenceof akitchen in it is almost imperative. The size of the kitchenisdependent on the size of the house itself and sometimes, alsoonthe number of members the house has. The kitchen is usedalmostevery day and hence, the things placed there need to bedurable.Besides, it is also needed to be properly arranged, so thatno oneever faced any kind of problem while cooking. However, thisis anextremely difficult task, given the large number of utensilsthatare necessary in the kitchen for the process of cooking. Asaresult, it is important to have proper kitchen solutions, sothatpeople can use the kitchen properly and without anyhassle.Be it an open shelf or a closed cabinet, storage areextremelynecessary for any kitchen. These are needed to keep alarge numberof utensils and equipment that are required to performthe choresassociated with cooking. These include several largeutensils.Besides, a number of small utensils are also required tomake thekitchen functional and without them it will be impossibleto cookany item. Hence, it is necessary to ensure that allthesecomponents of a complete kitchen are stored in a proper way inakitchen. For this purpose, it is necessary to plan a properstoragefacility in a kitchen.Usually utensils are made from a wide variety of materials.Whilesome of these materials are quite brittle, some of them arealsohard enough to bear rough use. Hence, it is important tostorethese utensils separately, so that they do not get damaged duetoimproper use. One of the best ways to solve this problem istoplace different types of utensils in different solutions.Different types of kitchen solutions are available atvariousprices. The price range varies from low ones to quite highones.While some of the solutions available at low prices mightdelivergood results, the expensive ones are also known to beextremelypopular among the users. Besides, most of these solutionsare madeuser friendly by the manufacturers to ensure that there isnohassle in maintaining them and using them properly.Different types of kitchen storage devices and appliancesareavailable in the market. Besides, it is also possible tocustomizethese solutions according to the necessity of the users.Hence, itis no more a problem to have a small kitchen. All thestoragefacilities in the kitchen can also be designed accordinglywith thehelp of interior designers to ensure that there is nodearth ofspace in it. Besides, there are several ways of acquiringbespokekitchen storage. The user can get them in the best colourthatmatches the ambiance of the kitchen. Moreover, thekitchensolutions designed by interior designers will help to keepthekitchen well arranged and in a good condition.
Small Garden Ideas 1.0
Although it's easy to think that gardeningwitha limited space is easier than farming the back 40, nothingcould befurther from the truth. Employing small garden designideas whenevery inch of space counts presents opportunities tolearn aboutspecialized gardening techniques and plant preferences.Turning asmall space into an outdoor oasis requires carefulplanning and somecare once everything is in place, but the rewardsof a small gardenare worth every minute of planning and effortthat gardening smalltakes.ContainersImplementing small garden design ideas doesn't require a plotofsoil because many plants can grow in containers. Raised bedsalsoprovide enough growing space for plants, as do hanging basketsandvertical gardens. When the budget or space is limited,woodenpallets used for shipping make good vertical gardens forgrowingsmaller, more shallow-rooted plants, whether edibleordecorative.Climate makes a difference when selecting the type of containersforsmall gardens if a plot of soil isn't available. Plastic potsmaynot be as decorative as ceramic or terra cotta pots, but theplasticholds moisture better, which makes them a better containerforwater-loving plants in hot or dry regions.PlantsWhile plants adapt to most geographies, some do better thanothers,depending on moisture, humidity and day length. Choosingonions fora garden depends on day length. Some require long days,plentifulin northern climates, while short day onions are plantedin thesouthern states with more even day length year-round.Tomatoes areanother example of plants that have geographicpreferences. Alltomatoes like it warm, but a few varieties arebetter adapted tothe hot summers found in southern states.Color, Aroma and TextureSmall gardens need a focal point, which can be a larger plantorother patio or yard object that withstands wind, sunshineandmoisture. Color choices for plants are highly individual.Somegardeners like every color under the rainbow, while otherslikesubtle changes in leaf and flower color. Spending timeresearchingwhen the plant bloom helps place plants so thatsomething is alwaysblooming, providing color and fragrancecontinually in thegarden.SoilMixing in soil amendments to existing soil gives plants a boostwhenusing native dirt. But it's a good idea to use an inexpensivesoiltesting kit before amending the garden soil, since too muchnitrogenpromotes leaf growth at the expense of flowers or fruit.All purposepotting soil is good for container gardening, exceptfor cacti orsucculents, that need a sandy mix for fast drainage.Since everyinch counts in small areas, placing decorative objectson top of thesoil around the plants is another way to bring morecolor andtexture to enhance small garden design ideas.Watering SystemsIt's the rare garden that doesn't need supplemental wateringfromtime to time, either from a hose, an irrigation system, orfromwatering cans. Drip irrigation systems use water efficientlyandonce the garden is established, the tubing and emittersdon'tdetract from the small garden design ideas. Some pots havewaterreservoirs at the base and use the principles of osmosisforirrigating the plants. Decorative watering cans can be part oftheoverall design of the garden.
Landscaping Design Ideas 1.0
Get the best backyard landscape design ideasinthis article and get ready to convert your boring backyardsintobeautiful space. Choose the ideas that suit your tastes andgetstarted planning about the same.It can be complete fun decorating your backyards. The hugespacewhich extends behind your house is where you can exploreyourcreative and implement your ideas. Converting this plain areaintoan attractive one is not a tough task with backyardlandscapedesign ideas that are given in this article. So, if youare one ofthose searching for some interesting large or smallbackyardlandscape design ideas, then just keep reading.Landscape Design Ideas for BackyardAdding the Right Plants. Before you start adding designs toyourbackyard, plants and landscaping shrubs are a must to bebroughtin. Let me tell you that going through a plant encyclopediais anideal way to have the best landscaping done in yourbackyard.Sectioning your backyard to plant various types of plantsinvarious sections and add one of the landscape design elementsatthe center is a great idea. You can further add designerwalkwaypavers to walk through each section of your backyard.Build a Grand GazeboA gazebo can give a grand look to your backyard. One of thebestlarge backyard landscape design ideas is to build a designergazebowith stairs from each side. You can checkout the free gazeboplansavailable online and further enhance its design. A woodengazebowith enough of space inside can be a perfect relaxing areaoutdoorsfor your family. You can place in comfy wicker furnitureandenhance its beauty.Add a Warm Fireplace MantelAn outdoor fireplace can be the best large or smallbackyardlandscaping idea. You can have an ultimate lookingoutdoorfireplace design made of natural stones and decorativesmallpebbles fixed around its borders. With comfortable furniturepiecesincluding tables and chairs placed around it, you will havean areato chat, relax, read and eat in your backyard.Sectioning with Designer TrellisSectioning, as I mentioned above, is sure to add a well definedlookto the backyard landscaping. This also helps add moredesignerlandscaping elements to your huge backyards. So why not usetrellisto make perfect sections? One of the trellis design ideas istohave the freestanding pieces placed wherever you want to breakthelandscaping design and have a new section. You can alsoconsideradding the trellis arbors at entrance or exit ofthebackyard.Relaxing Swimming PoolOne of the luxurious backyard landscape design ideas is toplanadding a swimming pool. No need to mention the fun of havingaprivate swimming pool, right in the backyards! You can have anicedesign, decorative swimming pool liners and add separatefencing ifneeded. Having a relaxing area besides this, is somethingthatneeds no mention, right? With beautiful swimming poollandscapingideas you can have a great looking space in yourbackyard.Small Bridge and Rock ArtSaw the small bridges, always catching your attention inthepictures of gardens and backyards? Then why not have one inyourbackyard? This is one of the best backyard landscaping ideaswhichyou will love to implement. A small bridge with wooden fencingandhuge rocks placed below this is sure to catch everyone'sattention.You can consider adding a wonderful waterfall here anduse rock artor stone sculptures for further beautification.
Home Garden Design Ideas 1.0
Employing small garden design ideas wheneveryinch of space counts presents opportunities to learnaboutspecialized gardening techniques and plant preferences.Turning asmall space into an outdoor oasis requires carefulplanning andsome care once everything is in place, but the rewardsof a smallgarden are worth every minute of planning and effort thatgardeningsmall takes.ContainersImplementing small garden design ideas doesn't require a plotofsoil because many plants can grow in containers. Raised bedsalsoprovide enough growing space for plants, as do hanging basketsandvertical gardens. When the budget or space is limited,woodenpallets used for shipping make good vertical gardens forgrowingsmaller, more shallow-rooted plants, whether edibleordecorative.Climate makes a difference when selecting the type of containersforsmall gardens if a plot of soil isn't available. Plastic potsmaynot be as decorative as ceramic or terra cotta pots, but theplasticholds moisture better, which makes them a better containerforwater-loving plants in hot or dry regions.PlantsWhile plants adapt to most geographies, some do better thanothers,depending on moisture, humidity and day length. Choosingonions fora garden depends on day length. Some require long days,plentifulin northern climates, while short day onions are plantedin thesouthern states with more even day length year-round.Tomatoes areanother example of plants that have geographicpreferences. Alltomatoes like it warm, but a few varieties arebetter adapted tothe hot summers found in southern states.Color, Aroma and TextureSmall gardens need a focal point, which can be a larger plantorother patio or yard object that withstands wind, sunshineandmoisture. Color choices for plants are highly individual.Somegardeners like every color under the rainbow, while otherslikesubtle changes in leaf and flower color. Spending timeresearchingwhen the plant bloom helps place plants so thatsomething is alwaysblooming, providing color and fragrancecontinually in thegarden.SoilMixing in soil amendments to existing soil gives plants a boostwhenusing native dirt. But it's a good idea to use an inexpensivesoiltesting kit before amending the garden soil, since too muchnitrogenpromotes leaf growth at the expense of flowers or fruit.All purposepotting soil is good for container gardening, exceptfor cacti orsucculents, that need a sandy mix for fast drainage.Since everyinch counts in small areas, placing decorative objectson top of thesoil around the plants is another way to bring morecolor andtexture to enhance small garden design ideas.Watering SystemsIt's the rare garden that doesn't need supplemental wateringfromtime to time, either from a hose, an irrigation system, orfromwatering cans. Drip irrigation systems use water efficientlyandonce the garden is established, the tubing and emittersdon'tdetract from the small garden design ideas. Some pots havewaterreservoirs at the base and use the principles of osmosisforirrigating the plants. Decorative watering cans can be part oftheoverall design of the garden.Turning a barren area like a patio, balcony or corner of theyardinto a fruitful and colorful retreat is within the reach ofnearlyanyone who likes to plan and plant. People of all ages enjoytheprocess and the results can be spectacular. These smallgardendesign ideas don't need to cost a fortune and can unite thewholefamily in healthy, educational and productive fun.
Home Windows Design 1.0
Window designs occupy the minds ofmanyhomeowners when building their homes. Do they want to havemodern,minimalist windows or go for more elaborate and ornateoldfashioned windows that are works of art in themselves. If youhavevisited old style homes you would have been stuck by the beautyandintricacy that is involved in the creation of thosemasterpieces.At once they stand out and make a statement of theirown.Not the windows of today which are just plain openingswithminimalist frames with glass inserted. Today's window reflectthetimes where people don't have too much time to maintain andcleanintricate designs. They would rather have simple windowdesignsthat can be easily cleaned and kept dust free. Also, modernwindowsare more likely to focus on energy-efficiency andeffectiveinsulation. If the windows can perform these functionsthen thewindow is considered to have served its purpose.The windows of the old were designed to be used to frame aview.When you look out of the window you are likely to see astreamflowing by or a calm waters of a lake or rolling hills. Forsuchwondrous sites it would be a disservice to have plain windows.So,beautiful, elaborate windows with carvings and ornate designswerecreated. The times were leisurely and there were plenty ofmaidsand men available to clean them. Beautiful windowtreatmentsenhanced the whole look fo the window.Today, the movement is towards minimalist and neat look.Withclean-cut lines and simplicity ingrained in their design themodernwindows try to blend in with the walls and not detract fromtheinteriors of the home which are the main focus of attention.Therearen't many views to be had inside a thickly populated citiesandtowns where the window will likely frame the neighbor's houseorthe road with traffic rushing by. Only few home canaffordbeautiful gardens, lawns or artificial lakes. Also, old stylehomesconsume a lot of energy to keep them heated and cooled. Suchhugeenergy bills can't be afforded by most homeowners. That isthereason for the emphasis on energy efficiency.
Stone Garden Bridge Design 1.0
Garden bridges add a bit of cottage charmtoany garden, outdoor play area, or private observationarea.Installing a pond or waterway on your property, however, canbecomean expensive project. But you can use garden bridges asaccentswithout installing any water at all. In your mind, perhapsyou canonly picture a bridge spanning a pond, river, or creek. Butthepossibilities are much wider.Use a bridge to connect two flower beds. Of course, the flowerbedswould not be strips right next to your house. Install two roundoroblong flower beds in your back yard. Cut up the soil in theareayou've marked. Place an edger around the boundary of each bed;thiscould be a plastic garden edger, a row of rocks, stackedbricks, orwhatever you want. To prevent weeds from encroaching, youcaninstall a flower bed liner before you plant your flowers.(Whenyou're ready to plant, you will cut holes for the plants.)Plantyour flowers and mulch the beds. Install the bridge to connectthetwo beds.You can also install garden bridges in the middle of anexistingpath. If you already tend a garden with walkways or pathsthat movethrough it, place a bridge right on one of these paths.Who saidgarden bridges have to connect anything? Use one as pureaccent. Itmight be the very element that your garden has beenmissing foryears.Create a faux stream or pond. This gives the appearance of acreekrunning through your yard without the great expense ofactuallyinstalling a real pond. If your yard contains a rut, lineit withstones to look like a dry stream bed. Measure the width ofthe rutto select a bridge that will fit and transport you from oneside ofthe rut to the other.You can use garden bridges to link two or more patio areas.Pourseveral separate concrete pads in your back yard. Use each padfora different function. One can house your grill and buffettable.Place your patio set and umbrella on another pad. Let kidsdrawwith sidewalk chalk and play games on another pad. Install abridgebetween two pads as a walkway between them.Install garden bridges as walkways from your house to otherspecialareas of your yard, such as an arbor, an outdoor swing, agazebo,or a picnic table.Bridges aren't just for water gardeners. Use them as accentsforyour garden or walkways for your back yard. Use a bridge toconnecttwo flower beds. Place one in the middle of a gardenpath.Transform an annoying rut into a faux stream bed and spanthe"banks" with a bridge. Link two or more concrete patio areaswithgarden bridges. Or use bridges as paths between your houseandother features of your yard. As you can see, you have manyoptionsfor using bridges as accents. Dream up something special foryourown yard today.
Flower Garden Design 1.0
A lot of people do not spend much timethinkingon a flower garden design. The moment the name comes totheir mind,they start digging and planting random trees with thehopes thatthey will flower properly. But this is not true. Thingsmight turnout to be completely different than what you imagined itwould be.Like any other garden design, a flower garden design alsohas to beplanned properly so that your garden looks the best. Inthis articlewe shall discuss the main steps for a flower gardendesign.Site AnalysisThis implies inspecting the ground for the kinds of plants thatcansurvive there. You have to inspect your soil to judgeitsfertility. If there are different spaces in your garden thathaveshades and light, then you need to see what kind of plants youcanput where. After all, beauty is not the only objective offlowergarden design. You also need to have healthy plants.Basic SketchIt is a good idea to sketch out your flower garden design on apieceof paper. It will help you to have a clearer idea of yourgarden.You will be able to have a clearer idea of its shape andsize, thekind of plants that will be there and the combination ofplants thatwould look good together. For instance, you can put theroses andshrubs together. Vegetables can have a separate arena andthere canbe a water fountain in the middle. You can even put in abirdfeeder.SpaceDifferent plants need different amounts of space. Forinstance,roses need a good deal of space. And it is difficult togrowcucumber and pumpkins as their vines might disturb thesurroundingplants.Butterflies and BirdsThis is another important quotient you have to keep in mind ifyouare going to set up a flower garden. Do you want birdsandbutterflies in your garden? If so, why? Will you get a birdfeeder?Butterflies are attracted by certain types of plants. Findoutabout them. Then you have to locate the place where theseplantswould look nice. Even that is a job that requires a lot ofthoughtin it.While these are only some things that are important in aflowergarden design, these are not all. There are many othernuanceswhich you will be able to think of once you draw out thebasic planof a flower garden design and work upon it.
Diy Dog House Design 1.0
Constructing a DIY dog house will save youastack of cash, improve your woodworking skills, and giveyoucomplete creative control. Even if you've never attempted suchatask before, it's still one of the simplest Do-It-Yourselfprojectsout there. This article discusses your many style options,and aimsto get you off to the best start possible.Going Over Your OptionsBefore you make a run for your local lumber yard, it's importantforyou to know exactly what your options are. It's also importanttoweigh them up against what is possible for your particular breedofdog, as well as your particular property.The first decision you need to make is what shape and styleyourkennel will be. For the purpose of keeping things simple,thisarticle assumes that you aren't looking for anything toofancy.Besides, those things can come after you've finished themainstructure.The most common styles are:1) The Traditional Dog House - This one is what you'veseencountless times on the television. Snoopy had a house justlikethis!2) The Brick Dog Kennel - Very similar to the "Snoop" house,butchunkier, and obviously made from bricks.3) The Duplex Dog House - If you have more than one dog, this isagreat option. Not only will your pets have a separate roomeach,but they'll also be able to snuggle up together if they want.Thisis achieved by installing a simple removable wall.Of course, there are many more options available to you. You'llneedto sit down and go through the various styles at some point.Keep inmind that most internet-based building schematics come inpackageswith multiple styles. This means that there is no hurry todecideright away.Pre-Construction TipsHere are a few personal tips I'd like to share. They'reprettybasic, but will potentially save you a lot of trouble inthebuilding process.- Forget flat roofs. They tend to collect water and bend inthecentre. Your dog won't mind, I promise!- Make sure to build overhanging roofing, so the water runs faroffthe kennel entrance.- Use cedar if you can afford it. Treated pine is also fine,butyou'll have to give it a nice paint job for it to comeupgood.- Build on-site. No point in making a mess in the shed too!
DIY Food Decoration Ideas 1.0
You can made dainty pickup foods, such asEggSalad Crostini and Chicken Salad Crescent Rolls.These ideas work well for both late-morning andafternoonshowers.Here you will find inspiration on how to prepare food nice foreyes,what to serve at your next party or how to garnish dishes foryourlittle kid who doesn’t accept your healthy but boring foodandpushes it away.KEEP CALM AND DREAM ONHow to make cute gift to give you loved one? Choose acreativedesign on any kind of food with these 11 fun andfuss-freedecorating ideas that make your friends speechless.1. Creative Palm Tree Food DecorationDIY food decoration2. Fun Food Kids DIY Ideasfood decoration for child3. Cute Food Art For Kidscute food decorating ideas4. Watermelon and Kiwi Cute Food Decorationfruit decoration ideas5. Cheerful Rice Chickens And Strawberry DIYfood decoration Tutorial6. How To Make Funny Pink Piggie Food Decorationfood-decoration for kids7. Make This Easy And Tasty Fuit BouquetDIY fruit decorationideas8. Impressive Example Of Food Decoration: Green Melon Basketscreative fruit baskets DIY9. Five Minute Beautiful Decoration Ideasimple food-decoration-ideas10. Cute Fruit Plates DIY IdeasMake easy food decoration11. Your Guests Would Be In Awe Of The Creator Of ThisFoodDecorationWhen you make the decision to go completely raw, you mayfindyourself stuck with lots of produce that you won’t needanymore.Things like pasta, cans of beans, flour, jars of jam, riceandothers. Please don’t eat it because you feel bad about wastingit,you’ll just regret it later.Now, you could always just give it all away to your friends(that’swhat I did), but if you have a creative mind, why not havesome funwith it instead?Got too much tomato sauce in jars?There is a saying in Japan: "We first eat with our eyes andonlylater with our mouths.”The saying stems from the deep respect the Japanese have fortheirfood beyond its mere consumption.Natural ingredients are used; there is an unhurried, healthy wayofeating, and an appreciation of the beauty offoodpresentation.Indeed, Japanese cuisine places particular emphasis onfoodaesthetics, presentation and decoration (see otherarticlesincluded under Sugat's "Through Asian Eyes" feature).These aspects of Japanese cuisine influence the widerculinaryworld.See the way the following Japanese dish is served.Apple cut decorationApple cut decorationFigs and strawberry decorationFigs and strawberry decorationIntroduction to food presentation and fruit decorationIntroduction to food presentation and fruit decorationKarambola, apple and cherry decorationKarambola, apple and cherry decorationPeach decorationPeach decorationTomatoes have long been salad staples, but never have theyadornedyour salad quite like this before. Turn your daily saladfromordinary to sexy fabulosity by cutting and folding upthisbeautiful tomato rose. Excellent as a garnish on most fooddishesas well as a bowl of salad, this tomato rose is easy to makeandimpressive in show.
Modern Kitchen Cabinets 3.0.0
Modern kitchen cabinets can be designed and configured inhoweveryour space will allow. Generally, wood is chosen to matchthe otherwood in the house which is good for design balance andelegance.However, there is no set rule on how the modern kitchenshould bedesigned other than that it should be totally functional.If youwant more than one kind of wood or wood color in yourkitchen,today that is acceptable. In fact, in today's modernkitchen it isnot entirely necessary to have wood cabinets. Metalkitchencabinets are back in either stainless steel or other metalsand theretro kitchen is back with its metal cabinets. Most of themoderncabinets are made with a wood veneer covering plywood. Somecabinetveneers cover particleboard. The particleboard cabinets arenot thebest choice for your cabinets as the particleboard has atendencyto absorb the moisture created in the kitchen. Whenparticleboardabsorbs moisture it will swell and crack thus makingit a cabinetmaterial that is not reliable to hold heavy dishes andother itemsstored in kitchen cabinets. If you want to design yourmodernkitchen but don't know where to start then start with thekitchencabinet doors since they are the first thing you see whenyou comeinto the kitchen. The doors of the modern kitchen cabinetsshow thestyle of the kitchen. Like the cabinets the drawers areusuallynext in line to be seen on entering the kitchen. Theaccessory thatmost shows the style of the kitchen are the drawerpulls andhandles on the doors and drawers. These are most noticedwhenapplied to kitchen cabinetry. Using modern accessories showsamodern style kitchen. When making changes in your kitchen keepinmind that this room is the most used room in the house makeitcomfortable and functional and modern.