Hornetbzz Apps

DIABETooL HbA1c 1.2
Estimate the fast hemoglobin result (Glycatedhemoglobin HbA1c %) by calculation based on your last 3 monthsaverage blood glucose (You can usually read this value straightfrom your glucometer).This allows you to get an estimate of the potential value youshould get from a blood laboratory test. Sothat you know where youstand on a continuous basis.
DIABETooL HbA1c Reverse 1.0
Estimate the average blood glucose based onthe fast hemoglobin value. This is useful for doctors to give ablood glucose target to their patient with diabetes.The software is designed for both usual glucometer unit, e.g.mg/dL and mmol/L.
DIABETooL Insulin Calc
Summary:- Input your medical protocol and life conditions,- Run insulin Units calc,- Check record details,- View Statistics over period of time,- Check HbA1c estimate based on your average data,- View graphs,For who ?Especially designed for Diabetes type 1 patients, also knownasinsulin-dependent diabetes, following “functional insulintherapy”protocols with rapid acting insulins, either with by pumpor needleinjections. But also meaningful for doctors, advisersandnurses.For what ?First of all, because we have been dreaming for a while aboutitfor private usage. So we are very keen on sharing ourexperiencewith you.To compute the rapid acting insulin dose (UI) assumed tobeinjected according to the carbohydrates and lipid meat contentsandcorrective factors from your medical protocol. The input dataarelimited within default range values but input values keepanywayunder your entire responsibility. Your data are recordedlocallyinto your smart-phone database. You can export these datainto aCSV file format (e.g. to be able to easily import your dataintoyour PC favorite calc spreadsheet. In case of requestedexport(EXPORT button), the recorded CSV file will be localized ontoyourSD card. No data are exchanged with external devicesorservers.Full detailed statistics (average, min, max values overseveraltime periods) are available for each parameter (BloodGlucose,Insulin Units, Carbohydrates, Lipids).Every parameter is shown in a graphical view as well. The viewiszoomable (in/out). The base view shows last week data and it canbeslided or zoom over time just playing with your finger ends.