HongoApps Apps

Imagenes de Año Nuevo 4.0.2
Te presentamos unas imágenes con frases de añonuevo bonitas para felicitar y dedicar el fin de año.La galería de imágenes cuenta con fotos variadas para diversasocasiones, para amigos o para compartir.* Bonitas imágenes con dibujos de botellas de champagne y copasbrindando* Imágenes de fin de año graciosas y divertidas* Frases de deseos de año nuevo para facebook y whatsapp* Opción para colocar la imagen como fondo de pantalla para tumovil* Opción para guardar la imagen en la memoria-Agregadas imagenes para Navidad, santa claus y deseos de Navidad ynoche buena-Se quitaron las imágenes de años pasados 2015,2016,2017Este año nuevo felicita a todos tus amigos con esta sencillaaplicacion de facil manejo.We present some pictureswith phrases of beautiful New Year to congratulate and spend theend of the year.The gallery features varied for different occasions photos tofriends or to share.* Beautiful images with drawings of bottles of champagne andtoasting glasses* Images year so funny and fun* Phrases new year wishes for facebook and whatsapp* Option to place the image as wallpaper for your mobile* Option to save the image in memory-Agregadas Images for Christmas, Santa Claus and Christmas wishesand good nightHe took pictures of past years 2015,2016,2017This New Year congratulates all your friends with this simpleapplication easy to use.
Frases de Buenas noches 3.1.1
Con esta aplicación tendrás mas de 150 ideasde frases para desear una buena noche a alguien especial o a tusamigos y ahsta tu novio o novia.Las categorías que encontraras en esta aplicación son buenas nochesamor, amigos, grupo y familia.tendrás la opción para compartir rápidamente la frase por whatsapp,twitter y mas redes sociales.No te quedes sin palabras y dedica una frase de buena noche, queeso hablara muy bien de ti y te mostrara como una persona educada ysimpática.With this application youwill have more than 150 ideas phrases to wish good night to someonespecial or your friends and ahsta your boyfriend orgirlfriend.The categories you will find in this application are goodnightlove, friends, group and family.You have the option to quickly share the phrase whatsapp, twitterand more social networks.Do not stay without words and devotes a good night's phrase, thatspoke very highly of you and show you how polite and friendlyperson.
Frases de Dios 3.1.1
Lista de frases que hablan sobre dios,reflexiones sobre dios, y pensamientos cristianos de dios.Si eres religioso, esta aplicación te encantara porque te muestrauna recopilación de frases que habla sobre dios, la existencia dedios y la fe.Podrás hacer una lista con tus frases favoritas, e inclusocompartirlas por las redes sociales y enviarlas por mensaje.*Esta lista esta recopilada de internet, escrita por muchaspersonas anonimas.List of phrases thatspeak about God, thinking about God, and God Christianthoughts.If you are religious, you will love this application because itshows a collection of phrases talking about God, the existence ofGod and faith.You can make a list of your favorite phrases, and even share themon social networks and send them by post.* This list is compiled from internet, written by many anonymouspeople.
Frases de Frida Kahlo 3
Encuentra las mejores frases de la ArtistaPintora y poeta Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo Calderón, Mejorconocida como Frida Kahlo.Siempre lleva contigo esta aplicación con las palabras mas bonitasescritas por la famosa poeta Frida Kahlo, y comparte por las redessociales o estados de whatsapp estos mensajes.Es una lista variada de frases de diferentes temas, como el amor,reflexiones, de la vida etc.Find the best quotes ofthe Artist Painter and poet Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo Calderon,better known as Frida Kahlo.Always carry this application with the most beautiful words writtenby the famous poet Frida Kahlo, and share on social networks orstates whatsapp these messages.It is a varied list of phrases of different topics such as love,reflections, life etc.
Frases hermosas 3.1.1
Encuentra mas de 200 frases hermosas quepuedes utilizar para toda ocacion para tus estados de whatsapp oredes sociales.Las frases mas bonitas y hermosas para leer y reflexionar sobre lavida, amor, amistad, llévalas contigo siempre en tu móvil.* Opcion para hacer una lista con tus frases favoritas y tenerrapido acceso a ellas* Opcion para configurar una frase diaria* Opcion para compartir la frase hermosa rapidamente con tus redessocialesFind more than 200beautiful phrases that you can use for every occasion for yourstatements whatsapp or social networks.The most beautiful and beautiful phrases to read and reflect onlife, love, friendship, always take them with you on yourmobile.* Option to make a list of your favorite phrases and have quickaccess to them* Option to set a daily phrase* Option to share the beautiful phrase quickly with your socialnetworks
Frases chidas 3.1.1
Aplicacion con mas de 100 frases bien chidaspara compartir y colocar como estado en whatsapp, twitter y todaslas redes sociales.Son frases cortas chidas de diferentes temas, como el amor ydesamor, reflexiones chidas, y frases locas y divertidas paracompartir cuando no tengas idea que colocar como estado.Seguramente encontraras la frase indicada para tu red social.Application with morethan 100 well chidas phrases to share and position as a state inwhatsapp, twitter and all social networks.They are short chidas of different themes, such as love andheartbreak, chidas reflections, and crazy fun phrases and sentencesto share when you have no idea place as a state.Surely you will find the phrase indicated for your socialnetwork.
Kawaii images wallpapers 4.0.2
If you like anime and Japanese drawings, theimages of this application will enchant you !!Kawaii is a Japanese term used to describe something nice andtender. The images you will find here are cute and cute charactersthat you can install as wallpaper on your phone.The kawaii drawings are distinguished by pastel colors, charismaticcharacters and super cute !!. A kawaii effect can be applied toanything from food such as fruits, chocolates to anime and animalcharacters such as cute kittens.
Frases cristianas 3.1.1
Te mostramos las frases cristianas masbonitas, el contenido de esta aplicación son mas de 200 frases quehablan de dios y la fe cristiana.Estas son frases celebres de varios autores y pastores cristianos,cada frase tiene marcado el autor que dijo dicha frase.Encuentra en esta aplicacion el pensamiento cristiano mas bonitopara compartir en todas tus redes sociales con un clickfácilmente.We show you the mostbeautiful Christian phrases, the content of this application aremore than 200 phrases that speak of God and the Christianfaith.These are famous phrases of various authors and Christian pastors,each phrase has marked the author who said that phrase.Find in this application to share the most beautiful in all yoursocial networks with an easily click Christian thought.
Quotes about relationships 2.1
Selection of masterful and impactful thoughtson life, love, happiness, friendship, relationships betweenpartners, jealousy and other feelings of the human being in reallife.What you'll find in this app is:- long distance relationship quotes- relationships quotes and sayings- dating and relationships- love and friendship relationship quotesYou also can:- Choosing your favorite quotes- Share on social networks like WhatsApp or by message- Establish a daily phrase- Copy the phrase to the clipboard- Set as statusThe best thing is that you do not need internet connection to useit, you can carry these phrases always with you without having tospend the data.Express your feelings with these phrases, this application will bevery useful.
Quotes about Letting Go 2.1
Letting go is usually difficult, but therecomes a time in life when we have to do it. If we are not able toturn the page, we will continue to drag that pain and resentment.Letting go does not mean forgetting. To let go implies to subtractemotional impact to the experience, to accept it and to goahead.What you'll find in this app is:- More than 120 phrases- quotes about letting go and being happy- quotes about letting go of the past- quotes about letting go of love and moving onYou also can:- Choosing your favorite quotes- Share on social networks like WhatsApp or by message- Establish a daily phrase- Copy the phrase to the clipboard- Set as statusThe best thing is that you do not need internet connection to useit, you can carry these phrases always with you without having tospend the data.Express your feelings with these phrases, this application will bevery useful.
Quotes about Karma 2.1.2
The best application with phrases about karma,what is karma? It is an action on cause and effect applicable ongood actions and bad actions.The law of Karma is everywhere, even in love and life and can beinstant, good karma and bad karma.What you'll find in this application is:- More than 120 phrases- Messages of karma in love relationships- Karma phrases about love and life- Revenge PhrasesYou can also:- Choosing your favorite quotes- Share by social networks like whatsapp or by message- Set up a daily phrase- Copy the phrase to the clipboard- Use as statusThe best thing is that you do not need internet connection to useit, you can carry these phrases always with you without spendingdata.Express your feelings with these phrases, this application will bevery useful.
Quotes about Friday 2.1.1
These phrases are dedicated to the BEST day ofthe week, for those who like me wish every day was Friday.Compilation of pretty sentences to wish a good Friday to my friendsor my love through facebook twitter or other social networks. What you'll find in this app is:- More than 120 phrases- Weekend Phrases- Happy Friday Phrases- Phrases of the day Positive Friday and party.You also can:- Choosing your favorite quotes- Share on social networks like WhatsApp or by message- Establish a daily phrase- Copy the phrase to the clipboard- Set as statusThe best thing is that you do not need internet connection to useit, you can carry these phrases always with you without having tospend the data.Express your feelings with these phrases, this application will bevery useful.
Frases Bob Marley 3
El contenido de esta aplicación sonfrasescelebres del cantante compositor de reggae jamaiquinoBobMarley.Características de esta aplicación:* +150 frases de bob marley variadas* selecciona tus frases favoritas* frases cortas para compartir* No necesitas conexión a Internet para usar esta appBob Marley también fue un difusor del movimiento rastafari,lamayoría de sus frases hablan de la filosofía de la vida, mezcladeprofecías bíblicas, filosofía naturista y nacionalismonegroThe contents ofthisapplication are famous quotes from Jamaican reggaesingersongwriter Bob Marley.Features of this application:* +150 Phrases bob marley varied* Select your favorite quotes* Short sentences to share* No need internet connection to use this appBob Marley was also a diffuser of the Rastafarian movement, mostoftheir sentences talk about the philosophy of life, a mixtureofbiblical prophecies, naturist philosophy andblacknationalism
Frases para enamorar 3.1.1
Te gusta alguien? quieres enamorarlo/a? pruebadedicándole una de estas bonitas frases para enamorar que son ungran detalle cuando se dicen con el corazón.* +150 frases para enamorar y conquistar* Texto sin imágenes* No necesitas internet para usar esta app* Completamente GRATIS y en españolIncluso dedícalas a tu novio o novia para que el romanticismo nuncaacabe. Una persona romántica siempre demuestra lo que siente haciala otra persona, el afecto, las palabras de amor son los detallesque enamoran siempre, no solo las cosas materiales caras.Do you like someone? youwant him love / a? test dedicating one of these pretty phrases toseduce are a great touch when spoken from the heart.* +150 Phrases to woo and conquer* Text without images* No need internet to use this app* FREE and SpanishYou even dedícalas your boyfriend or girlfriend for romance neverends. A romantic person always shows what the other person feels,affection, words of love are the details that always in love, notonly material things expensive.
Galaxies wallpapers 4.0.2
Constellations, galaxies, the cosmos and theuniverse are amazing and very intriguing things.In this application we show you the most beautiful and strikinggalaxies to install as wallpaper and take with you a part of theuniverse in your android.Characteristics:- Images of cosmos and galaxies in Super HD- Function to place the image as wallpaper- Button to share the galaxy in social networks- You can save the photo in memory.- Colorful, striking and even fanciful galaxiesGalactic space is one of the things that man has tried tounderstand and find an explanation is impossible, there is nothingmore to admire the beauty of these constellations of the universethat are formed with beautiful colors and incredible figures.
Imagenes Tridimensionales 4.0.2
Colección con imágenes y pinturas entresdimensiones. Los artistas de arte gráficos nos sorprenden conestasincreíbles pinturas con un efecto tridimensional pintadas portodoel mundo en el suelo y las paredes, un efecto visual que tienesquever para creer.Imágenes asombrosas pintadas en el suelo con una perspectiva en3Dque te harán dudar si se trata de una pintura o es real.Características de esta fantástica app.* Imágenes fantásticas con efecto tridimensional* Pinturas en el suelo con perspectiva en 3d increíble* Dibujos con Ilusiones ópticas que te harán veralucinaciones* Pinturas Fotorealistas* Instala la imagen como fondo de pantalla* Guarda la imagen tridimensional como fondo de pantalla* Comparte el dibujo por las redes sociales y asombra a tusamigosde whatsapp, facebookAlgunas ilusiones ópticas tienen el efecto óptico demovimiento,algunas te harán ver alucinaciones.Collection withpicturesand paintings in three dimensions. Art graphics artistssurprise uswith these amazing paintings with a three dimensionaleffectworldwide painted on the floor and walls, a visual effectthat youhave to see to believe.Amazing images painted on the floor with a 3D perspective thatwillmake you doubt whether it is a painting or real.Features of this fantastic app.* Fantastic images with three-dimensional effect* Paintings on the floor with amazing 3D perspective* Drawings with optical illusions you will see hallucinations* Photorealistic paintings* Install the image as wallpaper* Save the three-dimensional image as wallpaper* Share the drawing by social networks and amaze yourfriendswhatsapp, facebookSome optical illusions are the illusion of movement, some willseeyou hallucinations.