Hassan_EM Apps

Islam - Le Saviez-Vous ? 2.0.0
Cette application a été créée dans un objectifd'information sur l'islam.Les informations recensées ici sont issues d'un travail derecherche sur les principaux sites internet parlant de la religion.Chaque utilisateur est invité à approfondir ces informations,auprès de sources sûres et fiables.Allahu A’lam (Dieu est le plus Savant).This application wascreated for the purposes of information about Islam.The information listed here are from a research on the majorinternet sites speaking of religion.Each user is invited to deepen this information from safe andreliable sources.Allahu A'lam (God knows best).
Little Muslim Games 1.2
Little Muslim Games is an educational appthathelp kids to learn the five pillars of Islam.Your kids will enjoy playing with this app and will learn thebasicsof IslamLittle Muslim Games est une application éducative destinéeauxenfants.Elle permet d'apprendre les 5 piliers de l'Islam toutens'amusant.Little Muslim Games isaneducational app help kids to learn That the five pillarsofIslam.Will your kids enjoy playing with this app and Will learn thebasicsof IslamLittle Muslim Games is an educational applicationforchildren.It helps to learn the five pillars of Islam while having fun.
i-Amazigh 8.0.0
L'application berbère. Actualités,histoire,musique,... vous trouverez dans cette application lesprincipalesinformations qui concernent le peuple Amazigh dans saglobalité(Kabyles, Chleuhs, Rifs, Chaouis, Touareg,..).The Berberapplication.News, history, music ... you will find in thisapplication the maininformation regarding the Amazigh people as awhole (Kabyle,Chleuhs, riffs, Chaouis, Touareg, ..).